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Help for VLA-* functions (where to find)


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I know I can search for all lisp functions in vlisp help. It has explanations for all standard lisp functions as well as vlax-* functions.

But where can I get help for vla-* functions. I know I ken get list of them using VLisp's Apropose, but there is no help provided with this list...

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It isn't AutoLISP functions but properties and methods of ActiveX objects. You can find it in ActiveX and VBA reference inside Developer Help. There syntax VBA is used, however to use them in syntax AutoLISP not difficult.


Draw a line and type in command line and pick line:


Command: (vl-load-com)
Command: (setq vObj(vlax-ename->vla-object(car(entsel))))
Select object: #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLine 026386b4>


Now you have ActiveX object of your line. Look all properties and methods by mean of vlax-dump-object function:


Command: (vlax-dump-object vObj T)
; IAcadLine: AutoCAD Line Interface
; Property values:
;   Angle (RO) = 0.657912
;   Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00d73d3c>
;   Delta (RO) = (584.602 451.76 0.0)
;   Document (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 090902a8>
;   EndPoint = (1887.85 1143.92 0.0)
;   Handle (RO) = "1AD"
;   HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0
;   Hyperlinks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadHyperlinks 0edfe97c>
;   Layer = "0"
;   Length (RO) = 738.815
;   Linetype = "ByLayer"
;   LinetypeScale = 1.0
;   Lineweight = -1
;   Material = "ByLayer"
;   Normal = (0.0 0.0 1.0)
;   ObjectID (RO) = 2130342760
;   ObjectName (RO) = "AcDbLine"
;   OwnerID (RO) = 2130337016
;   PlotStyleName = "ByLayer"
;   StartPoint = (1303.24 692.161 0.0)
;   Thickness = 0.0
;   TrueColor = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadAcCmColor 0ee0de10>
;   Visible = -1
; Methods supported:
;   ArrayPolar (3)
;   ArrayRectangular (6)
;   Copy ()
;   Delete ()
;   GetBoundingBox (2)
;   GetExtensionDictionary ()
;   GetXData (3)
;   Highlight (1)
;   IntersectWith (2)
;   Mirror (2)
;   Mirror3D (3)
;   Move (2)
;   Offset (1)
;   Rotate (2)
;   Rotate3D (3)
;   ScaleEntity (2)
;   SetXData (2)
;   TransformBy (1)
;   Update ()


Now get object color:

Command: (vla-get-color vObj)


And change it to Red:


Command: (vla-put-Color vObj 1)


As you see vla- functions is object properties. vla-get- serves to get properties and vla-put- to change properties.


Now apply Offset method to your line:


Command: (setq Res(vla-offset vObj -15))
#<variant 8201 ...>


Variable Res is variant-safearray with a new objects. Transform it to list:


Command: (vlax-safearray->list(vlax-variant-value Res))
(#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLine 02638954>)

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