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[Civil 3D] How to get a area of Material Section.


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How to get a area of Material Section

Material Section is an object existing only in Civil 3D.

I am looking for the properties using:

(defun c:prop (/ p1 p2)
 (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel))))
 (setq p2 (vlax-get-property p1 "Parent"))
 (vlax-dump-object p2 'T)

I can not find this property (area).

The property is displayed in the window.

This is shown in the image.


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I can not find information about the area or coordinates.

I'm looking so.

You have some ideas.

  (setq obj (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object (car (entsel))))
 (vlax-dump-object obj 'T)



; Property values:

; Application (RO) = #

; DataType = 5

; Description = ""

; DisplayName (RO) = "SL Collection - 1 - 0+020.00 - Material List - (2) - Ground Fill(181)"

; Document (RO) = #

; ElevationMax (RO) = 112.042

; ElevationMin (RO) = 104.316

; EntityTransparency = "ByLayer"

; Handle (RO) = "6692"

; HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0

; Hyperlinks (RO) = #

; LabelGroups (RO) = ...Indexed contents not shown...

; Layer = "C-ROAD-SHAP"

; LengthLeft (RO) = -34.7016

; LengthRight (RO) = 14.3699

; Linetype = "ByLayer"

; LinetypeScale = 1.0

; Lineweight = -1

; Links (RO) = #

; MappingName (RO) = "Material List - (2)"

; Material = "ByLayer"

; MaterialName (RO) = "Ground Fill"

; Name = "SL Collection - 1 - 0+020.00 - Material List - (2) - Ground Fill(181)"

; ObjectID (RO) = 43

; ObjectID32 (RO) = 43

; ObjectName (RO) = "AeccDbMaterialSection"

; OwnerID (RO) = 78

; OwnerID32 (RO) = 78

; Parent (RO) = #

; PlotStyleName = "ByLayer"

; ShowToolTip = -1

; StaticDynamic = 1

; Station (RO) = 20.0

; Style = Civil 3D API: Taki interfejs nie jest obsługiwany.

; StyleName (RO) = "Fill Material"

; Surface (RO) = nil

; TrueColor = #

; Visible = -1

; Methods supported:

; ArrayPolar (3)

; ArrayRectangular (6)

; Copy ()

; Delete ()

; ElevationAt (1)

; GetBoundingBox (2)

; GetExtensionDictionary ()

; GetXData (3)

; Highlight (1)

; IntersectWith (2)

; IsReferenceObject ()

; IsReferenceStale ()

; IsReferenceSubObject ()

; IsReferenceValid ()

; Mirror (2)

; Mirror3D (3)

; Move (2)

; Rotate (2)

; Rotate3D (3)

; ScaleEntity (2)

; SetXData (2)

; TransformBy (1)

; Update ()


  (setq obj (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object (car (entsel))))
 (setq e1 (vlax-get-property obj "Parent"))
 (vlax-dump-object e1 'T)



; Property values:

; Application (RO) = #

; Description = ""

; DisplayName (RO) = "0+020.00"

; Document (RO) = #

; EntityTransparency = "ByLayer"

; Handle (RO) = "65DE"

; HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0

; Hyperlinks (RO) = #

; LabelStyle = Wystąpił wyjątek

; Layer = "C-ROAD-SAMP"

; Linetype = "ByLayer"

; LinetypeScale = 1.0

; Lineweight = -1

; LockToStation = -1

; Material = "ByLayer"

; Name = "0+020.00"

; ObjectID (RO) = 86

; ObjectID32 (RO) = 86

; ObjectName (RO) = "AeccDbSampleLine"

; OwnerID (RO) = 78

; OwnerID32 (RO) = 78

; Parent (RO) = #

; PlotStyleName = "ByLayer"

; Sections (RO) = #

; SectionViews (RO) = #

; ShowToolTip = -1

; Station = 20.0

; Style = #

; StyleName (RO) = "Road Sample Line"

; TrueColor = #

; Vertices (RO) = #

; Visible = -1

; Methods supported:

; ArrayPolar (3)

; ArrayRectangular (6)

; Copy ()

; Delete ()

; GetBoundingBox (2)

; GetExtensionDictionary ()

; GetXData (3)

; Highlight (1)

; IntersectWith (2)

; IsReferenceObject ()

; IsReferenceStale ()

; IsReferenceSubObject ()

; IsReferenceValid ()

; Mirror (2)

; Mirror3D (3)

; Move (2)

; Rotate (2)

; Rotate3D (3)

; ScaleEntity (2)

; SetXData (2)

; TransformBy (1)

; Update ()


  (setq obj (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object (car (entsel))))
 (setq e1 (vlax-get-property obj "Parent"))
 (setq e2 (vlax-get-property e1 "Vertices"))
 (vlax-dump-object e2 'T)



; Property values:

; Count (RO) = 2

; CountLeft (RO) = 1

; CountRight (RO) = 1

; Methods supported:

; Add (3)

; Insert (4)

; Item (1)

; Remove (1)

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I just found the coordinates the aligment

setq obj (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object (car (entsel))))
 (setq e1 (vlax-get-property obj "Parent"))
 (setq e2 (vlax-get-property e1 "Parent"))
 (setq e3 (vlax-get-property e2 "Parent"))
 (print (vlax-get (vlax-invoke-method e3 'GetLWPolyline) 'Coordinates))



(6742.69 3985.73 6889.64 4121.41)

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Area can not be read from the Material Section

(dumpallproperties (car (entsel)))


Select object: Begin dumping object (class: AeccDbMaterialSection)

AREA (type: double) = Failed to get value

Annotative (type: bool) (LocalName: Annotative) = Failed to get value

AnnotativeScale (type: AcString) (RO) (LocalName: Annotative scale) = Failed to get value

Area (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Area) = 0.000000

BlockId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = 7ffffb039f0

CastShadows (type: bool) = 1

ClassName (type: AcString) (RO) =

Closed (type: bool) (RO) (LocalName: Closed) = Failed to get value

CollisionType (type: AcDb::CollisionType) (RO) = 1

Color (type: AcCmColor) (LocalName: Color) = BYLAYER

EndParam (type: double) (RO) = 1.000000

EndPoint/X (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: End X) = 0.000000

EndPoint/Y (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: End Y) = 0.000000

EndPoint/Z (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: End Z) = 1.000000

ExtensionDictionary (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = 0

Handle (type: AcDbHandle) (RO) = 6690

HasFields (type: bool) (RO) = 0

HasSaveVersionOverride (type: bool) = 0

Hyperlinks (type: AcDbHyperlink*)

IsA (type: AcRxClass*) (RO) = AeccDbMaterialSection

IsAProxy (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsCancelling (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsEraseStatusToggled (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsErased (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsModified (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsModifiedGraphics (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsModifiedXData (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsNewObject (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsNotifyEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsNotifying (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsObjectIdsInFlux (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsPeriodic (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsPersistent (type: bool) (RO) = 1

IsPlanar (type: bool) (RO) = 1

IsReadEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 1

IsReallyClosing (type: bool) (RO) = 1

IsTransactionResident (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsUndoing (type: bool) (RO) = 0

IsWriteEnabled (type: bool) (RO) = 0

LayerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Layer) = 7ffffb05960

LineWeight (type: AcDb::LineWeight) (LocalName: Lineweight) = -1

LinetypeId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Linetype) = 7ffffb03950

LinetypeScale (type: double) (LocalName: Linetype scale) = 1.000000

LocalizedName (type: AcString) (RO) =

MaterialId (type: AcDbObjectId) (LocalName: Material) = 7ffffb064c0

MergeStyle (type: AcDb::DuplicateRecordCloning) (RO) = 1

ObjectId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = 7ffffb2f480

OwnerId (type: AcDbObjectId) (RO) = 7ffffb039f0

PlotStyleName (type: AcString) (LocalName: Plot style) = ByLayer

ReceiveShadows (type: bool) = 1

ShadowDisplay (type: AcDb::ShadowFlags) (RO) (LocalName: Shadow Display) = Failed to get value

StartParam (type: double) (RO) = 0.000000

StartPoint/X (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Start X) = 0.000000

StartPoint/Y (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Start Y) = 0.000000

StartPoint/Z (type: double) (RO) (LocalName: Start Z) = 0.000000

Transparency (type: AcCmTransparency) (LocalName: Transparency) = 0

Visible (type: AcDb::Visibility) = 0

End object dump

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