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Help with Flange lisp


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Hey guys I have a lisp routine to draw "flanges" for isometric piping. Basically drawings two lines that are a specific length and distance apart. The lisp prompts user for initial point(P1) then direction of flanges(P2).


The problem I am having is for some reason I cant figure out why the flanges are centered around Point 1 instead of the first flange (line) being at P1 and the second flange (line) being at the specified distance in the direction of P2. check it out, run a test and report back if you can. I would love to learn the way to tweak this for future encounters with the same issue. See photos also.


Thank you in advance. Please let me know if I can assist in any way.




(defun c:FLANGES_DCP (/ *ERROR* test oldsnap oldorth oldlayr oldos p1 p2 xp1 xp2 yp1 yp2 PZ)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command "undo" "m")
(defun *error* (msg)
    (if oldlayr (setvar "clayer" oldlayr))
    (if oldos (setvar "osmode" oldos))
    (if oldorth (setvar "orthomode" oldorth))
    (if oldsnap (setvar "snapstyl" oldsnap))
    (if msg (prompt msg))

(defun drawflng (/ OLDPWID e1 e2)
(setq oldpwid (getvar "plinewid")) (command "._plinewid" "0")
(command "._pline" p3 p6 "") (setq e1 (entlast)) (setq flnggrp (ssget "l"))
(command "._pline" p4 p5 "") (setq e2 (entlast)) (ssadd e2 flnggrp)
(command "._plinewid" oldpwid)

(defun one () (drawflng) (prin1))

(defun two () (drawflng)
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "180.0") (prin1))

(defun three (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y")
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "180.0") (prin1))

(defun four (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y") (prin1))

(defun five (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y")
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "60.0") (prin1))

(defun six () (drawflng)
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "300.0") (prin1))

(defun seven () (drawflng)
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "120.0") (prin1))

(defun eight (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y")
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "240.0") (prin1))

(defun nine (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y")
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "120.0") (prin1))

(defun ten (/ px) (drawflng)
(setq px (make_pt p1 (dtr 90.0) 0.1))
(command "._mirror" flnggrp "" p1 px "y")
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "300.0") (prin1))

(defun eleven () (drawflng)
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "240.0") (prin1))

(defun twelve () (drawflng)
(command "._rotate" flnggrp "" p1 "60.0") (prin1))

(defun right ()
(if (and (< xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (three))
(if (and (> xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (four))
(if (and (= xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (six))
(if (and (= xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (seven))

(defun top ()
(if (and (< xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (nine))
(if (and (> xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (ten))
(if (and (> xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (eleven))
(if (and (< xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (twelve))

(defun left ()
(if (and (< xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (one))
(if (and (> xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (two))
(if (and (= xp1 xp2) (> yp1 yp2)) (five))
(if (and (= xp1 xp2) (< yp1 yp2)) (eight))

(defun setpnts (/ p3 p4 p5 p6)
(setq p3 (make_pt p1 (dtr 70.89339442) 0.0533))
(setq p4 (make_pt p3 (dtr 150.0) 0.0420))
(setq p5 (make_pt p4 (dtr 270.0) 0.12))
(setq p6 (make_pt p3 (dtr 270.0) 0.12))
(if (= test 0) (left)) (if (= test 1) (top)) (if (= test 2) (right))

(setq oldsnap (getvar "snapstyl")) 
(setvar "snapstyl" 1)
(setq oldorth (getvar "orthomode")) 
(setvar "orthomode" 1)
(setq oldos (getvar "osmode"))
(setq oldlayr (getvar "clayer"))
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nStart point: "))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(initget 32) (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nDirection of line: "))
(setq test (getvar "snapisopair")) 
;(setq headtype 3)
(setq xp1 (car p1)) (setq xp2 (car p2))
(setq yp1 (cadr p1)) (setq yp2 (cadr p2))
(setvar "snapstyl" oldsnap) 
(setvar "orthomode" oldorth) 
(command "._layer" "s" oldlayr "")
(*error* nil)











Edited by tmelancon
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