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Need Help Please


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Hi Guys ,

I Need help again in DCL when I Click to Create button it not working and taking longtime

Please help




        label="Create :";
        label="Pick Point";



(defun c:test()
 (setq e "")
 (setq n "")
 (setq crt "0")
 (setq flag 4)
 (setq lst (list "Circle" "Point"))
 (setq dcl (load_dialog "pickpoint.dcl"))
 (defun check(bb x y)
   (if (= bb "Circle")
     (command "circle" (list x y) 2.0)
     (command "point" (list x y))
 (while (> flag 2)
   (if (not (new_dialog "pickpoint" dcl))
   (set_tile "e" e)
   (set_tile "n" n)
   (set_tile "crt" crt)
   (start_list "crt")
   (mapcar 'add_list lst)
   (action_tile "crt" "(setq ob $value)(setq crt (get_tile \"crt\"))")
   (action_tile "pick" "(done_dialog 4)")
   (action_tile "ok" "(check ob (atof e) (atof n)) (done_dialog 1)")
   (setq flag (start_dialog))
   (if (= flag 4)
(setq pos (getpoint))
        (setq e (rtos (car pos))
       n (rtos (cadr pos))
 (done_dialog dcl)

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Check this once :

  (defun check(bb x y)
   (if [color="red"](= bb "0")[/color]
     (command "circle" (list x y) 2.0)
     (command "point" (list x y))

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Check this once :

  (defun check(bb x y)
   (if [color="red"](= bb "0")[/color]
     (command "circle" (list x y) 2.0)
     (command "point" (list x y))


Command call does not work from action_tile so you must call that sub-function after unloading the dialog.

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Heres my practice code, after learning from Lee Mac, about writing such DCLs:

(defun C:test ( / *error* dcl des dch dcf e n ob p )
 (defun *error* ( msg )
   (and (< 0 dch) (unload_dialog dch))
   (and (eq 'FILE (type des)) (close des))
   (and (eq 'STR (type dcl)) (findfile dcl) (vl-file-delete dcl))
   (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) )
 ); defun *error*
       (and (setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl")) (setq des (open dcl "w"))
             "pickpoint : dialog"
             "{ label = \"Pickpoint\";"
             "  : row"
             "  { : popup_list { label = \"Create :\"; key = \"crt\"; edit_width = 15; }"
             "    : button { label = \"Pick Point\"; key = \"pick\"; width = 5; height = 1.5; }"
             "  }"
             "  : column"
             "  { : edit_box { label = \"Easting\"; key = \"e\"; edit_width = 15; }"
             "    : edit_box { label = \"Northing\"; key = \"n\"; edit_width = 15; }"
             "  }"
             "  : button { label = \"Create\"; key = \"ok\"; is_default = true; is_cancel = false; }"
           ); strcat
         ); princ / write-line
         (not (setq des (close des))) (< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog dcl))) 
       ); and
     ); not
     (princ "\nUnable to write or load the DCL file.")
       (mapcar 'set '(e n ob) '("" "" "0"))
       (while (/= 1 dcf)
           ( (not (new_dialog "pickpoint" dch)) (princ "\nUnable to display the dialog") (setq dcf 1) )
             (set_tile "crt" ob)
             (mapcar 'set_tile '("e" "n") (list e n))
             (start_list "crt") (mapcar 'add_list '("Circle" "Point")) (end_list)
               '(lambda (x) (apply 'action_tile x))
               '(("e" "(setq e $value)") ("n" "(setq n $value)") ("crt" "(setq ob $value)") ("pick" "(done_dialog 2)"))
             (action_tile "ok" 
                   ( (= "" e) (alert "\nSpecify Easting value!") )
                   ( (= "" n) (alert "\nSpecify Northing value!") )
                   ( (not (numberp (read e))) (alert "\nInvalid Easting value!") )
                   ( (not (numberp (read n))) (alert "\nInvalid Northing value!") )
                   ( (done_dialog 1) )
             (setq dcf (start_dialog))
         ); cond
         (if (and (= 2 dcf) (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify point: ")))
           (mapcar 'set '(e n) (mapcar 'rtos (list (car p) (cadr p)))) 
         ); if
       ); while   
       (if (setq p (list (read e) (read n) 0.))
             (assoc ob
                 (list "0" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE") (cons 10 p) (cons 40 2.0)))
                 (list "1" (list (cons 0 "POINT") (cons 10 p)))
       (*error* nil)
     ); progn
 ); cond
); defun

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wow. .! Grrr may be it takes many days to learn for me .. but pls guide me how to use those sub function like said by tharwat


Sent from my SM-E700H using Tapatalk

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wow. .! Grrr may be it takes many days to learn for me .. but pls guide me how to use those sub function like said by tharwat


Sent from my SM-E700H using Tapatalk


To avoid command calls then you either have to use entmake/x (check this thread) or invoke the vla-add method (which requires activex).

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Like Tharwat the option "pick point" within a dcl has been raised here many times, you do need to close the dcl pick the point and pop the dcl open again. You can do within the dcl say "Pick" or enter X & Y in boxes next to the "pick" option, if you do "pick" then you can display the point xy values when you return to the dcl and continue on.

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@bigal oh! that's why it takes so long and autocad closing itself

I think revise my codes as per your instructions


thank you Bigal


Sent from my SM-E700H using Tapatalk

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@grr thank you those codes are awesome I am going to learn with that codes thank you again


@ satis thank you for trying to help me


@ tharwat thank you for the hint


Sent from my SM-E700H using Tapatalk

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I want learn from lower so



@grrr nice LM style


Here's another lower version for novice


(defun c:test (/ dcl dd en cp ob l pt)

[color="green"];error handler try to code it by yourself[/color]

 (setq	dcl (load_dialog "pickpoint.dcl")
dd  2
en '("e" "n")
cp '("Circle" "Point")
pt  (getvar 'viewctr)

(while (>= dd 2)
   (if	(null (new_dialog "pickpoint" dcl))
   (set_tile "crt"
      (setq ob (cond (ob)("0")))
   (start_list "crt")
   (mapcar 'add_list cp)
   (action_tile "crt" "(setq ob $value)")
   (mapcar 'set_tile en (mapcar 'rtos pt '(2 2)))
     "(setq pt (mapcar '(lambda (x)(atof(get_tile x))) en ))(done_dialog 1)"
   (action_tile "pick" "(done_dialog 2)")
   (setq dd (start_dialog))
   (cond ((= dd 2) (setq pt (getpoint "\nSpecify point ")))
  ((= dd 1) (princ (mapcar ''((a b)(strcat " "(strcase a) "= "(rtos b 2)" ")) en pt)))
   ); While
 (setq l (list (cons 0 (nth (atoi ob) cp) )(cons 10 ([color="blue"]trans[/color] pt 1 0))))
 (unload_dialog dcl)
 (entmakex (if (zerop (atoi ob)) (append l '((40 . 2)))l))

Edited by hanhphuc
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