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'VLIDE too many arguments (repeat not functioning as expected)


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If I run each line of this section of code it works , but if I incorporate it in modified VPSEL lisp, it gets stacked somewhere. Lisp doesn't stop on error, neither on break toggle. I wonder if I need (else parameter in (if                            .and if I need else parameter indeed I don't know how tell the lisp continue to next item.

(setq data ss1)

(setq i 0)
(repeat	(sslength data)
  (setq e (ssname data i))
  (if (and (< i (sslength data))
	   (equal "DIMENSION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))))

    (setq entdimnstyle (entget e))
    (setq newdim (subst	(cons 3 "NewDimension")
			(assoc 3 entdimnstyle)
	  (entmod newdim)
    (setq i (1+ i))



and here is the complete code

;;; vpsel.lsp
;;; By Jimmy Bergmark
;;; Copyright (C) 1997-2006 JTB World, All Rights Reserved
;;; Website: www.jtbworld.com
;;; E-mail: info@jtbworld.com
;;; 2000-04-14 - First release
;;; Tested on AutoCAD 2000
;;;  Select all visible objects in selected or active paperspace viewport
;;;  Works transparently when in modelspace and for polygonal viewports too
;;;  Example1: ERASE ALL R 'VPC >>> Erase all in model except what is visible
;;;  Example2: (command "erase" "all" "r" (c:vpc) "")
;;;  Example3: VPC ERASE >>> VPC is run previous the command and the objects
;;;                            are also in previous selection set
;;;  c:vpc - select all visible objects with crossing in viewport
;;;  c:vpw - select all visible objects with window in viewport

(defun c:vpttt ()
  (vpselttt "C")

(defun c:vpwttt ()
  (vpselttt "W")

(defun dxf (n ed) (cdr (assoc n ed)))

(defun vpselttt (typ   /     ad    ss    ent   vpno  ok    vpbl  vpur
              msbl  msur  msul  mslr  ss1   pl    nlist x     n
  (setq ok t)
  (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0)
      (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
      (if (= (getvar "cvport") 1)
        (if (and (= (getvar "cmdactive") 0)
                (setq ss (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "VIEWPORT")))) 
            (setq ent (ssname ss 2))
            (setq vpno (dxf 69 (entget ent)))
            (vla-Display (vla-get-activepviewport ad) :vlax-true)
            (vla-put-mspace ad :vlax-true)
            (setvar "cvport" vpno)
            (setq ok nil)
        (setq ent (vlax-vla-object->ename (vla-get-activepviewport ad)))
      (if (and ok (/= 1 (logand 1 (dxf 90 (setq ed (entget ent))))))
          (if (= (vla-get-clipped (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
                (vla-get-activepviewport ad)
              (setq msbl (trans (vlax-safearray->list vpbl) 3 2))
              (setq msur (trans (vlax-safearray->list vpur) 3 2))
              (setq msul (list (car msbl) (cadr msur)))
              (setq mslr (list (car msur) (cadr msbl)))
              (setq ss1
                     (ssget (strcat typ "P") (list msbl msul msur mslr))
;;;           (progn
;;;              (setq pl (entget (dxf 340 (entget ent))))
;;;              (setq nlist nil)
;;;              (foreach x pl
;;;                (if (eq 10 (car x))
;;;                  (setq nlist (cons (trans (cdr x) 3 2) nlist))
;;;                )
;;;              )
;;;              (setq ss1 (ssget (strcat typ "P") nlist))
;;;            )
          (sssetfirst nil ss1)
          (if ss1
            (setq n (sslength ss1))
            (setq n 0)
          (princ n)
          (princ " found ")
          (if (and ss1 (= (getvar "cmdactive") 1))
;;;  (setq ss nil ss1 nil)
(setq data ss1)

(setq i 0)
(repeat	(sslength data)
  (setq e (ssname data i))
  (if (and (< i (sslength data))
	   (equal "DIMENSION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))))

    (setq entdimnstyle (entget e))
    (setq newdim (subst	(cons 3 "NewDimension")
			(assoc 3 entdimnstyle)
	  (entmod newdim)
    (setq i (1+ i))





Thank you for the input!

Edited by nzoro99
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This worked for me

;;; vpsel.lsp
;;; By Jimmy Bergmark
;;; Copyright (C) 1997-2006 JTB World, All Rights Reserved
;;; Website: www.jtbworld.com
;;; E-mail: info@jtbworld.com
;;; 2000-04-14 - First release
;;; Tested on AutoCAD 2000
;;;  Select all visible objects in selected or active paperspace viewport
;;;  Works transparently when in modelspace and for polygonal viewports too
;;;  Example1: ERASE ALL R 'VPC >>> Erase all in model except what is visible
;;;  Example2: (command "erase" "all" "r" (c:vpc) "")
;;;  Example3: VPC ERASE >>> VPC is run previous the command and the objects
;;;                            are also in previous selection set
;;;  c:vpc - select all visible objects with crossing in viewport
;;;  c:vpw - select all visible objects with window in viewport

(defun c:vpttt ()
  (vpselttt "C")

(defun c:vpwttt ()
  (vpselttt "W")

(defun dxf (n ed) (cdr (assoc n ed)))

(defun vpselttt (typ   /     ad    ss    ent   vpno  ok    vpbl  vpur
              msbl  msur  msul  mslr  ss1   pl    nlist x     n
  (setq ok t)
  (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0)
      (setq ad (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
      (if (= (getvar "cvport") 1)
        (if (and (= (getvar "cmdactive") 0)
                (setq ss (ssget "_x" (list '(0 . "VIEWPORT")))) 
            (setq ent (ssname ss 2))
            (setq vpno (dxf 69 (entget ent)))
            (vla-Display (vla-get-activepviewport ad) :vlax-true)
            (vla-put-mspace ad :vlax-true)
            (setvar "cvport" vpno)
            (setq ok nil)
        (setq ent (vlax-vla-object->ename (vla-get-activepviewport ad)))
      (if (and ok (/= 1 (logand 1 (dxf 90 (setq ed (entget ent))))))
          (if (= (vla-get-clipped (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
                (vla-get-activepviewport ad)
              (setq msbl (trans (vlax-safearray->list vpbl) 3 2))
              (setq msur (trans (vlax-safearray->list vpur) 3 2))
              (setq msul (list (car msbl) (cadr msur)))
              (setq mslr (list (car msur) (cadr msbl)))
              (setq ss1
                     (ssget (strcat typ "P") (list msbl msul msur mslr))
;;;           (progn
;;;              (setq pl (entget (dxf 340 (entget ent))))
;;;              (setq nlist nil)
;;;              (foreach x pl
;;;                (if (eq 10 (car x))
;;;                  (setq nlist (cons (trans (cdr x) 3 2) nlist))
;;;                )
;;;              )
;;;              (setq ss1 (ssget (strcat typ "P") nlist))
;;;            )
          (sssetfirst nil ss1)
          (if ss1
            (setq n (sslength ss1))
            (setq n 0)
          (princ n)
          (princ " found ")
          (if (and ss1 (= (getvar "cmdactive") 1))
;;;  (setq ss nil ss1 nil)
(setq data ss1)

(setq i 0)
(repeat	(sslength data)
  (setq e (ssname data i))
    (and (< i (sslength data))
	   (equal "DIMENSION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget e))))

    (setq entdimnstyle (entget e))
    (setq newdim (subst	(cons 3 "NewDimension")
			(assoc 3 entdimnstyle)
	  (entmod newdim)
 (setq i (1+ i))

 (setq i (1+ i))





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