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  1. I am migrating from Autocad Map 2009 in windows XP (32 bits), to Map 2014 64bits, in Windows 7 64 bits My question is if is possible to use visual basic 6.0 activex with Map 2014 64bits And if it is possible, what to do to get the interface to it. I have from history a "dll Visual Basic 6.0 Activex Com module", which I use to connect from visual lisp, through vla-GetInterfaceObject" call. It works fine in Autocad Map 2009 with XP I recompile it using the correct libraries from Map 2014, and registered with regsvr32 (just in case, I also registered with the regsvr32 that is in windows/SysWow64/regsvr32) But I received an "Automation Error. Problem in loading application" error message, when doing: (vla-GetInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "marVBasic.marVbUtils") Being marVBasic the name of the visual basic proyect, and marVbUtils the class. (This works fine in Map 2009) Thks
  2. I have a Visual Basic compiled ActiveX dll, (call marVbUtils.dll, with a lot of map utilites) written in Visual Basic 6.0. It works fine in XP with Map 2009 There, I connect with the ActiveX dll from visual lisp, like this: (vla-GetInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) ""marVBasic.marVbUtils") and get the com object with no problem (in XP). Now, I am migrating to Map 2013 64bits (in Windows 7 64bits) I managed to install Visual Basic 6.0 on the Windows 7 64 bits, and nicely compile the same dll (changing some references to the new Autocad Map) Then I register the dll with system32/regsvr32, for the 64 bits, AND also with syswow64/regsvr32 for the 32bit implementation. But... when trying to get the interface from lisp, as in (vla-GetInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) ""marVBasic.marVbUtils") it returns: "Automation Error. Problem in loading application" (I have a lot of work done in Visual Basic 6.0 since map 2001, and migrating it means a big big time consumming issue, like months..., or ...forever) I am afraid of guessing that it is not possible at all to run in 2013 64bits, a dll compiled in Visual Basic 6.0. But before i commit suicide i want to take a last chance to save my life in this forum. If anyone knows how to migrate a Visual Basic 6.0 dll to use in Windows 7 64bits with Autocad Map 2013 64 bits, please let me know before its too late. Thanks anyway!
  3. (SETQ obj (VLA-GETINTERFACEOBJECT (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT) "CadLisp.Lisp")) I am trying to get this to work on our new 64bit Windows 7 machine (Map 2012). It has been working fine on our existing XP machines (Map2009) for the last year. When I run this, I get the following error; (SETQ obj (VLA-GETINTERFACEOBJECT (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT) CadLisp.Lisp")) error: Automation Error. Problem in loading application "CadLisp.Lisp" is a com object which runs just fine at a command prompt with vb script. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance
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