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Simple LISP routine to invoke "copy" command not operating properly


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I have a .lsp file that mostly creates keyboard shortcuts for basic commands. My copy mode is set to default to "multiple" - and if I type "copy", it is indeed multiple. However, if I use my shortcut (just the "c" key), it is not. Here's the code:

(defun c:c() (command "copy"))

I don't think it gets much simpler than that... why would it not operate the same way as "copy"? Confused.

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You can use the initcommandversion function to force the later version of the command:

(defun c:c ( )
   (command "_.copy")

However, why not just change the alias for the copy command in the acad.pgp file?

[Tools > Customise > Edit Program Parameters (acad.pgp)]

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I'm with Lee. Make these type of changes at the acad.pgp level. Much less headache. Also, to make things easier and more organized, instead of editing what's already there, just place everything you want after the follow bit of text, placed at the bottom of all acad.pgp files.


;  -- User Defined Command Aliases --
;  Make any changes or additions to the default AutoCAD command aliases in 
;  this section to ensure successful migration of these settings when you
;  upgrade to the next version of AutoCAD.  If a command alias appears more
;  than once in this file, items in the User Defined Command Alias take
;  precedence over duplicates that appear earlier in the file.
;  **********----------**********  ; No xlate ; DO NOT REMOVE

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Thanks to both of you for the answers - I'd not heard of "initcommandversion". The command was part of of a long Lisp routine that shortened a ton of commands and was created by a coworker many years ago. It's how I learned AutoCad, so the familiarity is why I haven't gone into the .pgp stuff (I did, somewhat, when I was stuck with LT for a while). Also, big thanks for this text block to avoid editing the default pgp.

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