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AutoLISP program for grouping


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rectangle.jpgGood afternoon Everyone,


I have to do a project on AutoLISP and I'm new programming on this. Please help me with some recommendations about how to start and where I can find some tutorials for that.


I have a lot of polylines with the form of a rectangle. I want to do a program able to group them below certain parameters such as:


-Distance between one polyline and other.

-Area the rectangle have.


I receive all your comments.


Thank you.

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Perhaps THIS ?


No, Let's say I have a lot of rectangles that are not necessarily one next to the other. I just have a lot of them in the drawing and I need to group based on the conditions I mentioned before.


It is a good idea to group them that way, but it could be just drawing a circle that encloses them.


Thank you.

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Here is a real quick answer to one of your questions. just google Vl lisp commands.


(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick "))))
(alert (strcat "The area is " (rtos (vla-get-area obj) 2 2)))


The distance between two plines is a little more complicated a simple do they touch is "VLA-intersectwith obj1 obj2" returns true if the touch. Will leave closestpointto to another, bit of a hint there.

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