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Mirror Feature Line


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So I am trying to add in the functionality to mirror feature lines (for some reason this functionality isn't built into AutoCAD). I have a few quick questions in how to go about it: 1) how do I make it "live" when running. What I mean is in the mirror command, you can view the objects being mirrored at different angles. 2)How exactly do I got about mirroring feature lines? Do I have to completely redraw them (get the bulge factors, elevation, etc.), or is there some other way? My code so far is:

(defun c:mirrorfeaturelines ()
 (if (and (setq ss (LM:ssget "\nSelect Feature Lines to Mirror: "
      '(((0 . "AECC_FEATURE_LINE")))
   (getpoint "\nSelect first point of mirror line: ")
     (repeat (sslength ss)

;; ssget  -  Lee Mac
;; A wrapper for the ssget function to permit the use of a custom selection prompt
;; msg - [str] selection prompt
;; arg - [lst] list of ssget arguments
(defun LM:ssget ( msg arg / sel )
   (princ msg)
   (setvar 'nomutt 1)
   (setq sel (vl-catch-all-apply 'ssget arg))
   (setvar 'nomutt 0)
   (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p sel)) sel)

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Not sure about feature lines but


Mirror object PT1 PT2 y/n


You only have 1 pt and need 2. It would make sense to use start & End ?

For some reason AutoCAD doesn't have the functionality to mirror feature lines. The reason I didn't insert the point 2 question, is because the mirror question makes this "live" (i.e. it shows the objects being mirrored as I move my cursor before actually selecting the point) and I don't know how to insert this functionality.
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Can you manually mirror a fetaure line ? If not then you would have to create from scratch. Now where is a feature line job.


Code wise something like mirror ssname "" (getpoint) pause y/n


The 1st change I would make is (setq pt1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point of mirror line: "))


Then in side repeat would be the pick 2nd point.

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For some reason AutoCAD doesn't have the functionality to mirror feature lines. The reason I didn't insert the point 2 question, is because the mirror question makes this "live" (i.e. it shows the objects being mirrored as I move my cursor before actually selecting the point) and I don't know how to insert this functionality.


What do you mean by "mirror feature line"? What are you trying to achieve that the built in MIRROR command doesn't do?



In terms of showing live geometry changes, I think you need to look into GREAD.




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Feature Line objects (AECC_FEATURE_LINE), do not have the mirror method supported with it. One workaround is to explode the feature line into a 3D polyline, which has the ability to be mirrored. The problem with this method is that arcs are converted into line segments, which is not okay on a few of my projects. That's why I am trying to come up with a routine to mirror feature lines themselves. I will look into the grread command and see what I can do.

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