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Block Count without Data extraction


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  • Lee Mac


  • asos2000


  • stevsmith


  • alanjt


what about QSELECT? Select block by name and F2 or use the properties palette to see how many were selected.

Not sure why I just thought about this, but I wanted to add it for archival purposes. You could also use SSX (Express Tool).

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Another method is to use the SSX command. It's been around a long time, but not many people seem to know about it. Type SSX at the command prompt and select your block (or line, arc, text, etc. - any entity basically). Just hit return after selecting...now, use a move command (or erase - anything that prompts you to select objects) and type p (for previous) at the select objects prompt. That will give you a count of all blocks (specifically the one you just selected) in the drawing. SSX is a filtering lisp that's been in Autocad since at least R12, maybe longer. It's great for selecting many "like" objects (be it text, a linetype, a line color, blocks, etc.) at one time. This is an old school way of doing it, but is simple and still comes in very handy.


Sorry, I didn't page through all responses...someone already suggested SSX

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but I think that

the way of alanjt to give a quick message box with number for each block is good

and the way of LEE to give a table is good too.

BUt asking LEE to chalange himself (at spare time) and add a block preview front of each block



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Nice one Alan, didn't know about that one.

:) It's an oldie. I found it back in my r14 days when I was 18 or 19.


Another method is to use the SSX command. It's been around a long time, but not many people seem to know about it. Type SSX at the command prompt and select your block (or line, arc, text, etc. - any entity basically). Just hit return after selecting...now, use a move command (or erase - anything that prompts you to select objects) and type p (for previous) at the select objects prompt. That will give you a count of all blocks (specifically the one you just selected) in the drawing. SSX is a filtering lisp that's been in Autocad since at least R12, maybe longer. It's great for selecting many "like" objects (be it text, a linetype, a line color, blocks, etc.) at one time. This is an old school way of doing it, but is simple and still comes in very handy.


Sorry, I didn't page through all responses...someone already suggested SSX

LoL, look 2 posts prior to yours.


but I think that

the way of alanjt to give a quick message box with number for each block is good

Quick and dirty FTW. :wink:

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but I think that

the way of alanjt to give a quick message box with number for each block is good

and the way of LEE to give a table is good too.

BUt asking LEE to chalange himself (at spare time) and add a block preview front of each block




haha, I'm sure that going by my previous history Lee can appreciate my sarcastic tone and humor.



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An update, as per the counterpart thread over at theSwamp:


;; Block Counter (Lee Mac)
;; Will produce a report and table of the number of each block in the drawing.
;; Includes Dyn Blocks, excludes Xrefs - and yes, I know there is BCount.

(defun c:BNum ( / blocks bLst rLen )
 ;; Lee Mac  ~  21.04.10

 (setq bLst
       (lambda ( block )
         (list block 0)
     (BlockList 125)

 (setq bLst
       (lambda ( item )
         (list (car item)
           (itoa (cadr item))
         (lambda ( item )
           (zerop (cadr item))
       (vlax-for lay
         (vlax-for obj (vla-get-Block lay)
           (if (and (eq "AcDbBlockReference" (vlax-get-property obj 'ObjectName))
                    (not (isXRef obj)))
               (setq a (assoc (BlockName obj) bLst))
               (setq bLst
                   (list (car a) (1+ (cadr a))) a bLst

 (setq rLen
   (+ 3
     (apply (function max)
       (cons 5
         (mapcar (function strlen)
           (mapcar (function cadr) bLst)

     (lambda ( item )
         (strcat "\n"
           (PadRight (car  item) "."   40) "|"
           (PadLeft  (cadr item) "." rLen)
   (setq bLst
       '("Block Name" "Count")
           (PadRight "" "-"   40)
           (PadLeft  "" "-" rLen)
           (vl-sort bLst
               (lambda ( a b )
                 (< (car a) (car b))
               (PadRight "" "-" 40)
               (PadLeft  "" "-" rLen)

 (initget "Yes No")
 (if (/= "No" (getkword "\nTable? <Yes> : "))
       (getvar 'VIEWCTR) "Block Data"
       (RemoveItems bLst (list 1 (1- (length bLst))))
     'InsertionPoint "\nPlace Table... " 0

(defun BlockName ( obj )
 (vlax-get-property obj
   (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'EffectiveName)
     'EffectiveName 'Name

(defun isXref ( obj )
 (eq :vlax-true
       (setq blocks
         (cond (blocks)
       (BlockName obj)

(defun BlockList ( ignore / def lst )
 (while (setq def (tblnext "BLOCK" (null def)))
   (if (zerop (boole 1 ignore (cdr (assoc 70 def))))
     (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 2 def)) lst))

(defun GetActiveSpace ( doc )
 (vlax-get-property doc
   (if (or (eq acModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveSpace doc))
           (eq :vlax-true   (vla-get-MSpace doc)))
     'ModelSpace 'PaperSpace

(defun RemoveItems ( lst items )
 (  (lambda ( item )
          (lambda ( x )
              (setq item (1+ item)) items

(defun Itemp ( coll item )
       (setq item
           (function vla-item) (list coll item)

(defun AddTable ( block pt title data / tObj tStyle )
 (setq tStyle (GetTableStyle (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)))  
   (setq tObj
     (vla-AddTable block
       (vlax-3D-point pt) (1+ (length data)) (length (car data))
       (* 1.8 (vla-getTextHeight tStyle acDataRow))
       (* 0.8
         (apply (function max)
           (mapcar (function strlen)
             (apply (function append) data)
          (vla-getTextHeight tStyle acDataRow)
   'StyleName (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)

 (vla-SetText tObj 0 0 title)

   (lambda ( row )
         (lambda ( rowitem ) (setq row (1+ row))
             (lambda ( column )
                   (lambda ( item )
                     (vla-SetText tObj row
                       (setq column (1+ column)) item

(defun GetTableStyle ( Name )
 (if (setq Dict
   (Itemp Dict Name)

(defun GrMove ( obj prop msg cur / gr data )
 (if (vlax-property-available-p obj prop)
     (princ msg)
       (and (= 5 (car (setq gr (grread t 13 cur))))
            (listp (setq data (cadr gr))))

       (vlax-put-property obj prop (vlax-3D-point data))

(defun TidyString ( str len )
 (if (> (strlen str) len)
     (substr str 1 (- len 3)) "..."

(defun PadRight ( str char len )
 (while (< (strlen str) len)
   (setq str (strcat str char))

(defun PadLeft ( str char len )
 (while (< (strlen str) len)
   (setq str (strcat char str))

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please is there no time to add block preview next to each block at table?


Try this:


;; Block Counter (Lee Mac)
;; Will produce a report and table of the number of each block in the drawing.
;; Includes Dyn Blocks, excludes Xrefs - and yes, I know there is BCount.

(defun c:BNum ( / blks bLst rLen )
 ;; Lee Mac  ~  21.04.10

 (setq blks

 (setq bLst
       (lambda ( block )
         (list block 0)
     (BlockList 125)

 (setq bLst
       (lambda ( item )
         (list (TidyString (car item) 40)
           (itoa (cadr item))
         (lambda ( item )
           (zerop (cadr item))
       (vlax-for lay
         (vlax-for obj (vla-get-Block lay)
           (if (and (eq "AcDbBlockReference" (vlax-get-property obj 'ObjectName))
                    (not (isXRef obj)))
               (setq a (assoc (BlockName obj) bLst))
               (setq bLst
                   (list (car a) (1+ (cadr a))) a bLst

 (setq rLen
   (+ 3
     (apply (function max)
       (cons 5
         (mapcar (function strlen)
           (mapcar (function cadr) bLst)

     (lambda ( item )
         (strcat "\n"
           (PadRight (car  item) "."   40) "|"
           (PadLeft  (cadr item) "." rLen)
   (setq bLst
       '("Block Name" "Count")
           (PadRight "" "-"   40)
           (PadLeft  "" "-" rLen)
           (vl-sort bLst
               (lambda ( a b )
                 (< (car a) (car b))
               (PadRight "" "-" 40)
               (PadLeft  "" "-" rLen)

 (initget "Yes No")
 (if (/= "No" (getkword "\nTable? <Yes> : "))
       (getvar 'VIEWCTR) "Block Data"
       (RemoveItems bLst (list 1 (1- (length bLst))))
     'InsertionPoint "\nPlace Table... " 0

(defun GetObjectID ( obj )
 (if (Is64Bit)
     (setq Utility
       (cond ( Utility )
     'GetObjectIdString obj :vlax-false
   (itoa (vla-get-Objectid obj))

(defun BlockName ( obj )
 (vlax-get-property obj
   (if (vlax-property-available-p obj 'EffectiveName)
     'EffectiveName 'Name

(defun isXref ( obj )
 (eq :vlax-true
       (setq blks
         (cond (blks)
       (BlockName obj)

(defun Is64Bit nil
 (vl-string-search "64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")))

(defun BlockList ( ignore / def lst )
 (while (setq def (tblnext "BLOCK" (null def)))
   (if (zerop (boole 1 ignore (cdr (assoc 70 def))))
     (setq lst (cons (cdr (assoc 2 def)) lst))

(defun GetActiveSpace ( doc )
 (vlax-get-property doc
   (if (or (eq acModelSpace (vla-get-ActiveSpace doc))
           (eq :vlax-true   (vla-get-MSpace doc)))
     'ModelSpace 'PaperSpace

(defun RemoveItems ( lst items )
 (  (lambda ( item )
          (lambda ( x )
              (setq item (1+ item)) items

(defun Itemp ( coll item )
       (setq item
           (function vla-item) (list coll item)

(defun AddTable ( block pt title data / tObj tStyle )
 (setq tStyle (GetTableStyle (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)))  
   (setq tObj
     (vla-AddTable block
       (vlax-3D-point pt) (1+ (length data)) (1+ (length (car data)))
       (* 1.8 (vla-getTextHeight tStyle acDataRow))
       (* 0.8
         (apply (function max)
           (mapcar (function strlen)
             (apply (function append) data)
          (vla-getTextHeight tStyle acDataRow)
   'StyleName (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)
 (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed tObj :vlax-true)

 (vla-SetText tObj 0 0 title)
 (setq blks
   (cond (blks)

 (vla-SetText tObj 1 0 "Preview")

   (lambda ( row )
         (lambda ( block ) (setq row (1+ row))
           (vla-SetCellType tObj row 0 acBlockCell)
           (vla-SetBlockTableRecordId tObj row 0
             (GetObjectID (Itemp blks block)) t)
       (mapcar (function car) (cdr data))

   (lambda ( row )
         (lambda ( rowitem ) (setq row (1+ row))
             (lambda ( column )
                   (lambda ( item )
                     (vla-SetText tObj row
                       (setq column (1+ column)) item
 (vla-put-RegenerateTableSuppressed tObj :vlax-false)

(defun GetTableStyle ( Name )
 (if (setq Dict
   (Itemp Dict Name)

(defun GrMove ( obj prop msg cur / gr data )
 (if (vlax-property-available-p obj prop)
     (princ msg)
       (and (= 5 (car (setq gr (grread t 13 cur))))
            (listp (setq data (cadr gr))))

       (vlax-put-property obj prop (vlax-3D-point data))

(defun TidyString ( str len )
 (if (> (strlen str) len)
     (substr str 1 (- len 3)) "..."

(defun PadRight ( str char len )
 (while (< (strlen str) len)
   (setq str (strcat str char))

(defun PadLeft ( str char len )
 (while (< (strlen str) len)
   (setq str (strcat char str))

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can you include block symbols and attributes?


as in the routine will out put the block name, count, symbol and some selected attributes ?


cheers :)

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'symbol' (perhaps its my ignorance with AutoCAD), but as for attributes - there could be many, or none, so I'm not sure how to incoporate all the varied columns/rows... :geek:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now if there were some way to combine these two lisp routines and include the layers I would be set :-).


Nice work both of you, but this is beyond my skill set.

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