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Image will not stay


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Hi everyone

I have had a similair problem in the past but so far i still cant solve it.

If i insert a raster image into drawing it goes in fine so i have a folder that has a sub folder with images in and the dwg in the main folder which is fine it knows the file path and when i re open the drawing everything is as it shoulds be but when i try to e transmit the dwg to a customer they cannot see the images even though they are in the same folder.

Should e transmit not bind the whole lot together or am i being numpty, is it somthing to do with the path settings?


Thnx for any help


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Hey i'm having exactly the same problem.

I've set up a drawing template and have used a raster image for the logo in title panel.

However once it is emailed to someone else then the raster image disappears.



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In your Etransmit settings, you just need to make sure the option to "Use organized folder structure" is checked. Then, when the recipient receives your transmittal zip, they just need to Unzip to a folder and everything should be fine. It sounds like maybe they are moving files around after unzipping, or something?


Etransmit Tutorial: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/images/acadtips_etransmit_dwg-2.png&imgrefurl=http://www.ellenfinkelstein.com/AutoCAD_tips_etransmit_drawing.html&usg=__LyiylYHgndyLdbgiWPf1iA-w3OA=&h=439&w=291&sz=68&hl=en&start=7&um=1&tbnid=zRlPaSXAZOTCVM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=84&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dautocad%2Betransmit%2Bsettings%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

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Thnx CAD64 but no dice here, my settings are as the tutorial but when i e transmit to my desktop or to collegues it sends everything but the image does not display but if i view the dwg in extra large icons it shows the image but not when i open the drawing in cad? :?:?



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So after you extract the files to a folder, and open the drawing, the image doesn't appear in the drawing?


You're not trying to open the drawing from inside the zip are you? If that's the case, then no, the image won't appear. You have to extract the contents of the zip to a folder.


The reason the image appears in the thumbnail view is because that is a snapshot of the drawing, taken when the drawing is closed. It's not the actual drawing that you are seeing.

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Yes the drawing does not appear,if i put aal in 1 folder optoin in transmittal setups it works ok untill you take dwgout of folder then it looses them again, but as for heirachal bit it will not work for me.




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Hi chulse


OLE? Sorry

It is a pain its just a small image on a legend that we want to send with a dwg, if it maters its a jpeg and i use insert raster image, if its all put in one folder and directed that way in transmittal setup it works fine untill the client takes the dwg out of the folder then the image dissapears.

If i try the other way and look in the x ref the refrence to the image is there but it cannot find the file path or attach it.

So there must be a way to bind the image to the dwg so it works at the other end.




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So there must be a way to bind the image to the dwg so it works at the other end.


Only if you insert it as an OLE as chulse suggested.

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