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Posted (edited)

Hi All,


I just faced 1 problem while interacting with excel. I'm not able to add new row in excel. I searched for it but couldn't find any appropriate result.


My code :

       (setq ex (vlax-get-or-create-object "excel.application"))
      (vla-put-visible ex :vlax-true)
      (setq wb (vlax-get-property ex 'Workbooks))
      (vlax-for x wb
 (if (eq (strcase (vla-get-fullname x)) (strcase file))
   (setq wb1 x)
      (if wb1
 (setq sht (vlax-get-property wb1 "activeSheet"))
   (setq wb1 (vla-open wb file))
   (setq sht (vlax-get-property wb1 "activeSheet"))


In below pic System Number 2 is missing, I want to add new row for that. I hope my question is clear


Piping Circuitization spreadsheet Edited.xlsx

Edited by satishrajdev

Please show your dwg and xls , but beware that combined cell may be a problem

Please show your dwg and xls , but beware that combined cell may be a problem


I've attached excel above. Please note that I want to add row after 3rd row so that I can add system number 2 over there.

Posted (edited)

not my code ( http://forums.augi.com/archive/index.php/t-108747.html )

;;;================== delete column ====================
(defun C:DCOL (/ Col Cols ColNum ExcelApp FilePath Sht ShtName Wbk)


 (setq    FilePath (getfiled "Select Excel file :"
              (getvar "dwgprefix")
 (setq ShtName (getstring "\nEnter sheet name : "))

 (setq ColNum (getint "\nEnter column number to delete : "))

 (setq ExcelApp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application"))

 (vla-put-visible ExcelApp :vlax-true)

 (vlax-put-property ExcelApp "DisplayAlerts" :vlax-false)

 (setq    Wbk (vl-catch-all-apply
         (list (vlax-get-property ExcelApp "WorkBooks") FilePath)
 (setq    Sht (vl-catch-all-apply
         (list (vlax-get-property Wbk "Sheets")
 (vlax-invoke-method Sht "Activate")

 (setq    Cols (vlax-get-property Sht "Columns")
 (setq    Col (vlax-variant-value
         (vlax-get-property Cols "Item" ColNum)

 (vlax-invoke-method Col "Delete")
 (vlax-put-property ExcelApp "DisplayAlerts" :vlax-true)

   (list Wbk "Save")
   (list Wbk "Close")
   (list ExcelApp "Quit")
     (lambda (x)
     (function (lambda ()
           (if (not (vlax-object-released-p x))
               (vlax-release-object x)
               (setq x nil)
   (list Col Cols Sht Wbk ExcelApp)

;;;================== add row ====================
(defun C:AROW (/ Col Cols RowNum ExcelApp FilePath Sht ShtName Wbk)


 (setq    FilePath (getfiled "Select Excel file :"
              (getvar "dwgprefix")

 (setq ShtName (getstring "\nEnter sheet name : "))

   RowNum (getint "\nEnter a row number to insert one row after: ")

 (setq ExcelApp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application"))

 (vla-put-visible ExcelApp :vlax-true)

 (vlax-put-property ExcelApp "DisplayAlerts" :vlax-false)

 (setq    Wbk (vl-catch-all-apply
         (list (vlax-get-property ExcelApp "WorkBooks") FilePath)
 (setq    Sht (vl-catch-all-apply
         (list (vlax-get-property Wbk "Sheets")
 (vlax-invoke-method Sht "Activate")

 (setq    Rows (vlax-get-property Sht "Rows")
 (setq    Row (vlax-variant-value
         (vlax-get-property Rows "Item" RowNum)

   (list Row "Insert")

 (vlax-put-property ExcelApp "DisplayAlerts" :vlax-true)

   (list Wbk "Save")
   (list Wbk "Close")

   (list ExcelApp "Quit")

     (lambda (x)
     (function (lambda ()
           (if (not (vlax-object-released-p x))
               (vlax-release-object x)
               (setq x nil)

   (list Row Rows Sht Wbk ExcelApp)

gr. Rlx

Edited by rlx

Heres my try:


(defun C:test ( / xls xlapp xlwbs xlwbk xlclss xlcl xlrow )
 (vl-catch-all-apply 'eval
       (setq xls (getfiled "Specify Excel File" (strcat (getenv "userprofile") "\\Desktop\\")  "xlsx;xls;*" 16))
       (setq xlapp (vlax-get-or-create-object "Excel.Application"))
       (setq xlwbs (vlax-get-property  xlapp 'WorkBooks))
       (setq xlwbk (vlax-invoke-method xlwbs 'Open xls))
       (setq xlclss (vlax-get-property xlapp 'Cells))
       (setq xlcl (vlax-variant-value (vlax-get-property xlclss 'item 4 1)))
       (setq xlrow (vlax-get-property xlcl 'EntireRow))
         (vla-Select xlrow)
         (vlax-invoke-method (vla-get-Selection xlapp) 'Insert 
           -4121 ; xlDown
           0 ; xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
         (vla-Select (vlax-variant-value (vlax-get-property xlclss 'item 1 1)))
       ); progn
     ); and
 ); vl-catch-all-apply
 (and (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type xlwbk)) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list xlwbk 'close :vlax-true)) )
 (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list xlapp 'quit))
 (foreach o (reverse (list xls xlapp xlwbs xlwbk xlclss xlcl xlrow)) (and (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type o)) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-release-object (list o))) )
); defun 

nice try Grrr , will add to lib


Gr. Rlx


Thanks, it has some LeeMac'ish style of coding and I've included some touch from MP: (vl-catch-all-apply 'eval '(...))

All credits to Lee! (I feel like stealing from him for the cost to have flawless coding :oops: ).

Thanks, it has some LeeMac'ish style of coding and I've included some touch from MP: (vl-catch-all-apply 'eval '(...))

All credits to Lee! (I feel like stealing from him for the cost to have flawless coding :oops: ).


Even Lee (probably) wasn't born with all the coding already in his head so I gues if you look @ it this way then all learning would be stealing ;)

Even Lee (probably) wasn't born with all the coding already in his head so I gues if you look @ it this way then all learning would be stealing ;)


I agree, its just that I got too used from learning from his codes, that my style became very close to his (even the variable naming)...

So to not mistaken I just put my nickname, under the 'written by' so I would have in mind "be careful of unaccounted or stupid errors", aswell his - if he missed to place it.


However on the how-to-do-it part, I learn from all of you guys.

Rlx, you have alot of functions in your codes that I wanted to ask you about where/how/why.. unfortunately I don't have enough time to keep tracing/learning so much codes.


Thanks a lot guys... My problem is solved.


Learned something new today :beer:


However on the how-to-do-it part, I learn from all of you guys.

Rlx, you have alot of functions in your codes that I wanted to ask you about where/how/why.. unfortunately I don't have enough time to keep tracing/learning so much codes.


Don't worry , sometimes even I don't understand my own code anymore , one year later :P


Glad to hear your problem is solved satishrajdev


gr. Rlx

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