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lisp for automatically set view ports from model space


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Hi All..I need some help here.

In my project to be create lots of layouts (more than 80 layouts).

it will takes lots of time to adjust each layout.

I want lisp or cuix file to place a rectangle block with reference number ( that block is not shown in plot). when placing a numbered rectangle block in model space , (block and covered area) that block is automatically fitted with respective layouts (as shown in sample.dwg)

If its possible please someone help me.

I've attached sample.dwg file here.



Thanks in advance.



Dinesh P


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Try this.

this the author link

(defun c:NV (/ *error* _RestoreView p1 p2 doc ct vs vc tmp mp sc ll sl res vpdoc vpp vp ans)
 (defun *error* (Msg)
   (princ "Error: ")
   (princ Msg)
   (if ct (_RestoreView))
 (defun _RestoreView ()
   (setvar "ctab" ct)
   (vla-ZoomCenter (vlax-Get-Acad-Object) (vlax-3d-Point (trans vc 1 0)) vs)
 (if (/= (getvar "cvport") 1)
       (setq p1 (getpoint "\nSelect first point of view: "))
       (setq p2 (getcorner p1 "\nSelect second point of view: "))
       (setq doc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
             ct (getvar "ctab")
             vs (getvar "viewsize")
             vc (getvar "viewctr")
             sc (cond
                  ( (getint
                        "\nWhat is Viewport Scale 1: <"
                        (itoa (setq sc (cond (sc) (50))))
                        ">: "
                  ( sc )
       (setq ll
         (vlax-for % (vla-get-layouts doc)
           (setq res
                 (vla-get-name %)
                 (vla-get-TabOrder %)
       (setq ll
           (vl-sort ll
            '(lambda (a b)
               (< (last a) (last b))
       (if (setq sl (cd:DCL_StdListDialog (mapcar ' car ll) 0 "NewViewport" "Select layout:" 40 15 2 nil T T))
           (setvar "ctab" (car (nth sl ll)))
           (vla-put-MSpace doc :vlax-false)
           (if (setq vpp (getpoint "\nSelect Point for Viewport: "))
                   (car (trans p2 1 0))
                   (car (trans p1 1 0))
                 (setq tmp p1 p1 p2 p2 tmp)
               (setq mp
                    (/ (+ (car p1) (car p2)) 2)
                    (/ (+ (cadr p1) (cadr p2)) 2)
               (setq vpdoc (vla-get-PaperSpace doc)
                     vp (vla-AddPViewport
                          (vlax-3d-point vpp)
                          (/ (- (car p2) (car p1)) sc)
                          (/ (- (cadr p2) (cadr p1)) sc)
               (vla-display vp :vlax-true)
               (vla-put-MSpace doc :vlax-true)
               (vla-put-ActivePViewport doc vp)
                 (vlax-3d-point mp)
               (vla-put-CustomScale vp (/ 1. sc))
               (vla-put-MSpace doc :vlax-false)
               (vla-put-DisplayLocked vp :vlax-true)
               (initget "Yes No")
               (setq ans
                   ( (getkword "\nBack to model space [Yes/No] <No>: ") )
                   ( "No" )
               (if (= ans "Yes") (_RestoreView))
               (princ "\n** Invalid Point ** ")
               (if ct (_RestoreView))
         (princ "\n** Layout not selected ** ")
     (princ "\n** Invalid Point ** ")
   (princ "\nStart Program in Model Space ")
; =========================================================================================== ;
; Okno dialogowe z lista (list_box) / Dialog control with list (list_box)                     ;
;  Data      
[list]    - lista do wyswietlenia / list to display                              ;
;  Pos       [iNT]     - pozycja poczatkowa na liscie / select list position                  ;
;  Title     [sTR/nil] - tytul okna / window title                                            ;
;  ListTitle [sTR/nil] - tytul list_box / list_box title                                      ;
;  Width     [iNT]     - szerokosc / width                                                    ;
;  Height    [iNT]     - wysokosc / height                                                    ;
;  Btns      [0/1/2]   - [cancel/ok/ok_cancel] przyciski / buttons                            ;
;  MSelect   [T/nil]   - dopuszczenie multiple_select / allow multiple select                 ;
;  DPos      [T/nil]   - zapamietanie pozycji okna / save window position                     ;
;  DblClick  [T/nil]   - podwojny klik (wykluczone Cancel) / double click (not for Cancel)    ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Zwraca / Return:                                                                            ;
;  nil  = nic nie wybrano (anulowano) / nothing was selected (canceled)                       ;
;  INT  = wybrano jedna pozycje / one position selected  | MSelect = nil                      ;
;  LIST = wybrano kilka pozycji / few positions selected | MSelect = T                        ;
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; (cd:DCL_StdListDialog '("A" "B" "C") 0 "Title" "ListTitle:" 40 15 2 nil T nil)              ;
; =========================================================================================== ;
(defun cd:DCL_StdListDialog (Data Pos Title ListTitle Width Height Btns MSelect DPos DblClk
                            / f tmp dc res)
 (if (not DPos) (setq *cd-TempDlgPosition* (list -1 -1)))
   ( (not
         (setq f
             (setq tmp (vl-FileName-MkTemp nil nil ".dcl"))
         (foreach % 
             (strcat "label=\""
               (if Title (strcat Title "\";") "\"\";")
             (if ListTitle
               (strcat "label=\"" ListTitle "\";")""
             (strcat "width="
               (if (not Width) "20" (itoa Width))";"
             (strcat "height="
               (if (not Height) "20" (itoa Height))";"
             (if (not DblClck)
               (strcat "multiple_select="
                 (if MSelect "true;" "false;")
               ( (zerop Btns) "cancel_button;")
               ( (= 1 Btns) "ok_only;")
               (T "ok_cancel;")
           (write-line % f)
         (not (close f))
         (< 0 (setq dc (load_dialog tmp)))
         (new_dialog "StdListDialog" dc ""
             ( *cd-TempDlgPosition* )
             ( (quote (-1 -1)) )
   ( T     
     (start_list "list")
     (mapcar (quote add_list) Data)
     (if (not Pos)
       (setq Pos 0)
       (if (> Pos (length Data)) (setq Pos 0))
     (setq res (set_tile "list" (itoa Pos)))
     (action_tile "list"
         "(setq res $value)(if DblClk (if(or(not MSelect)"
         "(not (zerop Btns)))"
         "(if (= $reason 4)(setq "
         "*cd-TempDlgPosition* (done_dialog 1)))))"
     (action_tile "accept" "(setq *cd-TempDlgPosition* (done_dialog 1))")
     (action_tile "cancel" "(setq res nil) (done_dialog 0)")
     (setq res
       (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
         (read (strcat "(" res ")"))
 (if (< 0 dc) (unload_dialog dc))
 (if (setq tmp (findfile tmp)) (vl-File-Delete tmp))
 (if (not DPos) (setq *cd-TempDlgPosition* (list -1 -1)))
 (if res (if (= 1 (length res)) (car res) res))
(princ "\n Type NV to Invoke ")

Edited by mostafa badran
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Hi.mostafa badran..

Thanks for your reply..

this lisp working fine.. but I did not expect this..I want just place a rectangle in model space automatically create layout for respective numbered block. (for example- 001 rectangle -->layout1,002 rectangle -->layout2).

Did you understand my expectations?



Dinesh P

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automatically create layout for respective numbered block. (for example- 001 rectangle -->layout1,002 rectangle -->layout2).

I don't think so,maybe another person find out solution.

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