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Converting text written in inches to feet & inches


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Now here I want to convert a existing text written in inches  for example 12" to be converted into 1'-0"

now being a newbie I couldn't figure out a lisp routine to do so, for now I am changing those text and mtext manually.

Could anybody help me out?

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I dont work in feet, long may metric rule, anyway divide the inches by 12 this will give a feet in decimal, 56" = 4.66666667 so the fix is 4' take 56-4*12 = 8" if you have say 56.375 inches then a bit harder, but solvable


(defun c:foo ( / num ans foot foots inchs)

(while (setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel "\nPick "))))

(setq num (atof (vla-get-textstring obj)))

(setq foots (/ num 12))

(setq foot (fix foots))
(setq inchs (- num (* foot 12.0)))

(if (/= inchs 0.0)

(setq ans (strcat (rtos foot  2 0) (chr 39) "-" (rtos inchs 2 0)(chr 34)))

(setq ans (strcat (rtos foot  2 0) (chr 39)))


(vla-put-textstring obj ans)






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Here's how I would do that if I knew how:

Using BIGAL's example of 56":


Integer of 56 divided by 12 = 4. There's the FEET.

56 modulus 12 = 8. There's the INCHES remaining.

Make a program that does that and puts it together how you need it. There's the challenge.





Edited by StevJ
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3 hours ago, BIGAL said:

anyway divide the inches by 12 this will give a feet in decimal, 56" = 4.66666667 so the fix is 4' take 56-4*12 = 8" if you have say 56.375 inches then a bit harder, but solvable


Actually its pretty easy with the remainder function.


31 minutes ago, StevJ said:

Integer of 56 divided by 12 = 4. There's the FEET.

56 modulus 12 = 8. There's the INCHES remaining.

Make a program that does that and puts it together how you need it. There's the challenge.


I'm a metric-only guy (in our country we don't use imperial) so that guide helped alot, 

Heres some generic solution -

_$ (INCHES->FEETNINCHES 56) >> (4 FT 8)
_$ (INCHES->FEETNINCHES 55) >> (4 FT 7)
_$ (INCHES->FEETNINCHES 56.375) >> (4 FT 8.375)
_$ (INCHES->FEETNINCHES 56.125) >> (4 FT 8.125)
(defun Inches->FeetnInches ( i / feet )
  (if (numberp i)
      (setq feet (fix (/ i 12))) 'ft
      (if (zerop feet) i (rem i (* feet 12)))

(defun C:test ( / e o r )
    (setq e (car (entsel "\nPick Text: ")))
    (vlax-property-available-p (setq o (vlax-ename->vla-object e)) 'TextString)
    (numberp (setq r (read (vl-list->string (vl-remove 34 (vl-string->list (vlax-get o 'TextString)))))))
    (setq r (Inches->FeetnInches r))
    (vlax-put o 'TextString 
      (apply ''((a b c) (strcat (vl-prin1-to-string a) "'-" (vl-prin1-to-string c) "\"")) r)


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23 minutes ago, Grrr said:

I'm a metric-only guy (in our country we don't use imperial) so that guide helped alot, 


I wish it was that way here in the States.

One thing the OP didn't note was whether he needed partial inches as fractions, or decimals as you have done, or if he will always be working with whole inches.

Hey now. That program works really well.



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21 hours ago, BIGAL said:


(INCHES->FEETNINCHES 56.125) >> (4 FT 8.125)


No its 4' 8 1/8 "  🤩


Thanks for pointing out this little detail, BIGAL !

Perhaps this should work fine:


(defun Inches->FeetnInches ( i / feet tmp )
  (if (numberp i)
      (itoa (setq feet (fix (/ i 12)))) "'" " "
      (itoa (fix (if (zerop feet) i (setq tmp (rem i (* feet 12)))))) " "
      (if (zerop (setq tmp (rem tmp 1))) "0" (apply ''((a b) (strcat (itoa (fix a)) "/" (itoa (fix b)))) (findfraction (* 1000 tmp) 1000))) "\""

;| Based on: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/bf10ca44-4cb9-44c8-a74d-efa9502401d5/round-decimal-to-fraction?forum=vbgeneral
_$ (findfraction 75 100)
(3 4)
_$ (findfraction 125 1000)
(1 8)
_$ (findfraction 20 100)
(1 5)
_$ (findfraction 30 120)
(1 4)
_$ (findfraction 25 100)
(1 4)
(defun findfraction ( a b / s i d c )
  (mapcar 'set '(a b) (mapcar 'fix (list a b)))
  (setq i 1.0)
  (while (and (not s) (<= i a))
    (setq s 
        (zerop (rem (setq d (/ a (setq i (1+ i)))) 1))
        (zerop (rem (setq c (/ b i)) 1))
  (if (and s d c) (findfraction d c) (list a b))


Sample tests:

(mapcar '(lambda (x) (list x '>> (Inches->FeetnInches x)))
  '(56 56.125 56.325 56.625 56.725 56.5 56.25)
((56 >> "4' 8 0\"")
  (56.125 >> "4' 8 1/8\"")
  (56.325 >> "4' 8 13/40\"")
  (56.625 >> "4' 8 5/8\"")
  (56.725 >> "4' 8 29/40\"")
  (56.5 >> "4' 8 1/2\"")
  (56.25 >> "4' 8 1/4\"")


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