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SSGET with number of itens


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It's possible, but not as part of a single ssget expression - you would need to construct a loop such as:

(defun c:test ( / s )
        (and (setq s (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE,LWPOLYLINE"))))
            (or (/= 3 (sslength s))
                (vl-some '/=
                   '("CIRCLE" "CIRCLE" "LWPOLYLINE")
                    (acad_strlsort (mapcar '(lambda ( i ) (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (ssname s i))))) '(0 1 2)))
        (princ "\nPlease select two circles and a polyline.")
    (if s
        (princ "\nThe user selected two circles and a polyline.")
        (princ "\nThe user cancelled the selection.")


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19 minutes ago, Lee Mac said:

It's possible, but not as part of a single ssget expression - you would need to construct a loop such as:

(defun c:test ( / s )
        (and (setq s (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE,LWPOLYLINE"))))
            (or (/= 3 (sslength s))
                (vl-some '/=
                   '("CIRCLE" "CIRCLE" "LWPOLYLINE")
                    (acad_strlsort (mapcar '(lambda ( i ) (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (ssname s i))))) '(0 1 2)))
        (princ "\nPlease select two circles and a polyline.")
    (if s
        (princ "\nThe user selected two circles and a polyline.")
        (princ "\nThe user cancelled the selection.")




Thank you Lee Mac, this exactly I needed.

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Just leaving this (I had fun) -

('((L) (vl-every ''((x)(member x L)) '(("LWPOLYLINE" . 1) ("CIRCLE" . 2))))
  ('(( f SS ) (if SS (f SS (1- (sslength SS)) nil)))
    '(( SS i c / itm k )
      (if (<= 0 i)
        (f SS (1- i)
          (if (setq itm (assoc (setq k (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (ssname SS i))))) c))
            (subst ('((itm)(cons (car itm) (1+ (cdr itm)))) itm) itm c)
            (cons (cons k 1) c)
    (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE,LWPOLYLINE")))


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6 hours ago, Grrr said:

Just leaving this (I had fun) -

('((L) (vl-every ''((x)(member x L)) '(("LWPOLYLINE" . 1) ("CIRCLE" . 2))))
  ('(( f SS ) (if SS (f SS (1- (sslength SS)) nil)))
    '(( SS i c / itm k )
      (if (<= 0 i)
        (f SS (1- i)
          (if (setq itm (assoc (setq k (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (ssname SS i))))) c))
            (subst ('((itm)(cons (car itm) (1+ (cdr itm)))) itm) itm c)
            (cons (cons k 1) c)
    (ssget '((0 . "CIRCLE,LWPOLYLINE")))



Try selecting other objects in addition to two circles and a polyline ;)

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3 hours ago, Lee Mac said:


Try selecting other objects in addition to two circles and a polyline ;)


Ah, right..

(vl-every ''((x)(member x L)) '(("LWPOLYLINE" . 1) ("CIRCLE" . 2)))

should be

(and (= 2 (length L)) (vl-every ''((x)(member x L)) '(("LWPOLYLINE" . 1) ("CIRCLE" . 2))))


Or for a better performance, include the check before processing the SS -

(if SS (f SS (1- (sslength SS)) nil))

the above must be changed to 

(if (and SS (= 3 (sslength SS))) (f SS (1- (sslength SS)) nil))


Thanks Lee! :beer:

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Maybe :

(defun c:test (/ ls cs fs ss i en ed)
  (setq ls (ssadd)
        cs (ssadd)
        fs (ssadd))

  (while (/= (sslength fs) 3)
         (setq fs (ssadd))
         (and (princ "\nSelect 2 Lines and 1 Circle:   ")
              (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LINE,CIRCLE"))))
              (= (sslength ss) 3)
              (setq i 0)
              (while (setq en (ssname ss i))
                     (setq ed (entget en))
                     (cond ((= "LINE" (cdr (assoc 0 ed)))
                            (ssadd en ls)
                            (ssadd en fs))
                           ((= "CIRCLE" (cdr (assoc 0 ed)))
                            (ssadd en cs)
                            (ssadd en fs)))
                    (setq i (1+ i)))
               (= (sslength ls) 2)
               (= (sslength cs) 1)


You would need to tweak LINE vs POLYLINE vs LWPOLYLINE



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Maybe another way ‘(“circle” “circle” “Polyline”) use the nth and force a check till correct object picked. List can get bigger. On iPad no code.

Edited by BIGAL
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