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If a var is a SYM, convert to string


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Hey all,


I am having an issue where I grab an element from a list and set it to a var and the var is a "SYM" data type.


I am trying to test for that data type and then convert it into a string. However, my current test:


    (if (= (type PtNo) "SYM")

      (setq PtNo (vl-symbol-name PtNo))

      ;;end if

Doesn't return true.


Any and all insights into this are welcome.



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Sorry, I should be more clear.


When I test for "SYM" it isn't returning true when it actually is a data type "SYM", it just skips over the "then" part of the if function.


Here's the full code:

NOTE: I am still working on proof of concept, I'll be doing all of the error trapping when I can get it to work the way I need it to. I also haven't cleaned it up yet.


;; This lisp routine xxx

(defun c:ImportCSV (/ csvfile Opencsvfile csvdataline readline ctr n readlinestring readlinelist xval yval zval ptno descr coord coordtext test)
  ;; error handler
  (defun *error* (msg)
    (princ "\nError: ")
    (princ msg)
  (setq csvfile (getfiled "Select CSV File"

	;;end setq

  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
  (setq OpenCsvFile (open csvfile "r"))


    (setq CsvDataLine (read-line OpenCsvFile)
	  ReadLine CSVDataLine
    (setq ctr 0)

    ;;delete "


      (if (setq n (vl-string-search "\"" Readline 0))

	(setq Readline (vl-string-subst " " "\"" Readline ctr)
	      ctr n

	;;end if

      ;;end while
    (setq ctr 0)

    ;;delete spaces

      (if (setq n (vl-string-search " " Readline 0))

	(setq Readline (vl-string-subst "" " " Readline ctr)
	      ctr n
	;;end if

      ;;end while

    (setq ctr 0)

    ;;replace commas with spaces

      (if (setq n (vl-string-search "," Readline 0))

	(setq Readline (vl-string-subst " " "," Readline ctr)
	      ctr n
	;;end if

      ;;end while

    (setq ReadLineString (strcat "(" Readline ")")
	  ReadLineList (read ReadLineString)
	  XVal (cadr ReadLineList)
	  YVal (caddr ReadLineList)
	  ZVal (cadddr ReadLineList)
	  PtNo (car ReadLineList)
	  Coord (list XVal YVal ZVal)

    (setq test (type PtNo))
    (if (= (type PtNo) "SYM")

      (setq PtNo (vl-symbol-name PtNo))

      ;;end if
    (setq test (type PtNo))

    (if ( = (length ReadLineList) 5)
      (setq Descr (nth 4 ReadLineList)
	     Descr (vl-symbol-name Descr)

	  "_.point" Coord
	  "_.text" Coord ".1" "" PtNo
	  "_.text" Coord ".1" "" Descr
      (setq txtbx (entlast))
      (command "_.move" txtbx "" "0,0" "0,-0.12")
      ;;end progn

	 "_.point" Coord
	 "_.text" Coord ".1" "" PtNo

     ;;end if

    ;;end while

  (close OpenCSVFile)

  (setvar "PDMODE" 35)
  (setvar "PDSIZE" 0.2)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
  ;;End Defun


Edited by juicyorange
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If you're reading a CSV and looking at the (type) it will always return 'STR ? Maybe you're trying to see if the text = "SYM" ?


If so then this should work:

(if	(= ptno "SYM")
      (setq ptno (vl-symbol-name ptno))
      ;;end if


Edited by ronjonp
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Hmmm .. then all you have to do is change your syntax: 


(= 'sym (type ptno))

I did not read all your code to see this part that converts to numbers and a symbol:

(setq ReadLineString (strcat "(" Readline ")")
	  ReadLineList (read ReadLineString)


Edited by ronjonp
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The type function returns a symbol, not a string (regardless of the data type held by a variable), therefore you need to compare the value returned by the type function with a symbol, not a string as in your current code.


Observe the following:

_$ (setq a "string")
_$ (type a)
_$ (type (type a))

_$ (setq a 'b)
_$ (type a)
_$ (type (type a))
_$ (= 'sym (type a))


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28 minutes ago, Lee Mac said:

The type function returns a symbol, not a string (regardless of the data type held by a variable), therefore you need to compare the value returned by the type function with a symbol, not a string as in your current code.


Observe the following:

_$ (setq a "string")
_$ (type a)
_$ (type (type a))

_$ (setq a 'b)
_$ (type a)
_$ (type (type a))
_$ (= 'sym (type a))


Thanks for the explanation, this makes more sense now!

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