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LISP to change text colour based on value range


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Hi I'm looking to be able to change the colour of text based on the value. So if I have 200 text objects of differing values I can select them all and choose to change the colour to red if the value is above a certain number. It's for presenting a level survey and highlighting any discrepancies from the design level.

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Does the text only contain numerical content, or is the numerical content surrounded by other text content?


I'd ask the same thing, although this could be put in use:

; _$ (GetNumVal "abc256def,ghi1j3k4x") -> 256.134
(defun GetNumVal ( str / delimUsed )
(if (eq 'STR (type str))
		(vl-string-subst "." ","
			(apply 'strcat
				(vl-remove 'nil
							(lambda (x)
								(if (member x (mapcar 'chr (vl-string->list "1234567890.,")))
										((and (member x '("." ",")) (not delimUsed) (setq delimUsed T))
										((and (member x '("." ",")) delimUsed) nil)
										(T x)
									); cond
								); if
							); lambda
						); funciton
						(mapcar 'chr (vl-string->list str))
					); mapcar
				); vl-remove
			); apply 'strcat
		); vl-string-subst
	); atof
); if
); defun GetNumVal

And an example for not recommended strings:

; _$ (GetNumVal "245.5x640.2") -> 245.564 

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Real quick and dirty


(setq ss (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "TEXT"))))
(repeat (setq x (sslength ss))
(setq obj  (ssname ss (setq x (- x 1))))
(if (< 100.0 (atof (vla-get-textstring (vlax-ename->vla-object obj))))
(command "chprop" obj "" "col" 1 "")

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Jamesjh1171, could you provide a sample drawing to test on, please.


Nevermind, wrote something (might be not exactly what you want):


; Symetrical text coloring from the mid value
(defun C:test ( / colInc colRange inc SSX i Lst NumVals MMM Range c enx )
		(setq colInc 1)
		(setq colRange '(10 250))
		(not (initget (+ 1 2 4)))
		(setq inc (getreal "\nSpecify increment: "))
		(setq SSX (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport)) (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)) '(410 . "Model")))))
		(repeat (setq i (sslength SSX))
			(setq Lst (cons (entget (ssname SSX (setq i (1- i)))) Lst))
		); repeat
		; (setq Lst (vl-remove-if (function (lambda (x) (= 0.0 (atof (cdr (assoc 1 x)))))) Lst))
		; (setq NumVals (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (atof (cdr (assoc 1 x))))) Lst))
		(setq Lst (vl-remove-if (function (lambda (x) (= 0.0 (GetNumVal (cdr (assoc 1 x)))))) Lst))
		(setq NumVals (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (GetNumVal (cdr (assoc 1 x))))) Lst))
			MMM (cons (apply 'min NumVals) MMM)
			MMM (cons (apply 'max NumVals) MMM)
			MMM (cons (/ (apply '+ MMM) 2.) MMM)
			MMM (vl-sort MMM '<)
		); setq Min Mid Max
		(and (not Range) (setq Range (list (- (cadr MMM) inc) (+ (cadr MMM) inc))))
		(and (not c) (setq c (car colRange)))
		(while (apply '<= (mapcar 'abs (list (apply '- Range) (apply '- (list (car MMM) (caddr MMM))))))		
			(foreach x NumVals
					(not (apply '<= (list (car Range) x (cadr Range))))
					(setq enx (nth (vl-position x Numvals) Lst))
						(and (assoc 62 enx) (entmod (subst (cons 62 c) (assoc 62 enx) enx)))
						(entmod (append enx (list (cons 62 c))))
				); and
			); foreach
			(setq Range (apply (function (lambda (a b) (list (- a (/ inc 2)) (+ b (/ inc 2))))) Range)) 
			(setq c (rem (+ c colInc) (cadr colRange)))
			(cond (= 0 c) (setq c (car colRange)))
		); while
	); progn
); if
);| defun |; (vl-load-com) (princ)

(defun GetNumVal ( str / delimUsed )
(if (eq 'STR (type str))
		(vl-string-subst "." ","
			(apply 'strcat
				(vl-remove 'nil
							(lambda (x)
								(if (member x (mapcar 'chr (vl-string->list "1234567890.,")))
										((and (member x '("." ",")) (not delimUsed) (setq delimUsed T))
										((and (member x '("." ",")) delimUsed) nil)
										(T x)
									); cond
								); if
							); lambda
						); funciton
						(mapcar 'chr (vl-string->list str))
					); mapcar
				); vl-remove
			); apply 'strcat
		); vl-string-subst
	); atof
); if
); defun GetNumVal

It changes symetrically the colour from the mid value.

Edited by Grrr
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OK how do I attach a dwg?


See this

EDIT: Aaany way..

(defun C:test ( / CustomPrompt ChangeCol inputLst SSX i Lst Start End n c )

(defun CustomPrompt ( / Lst R c )
	(setq Lst (list (cons "nInc" 10) (cons "cInc" 1) (cons "cMin" 10) (cons "cMax" 250)))
	(not (initget (+ 2 4) "Color")) 
		( (not (setq R (getreal (strcat "\nSpecify increment or [Color] < " (rtos (cdr (assoc "nInc" Lst)) 2 2) " >: ")))) (setq R (cdr (assoc "nInc" Lst))) )
		( (numberp R) (setq Lst (subst (cons "nInc" R) (assoc "nInc" Lst) Lst)) )
		((= "Color" R)
			(foreach x (mapcar 'list '("cInc" "cMin" "cMax" "nInc") '("Specify color increment" "Specify min color range" "Specify max color range" "Specify increment"))
				(and (not (initget (+ 2 4))) (setq c (getint (strcat "\n " (cadr x) " < " (itoa (cdr (assoc (car x) Lst))) " >: ")))
					(if (not (and (wcmatch (car x) "c*") (>= c 256))) (setq Lst (subst (cons (car x) c) (assoc (car x) Lst) Lst)) )
	); cond
); defun CustomPrompt
(defun ChangeCol ( enx col ) (or (and (assoc 62 enx) (entmod (subst (cons 62 col) (assoc 62 enx) enx))) (entmod (append enx (list (cons 62 col)))) ) ); defun ChangeCol

		ChangeCol CustomPrompt (setq inputLst (CustomPrompt))
		(setq SSX (ssget "_X" (list (cons 0 "TEXT") (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport)) (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)) '(410 . "Model")))))
	); and
		(repeat (setq i (sslength SSX)) (setq Lst (cons (cdr (assoc 5 (entget (ssname SSX (setq i (1- i)))))) Lst)) ); repeat
		(setq Lst (mapcar 'list (setq Lst (vl-remove-if (function (lambda (x) (= 0.0 (atof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (handent x)))))))) Lst))
			(mapcar (function (lambda (x) (atof (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (handent x))))))) Lst)
		); setq Lst
		); setq Lst
		(setq Lst (vl-sort Lst (function (lambda (a b) (< (cadr a) (cadr b))))))
		(setq Start (cadar Lst))
		(setq End (last (last Lst)))
		(and (not n) (setq n Start))
		(and (not c) (setq c (cdr (assoc "cMin" inputLst))))
		(while (<= n End)
			(foreach x Lst (and (<= n (cadr x) End) (ChangeCol (entget (handent (car x))) c) ) ); foreach
			(setq n (+ n (cdr (assoc "nInc" inputLst))))
			(setq c (rem (+ c (cdr (assoc "cInc" inputLst))) (cdr (assoc "cMax" inputLst))))
		); while
	); progn
); if
);| defun |; (vl-load-com) (princ)




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Nice one Grr I think you have been out watching the sun set to often making all those colours :lol:. In Civ3d they have a style called Rainbow for contours very similar.

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Nice one Grr I think you have been out watching the sun set to often making all those colours :lol:. In Civ3d they have a style called Rainbow for contours very similar.


Thanks, it was interesting to write it, tho I feel bad that I didn't leave it for Lee.

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...highlighting any discrepancies from the design level.


hi all

If TEXT are elevated, quick & dirty

[color="darkgreen"];Highlight text above input elevations
;if survey topo dwg spot level text content not telly with elevation (Z coordinates)[/color]
(defun c:demo (/  z ss) 
(while (setq z (getreal "\nEnter elevation : ")) ;enter to exit
     (if (setq ss (ssget "_X"(mapcar 'cons '(0 -4 10) (list "TEXT" "*,*,[color="red"]>=[/color]" (list 0.0 0.0 z))))) [color="green"];try <=,<>,<,>,=[/color]
(sssetfirst nil ss)(sssetfirst nil)))

Edited by hanhphuc
opr & comment color
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