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SSGET "W" with Filter?


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Hey Guys,


Ive got this routine which is intended to erase everything visible which is of a colour determined by the user.


(defun c:ec ()
(setq ecc (getint "\nEnter COLOUR of objects to ERASE : "))
(setq CODE 62)
(setq pt1 '( -50000000000000 -50000000000000 -50000000000000))
(setq pt2 '( 50000000000000 50000000000000 50000000000000))
(setq ssec (ssget "w" pt1 pt2 '(list (cons CODE ecc))))
(command "ERASE" ssec "")

The plan is to only ERASE objects which are visible at the time. So the routine should not operate on any objects on hidden layers... but should operate on objects off the screen (visible in viewport but cannot be seen due to zoom/pan position... if you follow).


The problem I am having is I am finding it difficult to pass the colour variable (ecc) to the SSGET filter list while using the "W" option. If I replace "W" with the "X" option.. the routine works, but it will operate on everything in the database.


So... I was just wondering if someone could please advise me of a way to filter the "W" optioned SSGET with a variable defined by the user?


Thanks so much for any help.





The problem with using the "W" option and defining the co-ordinates as I have is that it is dependant on my current UCS. I have since amended the routine to work around this issue. Please see below.


(defun c:ec ()
(setq ecc (getint "\nEnter COLOUR of objects to ERASE : "))
(setq CODE 62)
(command "ucsicon" "off" "ucs" "view")
(setq pt1 '( -50000000000000 -50000000000000 -50000000000000))
(setq pt2 '( 50000000000000 50000000000000 50000000000000))
(setq ssec (ssget "w" pt1 pt2 '(list (cons CODE ecc))))
(command "ERASE" ssec "")
(command "ucs" "p" "ucsicon" "on")

Thanks guys.

Edited by lamensterms
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Note that graphical ssget selection modes (e.g. Window / Crossing / Polygon) will only select objects that are visible on screen at the time of selection. Whereas, the X selection mode is not a graphical selection but instead iterates over the entire drawing database to retrieve a selection set containing entities whose DXF data validates the criteria set by the filter list.


One way to account for this behaviour is to temporarily zoom to the selection area before evaluating the ssget expression, e.g.:

(defun c:ec ( / a c p q s )
           (setq c (getint "\nEnter COLOUR of objects to ERASE: "))
           (not (<= 1 c 255))
       (princ "\nPlease enter an integer between 1 and 255.")
   (if (= 'int (type c))
           (setq p '(-5.0e+013 -5.0e+013 -5.0e+013)
                 q '( 5.0e+013  5.0e+013  5.0e+013)
                 a  (vlax-get-acad-object)
           (vlax-invoke a 'zoomwindow p q)
           (setq s (ssget "_W" (trans p 0 1) (trans q 0 1) (list (cons 62 c))))
           (vla-zoomprevious a)
           (if s
               (command "_.erase" s "")
               (princ "\nNo objects found to erase.")
(vl-load-com) (princ)

Also, in your code you were quoting the ssget filter list as a literal expression and so the functions within the filter list (list / cons) would not have been evaluated.

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Ahhh, sweet... I didn't even consider the fact that CAD would fail to select visible-but-off-screen objects. Most of the time I have been zooming>extents prior to executing this routine. And pre-list quote mark has now been removed.


Thanks so much for taking the time to help guys. It is greatly appreciated.

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