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entsel to ssget


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Hello, I have a lisp to get the corner coordinates of a rectangle. But with this lisp you have to select the object.
How can I replace the entsel with (ssget "X" '((0. "LWPOLYLINE")) to directly select the object.


(defun C:test ()
(if (and (setq ENT (car (entsel "\n Select Rectangle: ")))
(if (and (setq ENT (car (ssname ss indx)))
(eq (cdadr (setq ELST (entget ent))) "LWPOLYLINE"))
(foreach item ELST
(if (eq (car item) 10)
(setq pts (cons (cdr item) PTS))))
(setq RB (car PTS))	
(setq LO (caddr PTS))
(setq RO (cadr PTS))
(setq LO (last PTS))



thank you in advance



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I'm not sure exactly what you want but this snippet will return the four corners in a list.


(defun C:test ( / ss c_lst)

  ;This allows a single selection (like entsel) of a lwpolyline
  (setq ss (ssget "_+.:E:S" '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))

  ; this returns the coords in c_lst if a lwpolyline entity is selected
  (if ss  (setq c_lst (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget (ssname ss 0))))))


Edited by dlanorh
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(defun c:test ( / ss rec pl d1 d2 d3 d4 )
  (if (setq ss (ssget "_X" (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(90 . 4) '(-4 . "&=") '(70 . 1) '(-4 . "<not") '(-4 . "<>") '(42 . 0.0) '(-4 . "not>") (cons 410 (getvar 'ctab)))))
    (setq rec (ssname ss 0))
  (if rec
      (setq pl (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if '(lambda ( x ) (/= (car x) 10)) (entget rec))))
      (setq d1 (distance (car pl) (cadr pl)))
      (setq d2 (distance (cadr pl) (caddr pl)))
      (setq d3 (distance (nth 2 pl) (nth 3 pl)))
      (setq d4 (distance (nth 3 pl) (car pl)))
      (if (and (equal d1 d3 1e-6) (equal d2 d4 1e-6) (equal (abs (rem (+ pi pi (- (angle (cadr pl) (caddr pl)) (angle (car pl) (cadr pl)))) (+ pi pi))) (* 0.5 pi) 1e-6))
          (prompt "\nSearched LWPOLYLINE is RECTANGLE with points : ")
          (princ pl)
          (sssetfirst nil (ssadd rec))


Edited by marko_ribar
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dlanorh, thanks for your feedback, i didn't want to select it manually.

marko_ribar, thank you also for your feedback. Your lisp works perfectly the way I wanted it.

Thank you both for your time,

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