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Lisp for Rename the layer


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I need a lisp code for automatically rename or change a particular layer to another layer name or new layer through just click the line object.

Anything will be greatly appreciated.:)


Thanks in advance

Edited by gmmdinesh
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There are plenty of lisp routines that will change a layer name. A little effort is all it takes to find them. Seek and ye shall find.

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Heres an example:

(defun C:test ( / v ns se c le lx n s i enx)
(while (setq v (tblnext "LAYER" (not v))) (setq ns (cons (cdr (assoc 2 v)) ns)))
		(setq se (car (entsel "\nSelect object, to redefine its layer: ")))
		(setq lx (entget (setq le (tblobjname "LAYER" (cdr (setq c (assoc 8 (entget se))))))))
		(/= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 lx))))
			(setq n (car (LM:listbox "Select Existing layer to change to" (acad_strlsort ns) 0)))
			(setq n (PromptBox "Create New Or Type Existing Layer" " Type your layer's name here " ))
		(if (not (member n ns)) (Layer n))
		(if (setq s (ssget "_X" (list c)))
			(repeat (setq i (sslength s))
					enx (entget (ssname s (setq i (1- i))))
					enx (subst (cons 8 n) (assoc 8 enx) enx)
				(entupd (cdr (assoc -1 (entmod enx))))
);| defun |; (vl-load-com) (princ)

(defun Layer (Nme) ; Lee Mac
		(cons 0 "LAYER")
		(cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
		(cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord")
		(cons 2 Nme)
		(cons 70 0)

; PromptBox example by Lee Mac
; Arguments:
; title - Dialog Box Title
; msg - [Optional] Text to Display
; Returns: Entered String if user presses OK, else nil
(defun PromptBox ( title msg / dcl dch file val )
				(setq dcl (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl"))
				(setq file (open dcl "w"))
						(strcat ; this was original set:     edit_width = 60; edit_limit = 2048
							"promptbox : dialog 
							{ label = \"" title "\"; initial_focus = \"txt\";
							spacer; "
							": edit_box { key = \"txt\"; edit_width = 40; edit_limit = 2048; allow_accept = true; }
							spacer; ok_cancel; 
					(setq file (close file))
					(findfile dcl)
		(<= (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)) 0)
		(vl-file-delete dcl)
		(not (new_dialog "promptbox" dch))
		(unload_dialog dch)
		(vl-file-delete dcl)
		(if msg (setq val (set_tile "txt" msg)))
		(action_tile "txt" "(setq val $value)")
		(if (zerop (start_dialog)) (setq val nil))
		(unload_dialog dch)
		(vl-file-delete dcl)
); cond
); defun PromptBox

;; List Box  -  Lee Mac
;; Displays a DCL list box allowing the user to make a selection from the supplied data.
;; msg - [str] Dialog label
;; lst - [lst] List of strings to display
;; bit - [int] 1=allow multiple; 2=return indexes
;; Returns: [lst] List of selected items/indexes, else nil
(defun LM:listbox ( msg lst bit / dch des tmp rtn )
	(   (not
			(setq tmp (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl"))
			(setq des (open tmp "w"))
				(strcat "listbox:dialog{label=\"" msg "\";spacer;:list_box{key=\"list\";multiple_select="
					(if (= 1 (logand 1 bit)) "true" "false") ";width=50;height=15;}spacer;ok_cancel;}"
			(not (close des))
			(< 0 (setq dch (load_dialog tmp)))
			(new_dialog "listbox" dch)
	(prompt "\nError Loading List Box Dialog.")
	(   t     
		(start_list "list")
		(foreach itm lst (add_list itm))
		(setq rtn (set_tile "list" "0"))
		(action_tile "list" "(setq rtn $value)")
		(setq rtn
			(if (= 1 (start_dialog))
				(if (= 2 (logand 2 bit))
					(read (strcat "(" rtn ")"))
					(mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (nth x lst)) (read (strcat "(" rtn ")")))
(if (< 0 dch)
	(unload_dialog dch)
(if (and tmp (setq tmp (findfile tmp)))
	(vl-file-delete tmp)

Though It won't purge the original layer.

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  • 2 years later...

This topic is old but it seems that there is not a clear and easy answer in internet, so I put this here in case it's helpful:


(defun C:aux ( / acadDocument theLayers layName)

(setq acadDocument (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(setq theLayers (vla-get-layers acadDocument))
(vlax-map-collection theLayers 'layer-mod)

(defun layer-mod (theLayer)
(setq layName (vlax-get-property theLayer 'Name))
(if (member layName '("Layer_to_be_rename"))
(vla-put-Name thelayer (strcat "New_Layer_Name"))
) ;if

A little modification of a lisp that some day I found in some place

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Rather than iterating over the entire Layers Collection to rename a single layer, you can obtain it directly using tblobjname, e.g.:

(defun c:layren ( / enx obj old new )
    (setq old "Layer_to_be_Renamed"
          new "New_Layer_Name"
    (if (and (setq obj (tblobjname "layer" old))
             (setq enx (entget obj))
        (entmod (subst (cons 2 new) (assoc 2 enx) enx))


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20 hours ago, Lee Mac said:

Rather than iterating over the entire Layers Collection to rename a single layer, you can obtain it directly using tblobjname, e.g.:

Thank you Lee Mac! An easier way to get it. I Didn't know tblobjname function

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