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Increment value Lisp needed (with frames)


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VVA has exactly what I need to help me with a job. The only thing missing that would complete the code would be able to add a block around the number being set out. Is there a way this can be done?

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Analogue of a command "NUM" for work with the block look ASMI's "Apnum"

Other version Apnum with alignment (add 0 before number) of number

;;; Numbering of the block with unique attribute with alignment (add 0 before number) of number
(defun c:apnumA (/ oldStart oldPref oldSuf oldEcho
       oldSize oldBlock temBl *error* att)
 (defun *error* (msg) 
   (setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho) 
(setvar "ATTDIA" att)
   ); end *error* 
 (if(not apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size 1.0)) 
 (if(not apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num 1))
 (if(not apnum:Alig)(setq apnum:Alig "1"))
 (if(not apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref "")) 
 (if(not apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf "")) 
 (setq  oldStart apnum:Num 
  oldSize apnum:Size
  oldPref apnum:Pref 
  oldSuf apnum:Suf 
  oldEcho(getvar "CMDECHO") 
  att (getvar "ATTDIA")
  ); end setq 
 (setvar "ATTDIA" 0)(setvar "ATTREQ" 1)
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setq apnum:Pref 
   (getstring T
     (strcat "\nType prefix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Pref"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref oldPref)) 
 (if(= " " apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref "")) 
 (setq apnum:Suf 
   (getstring T
      (strcat "\nType suffix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Suf"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf oldSuf)) 
 (if(= " " apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf "")) 
 (setq apnum:Num 
     (strcat "\nSpecify start number <"(itoa apnum:Num)">: "))) 
 (if(null apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num oldStart))
  (setq  oldStart apnum:Alig)
 (initget "1 10 100 1000 10000 100000")
 (setq apnum:Alig 
     (strcat "\nSpecify alignment of number [1/10/100/1000/10000/100000] <"apnum:Alig">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Alig)(setq apnum:Alig oldStart))
   (setq apnum:Size 
     (strcat "\nSpecify block scale <"(rtos apnum:Size)">: "))) 
 (if(null apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size oldSize))
 (if apnum:Block(setq oldBlock apnum:Block))
 (setq temBl
    (entsel(strcat "\nSelect block <"
        (if apnum:Block apnum:Block "not difined") "> > "))); end setq
   ((and apnum:Block(not temBl)(tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
   (setq apnum:Block oldBlock)
    ); end condition #1
   ((= 1 (cdr(assoc 66(entget(car temBl)))))
   (setq apnum:Block(cdr(assoc 2(entget(car temBl)))))
   ); end condition #2
    (princ "\nBlock not contains attribute! ")
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #3
   ); end cond
 (if apnum:Block
     (princ "\n>>> Pick insertion point or press Esc to quit <<<\n ")
(while T
 (setq temBl (itoa apnum:Num))
 (while (< (strlen temBl)(1- (strlen apnum:Alig)))
   (setq temBl (strcat "0" temBl)))
 (command "_-insert" apnum:Block "_s" apnum:Size pause "0"
      (strcat apnum:Pref
       apnum:Suf)); end command
   (setq apnum:Num (1+ apnum:Num)) 
 ); end while
); end progn
   ); end if
 (setvar "ATTDIA" att)

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The variant if the block has some attributes

(defun c:binc (/ oldStart oldPref oldSuf oldEcho oldInc
       oldSize oldBlock temBl *error* att attr apnum:tag pt )

;==== Local functions ============
 (defun *error* (msg)(setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho)(setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)(princ)); end *error*
 (defun mydcl (zagl info-list / fl ret dcl_id)
   (if (null zagl)(setq zagl "Select")) ;_ end of if
   (setq fl (vl-filename-mktemp "mip" nil ".dcl"))
   (setq ret (open fl "w"))
   (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line x ret))
           (list "mip_msg : dialog { "
                 (strcat "label=\"" zagl "\";")
                 " :list_box {"
                 "alignment=top ;"
                 "width=51 ;"
                 (if (> (length info-list) 26)
                     "height= 26 ;"
                     (strcat "height= " (itoa (+ 3 (length info-list))) ";")
                 ) ;_ end of if
                 "is_tab_stop = false ;"
                 "key = \"info\";}"
           ) ;_ end of list
   ) ;_ end of mapcar
   (setq ret (close ret))
   (if (and (not(minusp(setq dcl_id (load_dialog fl))))
     (new_dialog "mip_msg" dcl_id))
               (start_list "info")(mapcar 'add_list info-list)
               (end_list)(set_tile "info" "0")
               (setq ret (car info-list))
               (action_tile "info" "(setq ret (nth (atoi $value) info-list))")
               (action_tile "cancel" "(progn(setq ret nil)(done_dialog 0))")
               (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")(start_dialog)
           ) ;_ end of progn
   ) ;_ end of if
   (unload_dialog dcl_id)(vl-file-delete fl) ret) ;_ end of defun
 (defun mip-conv-to-str (dat)
 (cond ((= (type dat) 'INT)(setq dat (itoa dat)))
        ((= (type dat) 'REAL)(setq dat (rtos dat 2 12)))
       ((null dat)(setq dat ""))
       (t (setq dat (vl-princ-to-string dat)))))
;; obj - Ename or Vla object of block
;; att_list - list ((Tag_Name1 . Value1)(Tag_Name2 . Value2) ...)
;;                 Tag_Name - string
;;                    Value - string
(defun mip-block-setattr-bylist (obj att_list / txt lst)
(if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
(setq att_list (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str(car x)))(mip-conv-to-str(cdr x)))) att_list))
 (if (and obj
          (not(vlax-erased-p obj))
          (= (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDbBlockReference")
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
   (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (vlax-write-enabled-p obj)
(lambda ()
         (foreach at (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
           (if (setq lst (assoc(strcase(vla-get-TagString at)) att_list))
             (vla-put-TextString at (cdr lst))
 (defun get-all-atts (obj)
 (if (and obj
   (and (= (type obj) 'ENAME)
 (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
          (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
(lambda ()
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (cons (vla-get-TagString x)
       (vla-get-TextString x)
   (append (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
    (vlax-invoke obj 'Getconstantattributes)
(defun rec-pat (str temp)
   ((= str "")(if (/= temp "")(list temp)))
   ((wcmatch (substr str 1 1) "[1234567890.]")
    (rec-pat (substr str 2) (strcat temp (substr str 1 1)))
   (t (if (/= temp "")
       (cons temp (rec-pat str ""))
       (rec-pat (substr str 2) "")
      ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of defun
;==== Local functions END ============
 (if(not apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size 1.0))
 (if(not apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num 1))
 (if(not apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc 1))
 (if(not apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (if(not apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (setq  oldStart apnum:Num oldSize apnum:Size oldInc apnum:Inc
        oldPref apnum:Pref oldSuf apnum:Suf
        apnum:Block (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Block)
        apnum:tag (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag)
        oldEcho (getvar "CMDECHO")
        att (getvar "ATTDIA") attr (getvar "ATTREQ")); end setq
 (setvar "ATTDIA" 0)(setvar "ATTREQ" 0)
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setq apnum:Pref
   (getstring T
     (strcat "\nType prefix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Pref"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref oldPref))
 (if(= " " apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (setq apnum:Suf
   (getstring T
      (strcat "\nType suffix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Suf"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf oldSuf))
 (if(= " " apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (if apnum:Block(setq oldBlock apnum:Block))
 (setq temBl
    (entsel(strcat "\nSelect block <"
        (if apnum:Block apnum:Block "not difined") "> > "))); end setq
   ((or (and tembl (= 1 (cdr(assoc 66(entget(car temBl)))))
  (= "INSERT" (cdr(assoc 0(entget(car temBl)))))
 (and apnum:Block (setq tembl (tblobjname "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
      (setq tembl (list tembl))
     (setq apnum:Block(cdr(assoc 2(entget(car temBl)))))
     ((lambda( / lst e1 ed ss i)
       (setq e1 (entnext (car temBl)))
       (while (AND e1
   (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq ed (entget e1)))) "ATTRIB,ATTDEF")
     ) ;_ End of AND
  (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 2 ed)) lst))
  (setq e1 (entnext e1))
 (cond ((= 0 (length lst))(setq apnum:Block nil))
       ((= 1 (length lst))(setq apnum:tag (car lst)))
       (t (setq apnum:tag (mydcl "Select attribute" (acad_strlsort lst))))
(terpri)(princ apnum:tag)
;;;Russian text
;;; Максимальный номер берется как максимальное число всех значений атрибутов
;;; Высчитыватся так (допустим значение атрибута   D3SE/0-008A18B3:
;;;        Значение префикса D3SE/0-
;;;        Значение суффикса B3 
;;;         1. Из значения атрибута удаляется префикс и суффикс
;;;                Значение атрибута - 008A18
;;;         2. В значении атрибута выбираются все цифры ("008" "18")
;;;         3. Из них за число атрибута берется число с максимальной последовательностью цифр
;;;                    т.е. 8, а не 18
   (setq ss nil ss (ssget "_X" (list
   '(0 . "INSERT")
   (cons 2  apnum:Block)
   (cons 410 (getvar "CTAB")))))
   (setq lst nil i '-1)
     (repeat (sslength ss)
        (setq lst (cons (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))) lst))
        (setq apnum:Num (1+
        (mapcar 'atoi
               (mapcar 'mip-conv-to-str        
        (mapcar '(lambda(f / mst)
     (setq mst (apply 'max (mapcar 'strlen f)))
     (car(vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(f1)(= mst (strlen f1))) f))
        (mapcar '(lambda(z)(rec-pat z ""))
 (mapcar '(lambda(y)
         (vl-string-right-trim (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Suf)
  (vl-string-left-trim apnum:pref y)))
  (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cdr(assoc (strcase apnum:tag)(get-all-atts x)))) lst)))
   ); end condition #2
   ((null (tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
    (alert (strcat "Block " apnum:Block " not found"))
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #0
   ((and apnum:Block(not temBl)(tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
   (setq apnum:Block oldBlock)
    ); end condition #1
    (princ "\nBlock not contains attribute! ")
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #3
   ); end cond
 (setq apnum:Num
     (strcat "\nSpecify start number <"(itoa apnum:Num)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num oldStart))
 (setq apnum:Inc
     (strcat "\nSpecify increment <"(itoa apnum:Inc)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc oldInc))
 (setq apnum:Size
     (strcat "\nSpecify block scale <"(rtos apnum:Size)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size oldSize))
(terpri)(princ apnum:tag)(princ  " ZZZ ")(princ apnum:Block)
 (if (and apnum:Block apnum:tag)
(while T
 (princ "\n>>> Pick insertion point or press Esc to quit <<<\n")
 (command "_-insert" apnum:Block "_s" apnum:Size pause "0")
  (mip-block-setattr-bylist (entlast)
    (list(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag))
               (strcat apnum:Pref(itoa apnum:Num)apnum:Suf))))
   (setq apnum:Num (+ apnum:Num apnum:Inc))
 ); end while
); end progn
   ); end if
 (setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)

Edited by VVA
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  • 1 year later...

Hey VVA,

This last routine rocks my world!!!

the fact that you can have multiple attributes and select what you want to increment is awesome

It has saved me a lot of time.


Thank you so very much


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thanks troggarf. Variant Binc whith alignment number

(defun c:bincA (/ oldStart oldPref oldSuf oldEcho oldInc oldStart
       oldSize oldBlock temBl *error* att attr apnum:tag pt temBl )
;;;Новая версия Если в блоке несколько атрибутов, то выбирается какой нужно вставить
;;; Выравнивание значения атрибута (добавление 0 перед значением)

;==== Local functions ============
 (defun *error* (msg)(setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho)(setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)(princ)); end *error*
 (defun mydcl (zagl info-list / fl ret dcl_id)
   (if (null zagl)(setq zagl "Select")) ;_ end of if
   (setq fl (vl-filename-mktemp "mip" nil ".dcl"))
   (setq ret (open fl "w"))
   (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line x ret))
           (list "mip_msg : dialog { "
                 (strcat "label=\"" zagl "\";")
                 " :list_box {"
                 "alignment=top ;"
                 "width=51 ;"
                 (if (> (length info-list) 26)
                     "height= 26 ;"
                     (strcat "height= " (itoa (+ 3 (length info-list))) ";")
                 ) ;_ end of if
                 "is_tab_stop = false ;"
                 "key = \"info\";}"
           ) ;_ end of list
   ) ;_ end of mapcar
   (setq ret (close ret))
   (if (and (not(minusp(setq dcl_id (load_dialog fl))))
     (new_dialog "mip_msg" dcl_id))
               (start_list "info")(mapcar 'add_list info-list)
               (end_list)(set_tile "info" "0")
               (setq ret (car info-list))
               (action_tile "info" "(setq ret (nth (atoi $value) info-list))")
               (action_tile "cancel" "(progn(setq ret nil)(done_dialog 0))")
               (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")(start_dialog)
           ) ;_ end of progn
   ) ;_ end of if
   (unload_dialog dcl_id)(vl-file-delete fl) ret) ;_ end of defun
 (defun mip-conv-to-str (dat)
 (cond ((= (type dat) 'INT)(setq dat (itoa dat)))
        ((= (type dat) 'REAL)(setq dat (rtos dat 2 12)))
       ((null dat)(setq dat ""))
       (t (setq dat (vl-princ-to-string dat)))))
;; obj - Ename or Vla object of block
;; att_list - list ((Tag_Name1 . Value1)(Tag_Name2 . Value2) ...)
;;                 Tag_Name - string
;;                    Value - string
(defun mip-block-setattr-bylist (obj att_list / txt lst)
(if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
(setq att_list (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str(car x)))(mip-conv-to-str(cdr x)))) att_list))
 (if (and obj
          (not(vlax-erased-p obj))
          (= (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDbBlockReference")
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
   (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (vlax-write-enabled-p obj)
(lambda	()
         (foreach at (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
           (if (setq lst (assoc(strcase(vla-get-TagString at)) att_list))
             (vla-put-TextString at (cdr lst))
 (defun get-all-atts (obj)
   ;;;Use (get-all-atts (car(entsel "\nSelect block:")))
   ;;;Returs list  (("TAG1" . "Value1")("TAG2" . "Value2") ...)
   (if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)
	(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
 (if (and obj
          (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
(lambda	()
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
		      (cons (vla-get-TagString x)
			    (vla-get-TextString x)
	  (append (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
		  (vlax-invoke obj 'Getconstantattributes)
(defun rec-pat (str temp)
   ((= str "")(if (/= temp "")(list temp)))
   ((wcmatch (substr str 1 1) "[1234567890.]")
    (rec-pat (substr str 2) (strcat temp (substr str 1 1)))
   (t (if (/= temp "")
       (cons temp (rec-pat str ""))
       (rec-pat (substr str 2) "")
      ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of defun

;==== Local functions END ============
 (if(not apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size 1.0))
 (if(not apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num 1))
 (if(not apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc 1))
 (if(not apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (if(not apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (if(not apnum:Alig)(setq apnum:Alig "1"))
 (setq  oldStart apnum:Num oldSize apnum:Size oldInc apnum:Inc
        oldPref apnum:Pref oldSuf apnum:Suf
        apnum:Block (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Block)
        apnum:tag (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag)
        oldEcho (getvar "CMDECHO")
        att (getvar "ATTDIA") attr (getvar "ATTREQ")); end setq
 (setvar "ATTDIA" 0)(setvar "ATTREQ" 0)
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setq apnum:Pref
   (getstring T
     (strcat "\nType prefix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Pref"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref oldPref))
 (if(= " " apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (setq apnum:Suf
   (getstring T
      (strcat "\nType suffix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Suf"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf oldSuf))
 (if(= " " apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (if apnum:Block(setq oldBlock apnum:Block))
 (setq temBl
    (entsel(strcat "\nSelect block <"
        (if apnum:Block apnum:Block "not difined") "> > "))); end setq
   ((or (and tembl (= 1 (cdr(assoc 66(entget(car temBl)))))
  (= "INSERT" (cdr(assoc 0(entget(car temBl)))))
 (and apnum:Block (setq tembl (tblobjname "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
      (setq tembl (list tembl))
     (setq apnum:Block(cdr(assoc 2(entget(car temBl)))))
     ((lambda( / lst e1 ed ss i)
       (setq lst nil e1 (car temBl))
       (while e1
         (if (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq ed (entget e1)))) "ATTRIB,ATTDEF")
     (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 2 ed)) lst))
  (setq e1 (entnext e1))
 (cond ((= 0 (length lst))(setq apnum:Block nil))
       ((= 1 (length lst))(setq apnum:tag (car lst)))
       (t (setq apnum:tag (mydcl "Select attribute" (acad_strlsort lst))))
;;; Максимальный номер берется как максимальное число всех значений атрибутов
;;; Высчитыватся так (допустим значение атрибута   D3SE/0-008A18B3:
;;;        Значение префикса D3SE/0-
;;;        Значение суффикса B3 
;;;         1. Из значения атрибута удаляется префикс и суффикс
;;;                Значение атрибута - 008A18
;;;         2. В значении атрибута выбираются все цифры ("008" "18")
;;;         3. Из них за число атрибута берется число с максимальной последовательностью цифр
;;;                    т.е. 8, а не 18
 (and apnum:Block
   (setq ss nil ss (ssget "_X" (list
			'(0 . "INSERT")
			(cons 2  apnum:Block)
			(cons 410 (getvar "CTAB")))))
   (setq lst nil i '-1)
     (repeat (sslength ss)
        (setq lst (cons (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))) lst))
        (setq apnum:Num (1+
        (mapcar 'atoi
               (mapcar 'mip-conv-to-str        
        (mapcar '(lambda(f / mst)
		   (setq mst (apply 'max (mapcar 'strlen f)))
		   (car(vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(f1)(= mst (strlen f1))) f))
        (mapcar '(lambda(z)(rec-pat z ""))
	(mapcar '(lambda(y)
         (vl-string-right-trim (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Suf)
	 (vl-string-left-trim apnum:pref y)))
	 (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cdr(assoc (strcase apnum:tag)(get-all-atts x)))) lst)))
   ); end condition #2
   ((null (tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
    (alert (strcat "Block " apnum:Block " not found"))
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #0
   ((and apnum:Block(not temBl)(tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
   (setq apnum:Block oldBlock)
    ); end condition #1
    (princ "\nBlock not contains attribute! ")
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #3
   ); end cond
 (setq oldStart apnum:Num)
 (setq apnum:Num
     (strcat "\nSpecify start number <"(itoa apnum:Num)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num oldStart))
 (setq apnum:Inc
     (strcat "\nSpecify increment <"(itoa apnum:Inc)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc oldInc))
    (setq  oldStart apnum:Alig)
 (initget "1 10 100 1000 10000 100000")
 (setq apnum:Alig 
     (strcat "\nSpecify the alignment of the initial number [1/10/100/1000/10000/100000] <"apnum:Alig">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Alig)(setq apnum:Alig oldStart))

 (setq apnum:Size
     (strcat "\nSpecify block scale <"(rtos apnum:Size)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size oldSize))

 (if (and apnum:Block apnum:tag)
(while T
 (princ "\n>>> Pick insertion point or press Esc to quit <<<\n")
   (setq temBl (itoa apnum:Num))
 (while (< (strlen temBl)(1- (strlen apnum:Alig)))
   (setq temBl (strcat "0" temBl)))
 (command "_-insert" apnum:Block "_s" apnum:Size pause "0")
  (mip-block-setattr-bylist (entlast)
    (list(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag))
               (strcat apnum:Pref temBl apnum:Suf))))
   (setq apnum:Num (+ apnum:Num apnum:Inc))
 ); end while
); end progn
   ); end if
 (setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)

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I was asked to remake a little binc, to insert blocks of the vertices of the polyline.

(defun c:bincP (/ oldStart oldPref oldSuf oldEcho oldInc
       oldSize oldBlock temBl *error* att attr apnum:tag pt )

;;; http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?11114/page3  
;==== Local functions ============
 (defun *error* (msg)(setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho)(setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)(princ)); end *error*
   (defun _get-polyline-coors ( pl / ent_data tmp_ent coors Z)
;;; pl - vla or ename polyline  
;;; Return lists coordinates polyline
 (if (= (type pl) 'VLA-OBJECT)(setq pl (vlax-vla-object->ename pl)))
 (if (= (cdr(assoc 0 (setq ent_data (entget pl))))  "LWPOLYLINE")
     (setq Z (cdr(assoc 38 ent_data)))
     (setq coors
       '(lambda(x)(append (cdr x) (list Z)))
         (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(x)(= (car x) 10)) ent_data)
     (setq tmp_ent pl)
     (while (/= "SEQEND" (cdr(assoc 0 (setq ent_data (entget(setq tmp_ent (entnext tmp_ent)))))))
            (setq coors (cons (cdr (assoc 10 ent_data))  coors))
     (setq coors (reverse coors))
 (defun _get-object-byselect(message filter lock_enter / return)
    (setvar "errno" 0)
    (while (not (setq return ((lambda(obj)
                                (if (not (vl-catch-all-error-p obj))
                                  (if obj
                                    (if filter
                                      (if (member (strcase (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car obj))))) (mapcar 'strcase filter))
                                        (car obj)
                                      (car obj)
                                    (if (and (not lock_enter) (= (getvar "errno") 52))
                               (vl-catch-all-apply 'entsel
                                                   (list (strcat "\n" message))
    (setvar "errno" errnovar)
   (getvar 'errno)

 (defun mydcl (zagl info-list / fl ret dcl_id)
   (if (null zagl)(setq zagl "Select")) ;_ end of if
   (setq fl (vl-filename-mktemp "mip" nil ".dcl"))
   (setq ret (open fl "w"))
   (mapcar '(lambda (x) (write-line x ret))
           (list "mip_msg : dialog { "
                 (strcat "label=\"" zagl "\";")
                 " :list_box {"
                 "alignment=top ;"
                 "width=51 ;"
                 (if (> (length info-list) 26)
                     "height= 26 ;"
                     (strcat "height= " (itoa (+ 3 (length info-list))) ";")
                 ) ;_ end of if
                 "is_tab_stop = false ;"
                 "key = \"info\";}"
           ) ;_ end of list
   ) ;_ end of mapcar
   (setq ret (close ret))
   (if (and (not(minusp(setq dcl_id (load_dialog fl))))
     (new_dialog "mip_msg" dcl_id))
               (start_list "info")(mapcar 'add_list info-list)
               (end_list)(set_tile "info" "0")
               (setq ret (car info-list))
               (action_tile "info" "(setq ret (nth (atoi $value) info-list))")
               (action_tile "cancel" "(progn(setq ret nil)(done_dialog 0))")
               (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")(start_dialog)
           ) ;_ end of progn
   ) ;_ end of if
   (unload_dialog dcl_id)(vl-file-delete fl) ret) ;_ end of defun
 (defun mip-conv-to-str (dat)
 (cond ((= (type dat) 'INT)(setq dat (itoa dat)))
        ((= (type dat) 'REAL)(setq dat (rtos dat 2 12)))
       ((null dat)(setq dat ""))
       (t (setq dat (vl-princ-to-string dat)))))
;; obj - Ename or Vla object of block
;; att_list - list ((Tag_Name1 . Value1)(Tag_Name2 . Value2) ...)
;;                 Tag_Name - string
;;                    Value - string
(defun mip-block-setattr-bylist (obj att_list / txt lst)
(if (= (type obj) 'ENAME)(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
(setq att_list (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str(car x)))(mip-conv-to-str(cdr x)))) att_list))
 (if (and obj
          (not(vlax-erased-p obj))
          (= (vla-get-ObjectName obj) "AcDbBlockReference")
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
   (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (vlax-write-enabled-p obj)
(lambda ()
         (foreach at (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
           (if (setq lst (assoc(strcase(vla-get-TagString at)) att_list))
             (vla-put-TextString at (cdr lst))
 (defun get-all-atts (obj)
 (if (and obj
   (and (= (type obj) 'ENAME)
 (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object obj)))
          (vlax-property-available-p obj 'Hasattributes)
   (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-HasAttributes obj))
(lambda ()
  (mapcar (function (lambda (x)
        (cons (vla-get-TagString x)
       (vla-get-TextString x)
   (append (vlax-invoke obj 'Getattributes)
    (vlax-invoke obj 'Getconstantattributes)
(defun rec-pat (str temp)
   ((= str "")(if (/= temp "")(list temp)))
   ((wcmatch (substr str 1 1) "[1234567890.]")
    (rec-pat (substr str 2) (strcat temp (substr str 1 1)))
   (t (if (/= temp "")
       (cons temp (rec-pat str ""))
       (rec-pat (substr str 2) "")
      ) ;_ end of if
 ) ;_ end of cond
) ;_ end of defun
;==== Local functions END ============
 (if(not apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size 1.0))
 (if(not apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num 1))
 (if(not apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc 1))
 (if(not apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (if(not apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (setq  oldStart apnum:Num oldSize apnum:Size oldInc apnum:Inc
        oldPref apnum:Pref oldSuf apnum:Suf
        apnum:Block (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Block)
        apnum:tag (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag)
        oldEcho (getvar "CMDECHO")
        att (getvar "ATTDIA") attr (getvar "ATTREQ")); end setq
 (setvar "ATTDIA" 0)(setvar "ATTREQ" 0)
 (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
   (setq apnum:Pref
   (getstring T
     (strcat "\nType prefix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Pref"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref oldPref))
 (if(= " " apnum:Pref)(setq apnum:Pref ""))
 (setq apnum:Suf
   (getstring T
      (strcat "\nType suffix:(If you want to delete prefix type ' ' (press SPACE key on keyboard) <"apnum:Suf"> :")))
 (if(= "" apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf oldSuf))
 (if(= " " apnum:Suf)(setq apnum:Suf ""))
 (if apnum:Block(setq oldBlock apnum:Block))
 (setq temBl
    (entsel(strcat "\nSelect block <"
        (if apnum:Block apnum:Block "not difined") "> > "))); end setq
   ((or (and tembl (= 1 (cdr(assoc 66(entget(car temBl)))))
  (= "INSERT" (cdr(assoc 0(entget(car temBl)))))
 (and apnum:Block (setq tembl (tblobjname "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
      (setq tembl (list tembl))
     (setq apnum:Block(cdr(assoc 2(entget(car temBl)))))
     ((lambda( / lst e1 ed ss i)
       (setq e1 (entnext (car temBl)))
       (while (AND e1
   (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 0 (setq ed (entget e1)))) "ATTRIB,ATTDEF")
     ) ;_ End of AND
  (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 2 ed)) lst))
  (setq e1 (entnext e1))
 (cond ((= 0 (length lst))(setq apnum:Block nil))
       ((= 1 (length lst))(setq apnum:tag (car lst)))
       (t (setq apnum:tag (mydcl "Select attribute" (acad_strlsort lst))))
;;;Russian text
;;; Максимальный номер берется как максимальное число всех значений атрибутов
;;; Высчитыватся так (допустим значение атрибута   D3SE/0-008A18B3:
;;;        Значение префикса D3SE/0-
;;;        Значение суффикса B3 
;;;         1. Из значения атрибута удаляется префикс и суффикс
;;;                Значение атрибута - 008A18
;;;         2. В значении атрибута выбираются все цифры ("008" "18")
;;;         3. Из них за число атрибута берется число с максимальной последовательностью цифр
;;;                    т.е. 8, а не 18

;;; EN
;;; The maximum number is taken as the maximum number of attribute values
;;; Algorithm (assuming the attribute D3SE/0-008A18B3):
;;; Value prefix D3SE/0-
;;; Value suffix B3
;;; 1. Attribute value is removed from the prefix and suffix
;;; Attribute value - 008A18
;; 2. In the attribute value selected by all the digits ("008", "18")
;; 3. Of these, the number of attributes taken from the maximum number of a sequence of digits
;;, So choose 008 ie 8, not 18  
   (setq ss nil ss (ssget "_X" (list
   '(0 . "INSERT")
   (cons 2  apnum:Block)
   (cons 410 (getvar "CTAB")))))
   (setq lst nil i '-1)
     (repeat (sslength ss)
        (setq lst (cons (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))) lst))
        (setq apnum:Num (1+
        (mapcar 'atoi
               (mapcar 'mip-conv-to-str        
        (mapcar '(lambda(f / mst)
     (setq mst (apply 'max (mapcar 'strlen f)))
     (car(vl-remove-if-not '(lambda(f1)(= mst (strlen f1))) f))
        (mapcar '(lambda(z)(rec-pat z ""))
 (mapcar '(lambda(y)
         (vl-string-right-trim (mip-conv-to-str apnum:Suf)
  (vl-string-left-trim apnum:pref y)))
  (vl-remove-if 'null (mapcar '(lambda(x)(cdr(assoc (strcase apnum:tag)(get-all-atts x)))) lst)))
   ); end condition #2
   ((null (tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
    (alert (strcat "Block " apnum:Block " not found"))
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #0
   ((and apnum:Block(not temBl)(tblsearch "BLOCK" apnum:Block))
   (setq apnum:Block oldBlock)
    ); end condition #1
    (princ "\nBlock not contains attribute! ")
    (setq apnum:Block nil)
    ); end condition #3
   ); end cond
 (setq apnum:Num
     (strcat "\nSpecify start number <"(itoa apnum:Num)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Num)(setq apnum:Num oldStart))
 (setq apnum:Inc
     (strcat "\nSpecify increment <"(itoa apnum:Inc)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Inc)(setq apnum:Inc oldInc))
 (setq apnum:Size
     (strcat "\nSpecify block scale <"(rtos apnum:Size)">: ")))
 (if(null apnum:Size)(setq apnum:Size oldSize))
 (if (and apnum:Block apnum:tag)
(while (and (setq pl (_get-object-byselect "\nSelect polyline <exit>: " '("POLYLINE" "LWPOLYLINE") nil))
           (/= pl 0)
 (foreach pt (_get-polyline-coors pl)

 ;;;     (command "_-insert" apnum:Block "_s" apnum:Size "_none" pt "0")
               (zerop (vla-get-activespace
                        (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
                      ) ;_ end of vla-get-activespace
               ) ;_ end of zerop
               (= :vlax-false
                    (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
                  ) ;_ end of vla-get-mspace
               ) ;_ end of =
             ) ;_ end of and 
                (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
              ) ;_ end of vla-get-paperspace
                (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
              ) ;_ end of vla-get-modelspace
           ) ;_ end of if
    (vlax-3d-point pt)	
    0 ;_rotation
    ) ;_ end of vla-InsertBlock
  (mip-block-setattr-bylist (entlast)
    (list(cons (strcase (mip-conv-to-str apnum:tag))
               (strcat apnum:Pref(itoa apnum:Num)apnum:Suf))))
   (setq apnum:Num (+ apnum:Num apnum:Inc))
 ); end while
); end progn
   ); end if
 (setvar "ATTDIA" att)(setvar "ATTREQ" attr)

Edited by VVA
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