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TCOUNT in a Multileader


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Can anyone help me edit the LISP for TCOUNT to include the text for Multileaders? I've added (0 . "MULTILEADER") to the LISP but it will not edit the text. I haven't done much with LISP's, so any help would be appreciated.


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Express Tool: TCount


Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Yes, it is the express tool TCount.


alanjt, while searching for an answer to this question, I came across a previous post of yours here: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?40266-CopyText.lsp-Copy-Swap-Text-MText-Multileader-Attribute-Values

The reason this caught my eye is because you were able to modify the text in a multileader through a lisp, which is what I need to do. However, the code was not in that post, so I couldn't look at it to figure it out.

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Hmmm...I think I'm still missing something. In the file ACETXT.LSP provided with the Express Tools, there is this:

(setq flt '((-4 . "

(0 . "TEXT")

(0 . "MTEXT")

(0 . "ATTDEF")

(-4 . "OR>")




From my breif understanding of Lisp routines, that's setting up a query for text, mtext or an attribute definetion. If I add the line (assoc 304 (entget )) or (vla-get-TextString ), I get "bad SSGET list" when I try to run the routine. I'm not quite sure how that line of code is supposed to fit in.


As I mentioned, this is my first stab at modifying a lisp, so please bear with me and all your help is greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 12 years later...

This functionality is still not available in 2024? 

When I try to use the 'Auto Number' function from 'Express Tools' menu I cannot select any of my multileader objects.  Is there a workaround?

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This seems to work for me. I had some old code I had started for something else and decided to see what I could do for MLeaders.


Weren't easy for me at all, but a little searching provided some hints. Only quickly tested on a couple of quick mleaders, text and mtext.


;;; Sequential Number added to MLeader, Mtext and Text as Prefix, Suffix.                             *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; Inspired By: https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/26420-tcount-in-a-multileader/#comment-648519   *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; With help from: https://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?117315-Modify-text-in-multileader          *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; By SLW210 (Steve Wilson)                                                                          *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; No guarantees use at your own risk                                                                *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; Original 08/15/2024                                                                               *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|
;;; Thanks most to AlanJT, lpseifert and irneb (Where have y'all gone?)                               *|
;;;                                                                                                   *|


(defun c:MTMTMLT () (c:ModifyTextMTextMLeaderText)) ; shortcut

(defun c:ModifyTextMTextMLeaderText (/	       ss	 ent
				     en_obj    current_text
				     new_text  num	 prefix
				     suffix    numType	 i

  ;; Prompt for prefix text
  (setq prefix (getstring "\nEnter prefix text (or leave blank): "))

  ;; Prompt for suffix text
  (setq suffix (getstring "\nEnter suffix text (or leave blank): "))

  ;; Prompt for type of numbering
  (setq	numType
	     "\nEnter 'P' for Prefix, 'S' for Suffix, or 'N' for No modification: "

  ;; Check if the type entered is valid
  (if (not (member numType '("P" "S" "N")))
      (princ "\nInvalid choice. Exiting.")

  ;; Select all TEXT, MTEXT, and MLEADER entities
  (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT,MULTILEADER"))))

  ;; Check if the selection set is valid
  (if (not ss)
      (princ "\nNo TEXT, MTEXT, or MLEADER entities found.")

  (setq i 0)				; Initialize counter

  ;; Process
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (setq ent (ssname ss i))
    (setq en_obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))
    (setq entType (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))))

      ;; TEXT entities
      ((= entType "TEXT")
       (setq current_text (vla-get-TextString en_obj))
       (princ (strcat "\nCurrent TEXT: " current_text))
       (setq num (itoa (1+ i)))
       (setq new_text
		((= numType "P") (strcat prefix num " " current_text))
		((= numType "S") (strcat current_text " " suffix num))
		((= numType "N") (strcat current_text))
       (vla-put-TextString en_obj new_text)
       (princ (strcat "\nNew TEXT: " (vla-get-TextString en_obj)))

      ;; MTEXT entities
      ((= entType "MTEXT")
       (setq current_text (vla-get-TextString en_obj))
       (princ (strcat "\nCurrent MTEXT: " current_text))
       (setq num (itoa (1+ i)))
       (setq new_text
		((= numType "P") (strcat prefix num " " current_text))
		((= numType "S") (strcat current_text " " suffix num))
		((= numType "N") (strcat current_text))
       (vla-put-TextString en_obj new_text)
       (princ (strcat "\nNew MTEXT: " (vla-get-TextString en_obj)))

      ;; MLEADER entities
      ((= entType "MULTILEADER")
	 ;; Retrieve the text of the MLEADER and apply modifications
	 (setq current_text (vla-get-TextString en_obj))
	 (princ (strcat "\nCurrent MLEADER Text: " current_text))
	 (setq num (itoa (1+ i)))
	 (setq new_text
		  ((= numType "P") (strcat prefix num " " current_text))
		  ((= numType "S") (strcat current_text " " suffix num))
		  ((= numType "N") (strcat current_text))
	 (vla-put-TextString en_obj new_text)
	   (strcat "\nNew MLEADER Text: " (vla-get-TextString en_obj))

       (princ "\nUnsupported entity type.")

    ;; Increment counter
    (setq i (1+ i))

  (princ "\nModifications completed.")


Now back to my "get paid for job". I am sure any number of LISPers can greatly improve this.


TCOUNT does more I think.


I have several related versions of this, hence the long name so I don't get confused, you could rename the function or change the shortcut to something easier IMO.

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