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Demo Lisp


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I found this lisp by Kent which enable the user to pick an entity and add "-DEMO" to its layer name, change its color and linetype which is working great.

Can this be modified to accept multiple selection rather than by pick only.
And if i select a block if does not change the color and linetype.


(defun c:DEMO (/ esel ent DLname)
  (while (setq esel (entsel "\nPick object to put on its Demo Layer: "))
      ent (car esel)
      DLname (strcat (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))) "-DEMO")
      "_.layer" "_make" DLname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
      "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""


Edited by CAD_Noob
typo error
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Sure, I renamed the command CLCL


(defun change_layer_color_ltp ( ent /  DLname)
      ;;ent (car esel)
      DLname (strcat (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))) "-DEMO")
      "_.layer" "_make" DLname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
      "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""

(defun c:clcl ( / ss i)
  ;; selection
  (princ "\nMake selection: ")
  (setq ss (ssget))
  ;; now perform the function for every selected entity
  (setq i 0)
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (change_layer_color_ltp (ssname ss i))
    (setq i (+ i 1))

Edited by Emmanuel Delay
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3 hours ago, Emmanuel Delay said:

Sure, I renamed the command CLCL


(defun change_layer_color_ltp ( ent /  DLname)
      ;;ent (car esel)
      DLname (strcat (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))) "-DEMO")
      "_.layer" "_make" DLname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
      "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""

(defun c:clcl ( / ss i)
  ;; selection
  (princ "\nMake selection: ")
  (setq ss (ssget))
  ;; now perform the function for every selected entity
  (setq i 0)
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (change_layer_color_ltp (ssname ss i))
    (setq i (+ i 1))


Hi @Emmanuel Delay; thanks for this. Will try tomorrow as I do not have AutoCAD at home.


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Thanks so much! working well.

Just need to edit some blocks to ByLayer for the routine to take effect.

Some blocks are a bit hard to edit though there are couples of nested block 

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Hi found a bug...
if the selected item happens to be in the demo layer already it again adds "-DEMO" suffix.

Example : 
Before : A-_Door-DEMO
After : A-_Door-DEMO-DEMO

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It's not a bug, it's user error for selecting an entity on a layer with the suffix "-DEMO" :lol:


A belt and braces lisp. You can't select a layer with "-DEMO" in the layer name

If the layer already has an associated "-demo" layer it moves it to that layer 

Otherwise it creates the demo layer and moves it.


(defun change_layer_color_ltp ( ent /  dlname)
    (setq dlname (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))))
    (cond ( (and (not (wcmatch (strcase dlname) "*-DEMO"))
                 (setq dlname (strcat dlname "-DEMO"))
                 (not (tblsearch "layer" dlname))
            (command "_.layer" "_make" dlname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
                    "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""
          ( (tblsearch "layer" dlname) (command "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" dlname ""))

(defun c:clcl ( / ss i)
  ;; selection
  (princ "\nMake selection: ")
  (setq ss (ssget '((-4 . "<NOT") (8 . "*DEMO") (-4 . "NOT>"))))
  ;; now perform the function for every selected entity
  (setq i 0)
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (change_layer_color_ltp (ssname ss i))
    (setq i (+ i 1))


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14 hours ago, dlanorh said:

It's not a bug, it's user error for selecting an entity on a layer with the suffix "-DEMO" :lol:


A belt and braces lisp. You can't select a layer with "-DEMO" in the layer name

If the layer already has an associated "-demo" layer it moves it to that layer 

Otherwise it creates the demo layer and moves it.


(defun change_layer_color_ltp ( ent /  dlname)
    (setq dlname (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))))
    (cond ( (and (not (wcmatch (strcase dlname) "*-DEMO"))
                 (setq dlname (strcat dlname "-DEMO"))
                 (not (tblsearch "layer" dlname))
            (command "_.layer" "_make" dlname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
                    "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""
          ( (tblsearch "layer" dlname) (command "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" dlname ""))

(defun c:clcl ( / ss i)
  ;; selection
  (princ "\nMake selection: ")
  (setq ss (ssget '((-4 . "<NOT") (8 . "*DEMO") (-4 . "NOT>"))))
  ;; now perform the function for every selected entity
  (setq i 0)
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (change_layer_color_ltp (ssname ss i))
    (setq i (+ i 1))



Thanks for the fix, sometimes some of those demo layers are accidentally selected when windowing

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15 hours ago, dlanorh said:

It's not a bug, it's user error for selecting an entity on a layer with the suffix "-DEMO" :lol:


A belt and braces lisp. You can't select a layer with "-DEMO" in the layer name

If the layer already has an associated "-demo" layer it moves it to that layer 

Otherwise it creates the demo layer and moves it.


(defun change_layer_color_ltp ( ent /  dlname)
    (setq dlname (cdr (assoc 8 (entget ent))))
    (cond ( (and (not (wcmatch (strcase dlname) "*-DEMO"))
                 (setq dlname (strcat dlname "-DEMO"))
                 (not (tblsearch "layer" dlname))
            (command "_.layer" "_make" dlname "_color" 40 "" "_ltype" "HIDDEN2" "" ""
                    "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" DLname ""
          ( (tblsearch "layer" dlname) (command "_.chprop" ent "" "_layer" dlname ""))

(defun c:clcl ( / ss i)
  ;; selection
  (princ "\nMake selection: ")
  (setq ss (ssget '((-4 . "<NOT") (8 . "*DEMO") (-4 . "NOT>"))))
  ;; now perform the function for every selected entity
  (setq i 0)
  (repeat (sslength ss)
    (change_layer_color_ltp (ssname ss i))
    (setq i (+ i 1))



one last request please? exclude xref from the selection...


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  • 2 years later...


Great code. Can this code be updated to include adopting the source line type and line weight of the layer picked?



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20 hours ago, grantm said:


Great code. Can this code be updated to include adopting the source line type and line weight of the layer picked?




That's quite another requirement.

Are you happy with this:

Command MCTW

- select a source element (line, or whatever).

- Then select a destination selection set.  The destination set gets the layer, color, line type, line weight of the source.

(I think it doesn't work perfectly if true color (RGB) is involved)



(defun match_props ( ent layer col lt lw /  )
	(entmod (subst (cons 8 layer) 	(assoc 8 (entget ent)) 		(entget ent) ))  ;; substitute layer
	;; if this property is ByLayer, then it's empty and we have to add it.  else we substitute it.  Dito for follomwing If-statements 
	(if (assoc 62 (entget ent))  
		(entmod (subst (cons 62 col) 	(assoc 62 (entget ent)) 	(entget ent) ))  ;; substitute/add color
		(entmod (append (entget ent) (list (cons 62 col)  ) ))
	(if (assoc 6 (entget ent))  
		(entmod (subst (cons 6 lt) 	(assoc 6 (entget ent)) 	(entget ent) ))  ;; substitute/add line type
		(entmod (append (entget ent) (list (cons 6 lt)  ) ))
	(if (assoc 370 (entget ent))  
		(entmod (subst (cons 370 lw) 	(assoc 370 (entget ent)) 	(entget ent) ))  ;; substitute/add lline weight
		(entmod (append (entget ent) (list (cons 370 lw)  ) ))

;; Match Color, line Type, and line Weight of the layer picked
(defun c:MCTW ( / source layer col lt lw ss i)
;; select source, read its properties
	(setq source (car (entsel "\nSelect source: ")))
	(setq layer (cdr (assoc 8 (entget source))))	;; layer
	(setq col (cdr (assoc 62 (entget source))))	;; color
	(setq lt (cdr (assoc 6 (entget source))))	;; line type
	(setq lw (cdr (assoc 370 (entget source))))	;; line weight
;; select destination selection
	;; selection
	(princ "\nMake selection: ")
	(setq ss (ssget))
	;; now perform the function for every selected entity
	(setq i 0)
	(repeat (sslength ss)
		(match_props  (ssname ss i) layer col lt lw)
		(setq i (+ i 1))


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On 6/27/2022 at 8:15 AM, grantm said:


Great code. Can this code be updated to include adopting the source line type and line weight of the layer picked?



Here's another I've had in the toolbox for a while:

(defun c:layersuffix (/ e el l f s tm)
  ;; RJP - 04.03.2018
  (or (setq f (getenv "RJP_LayerSuffix")) (setq f (getenv "username")))
  (cond	((and (setq f (cond ((/= "" (setq tm (getstring (strcat "\nEnter suffix [<" f ">]: ")))) tm)
	      (setq s (ssget ":L" (list '(-4 . "<NOT") (cons 8 (strcat "*" f)) '(-4 . "NOT>"))))
	 (setenv "RJP_LayerSuffix" f)
	 (foreach e (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s)))
	   (setq el (entget (tblobjname "layer" (setq l (cdr (assoc 8 (entget e)))))))
	   (or (tblobjname "layer" (setq nl (strcat l f)))
	       (entmakex (subst (cons 2 nl) (assoc 2 el) el))
	   (entmod (subst (cons 8 nl) (assoc 8 (entget e)) (entget e)))


Edited by ronjonp
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  • 1 month later...

This is almost exactly what I was looking for, for our Engineering group.


I am terrible at manipulating LISP routines when it involves anything more than Find/Replace.


I am looking to make the layer DEMO-(Layer Name) instead of (Layer Name)-DEMO. Basically prefix instead of suffix. Is there an easy way to do this?



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23 hours ago, turbosocks said:

This is almost exactly what I was looking for, for our Engineering group.


I am terrible at manipulating LISP routines when it involves anything more than Find/Replace.


I am looking to make the layer DEMO-(Layer Name) instead of (Layer Name)-DEMO. Basically prefix instead of suffix. Is there an easy way to do this?



@turbosocks Give this a try.

(defun c:layerprefix (/ e el l f s tm)
  ;; RJP » 2022-08-12
  (or (setq f (getenv "RJP_LayerPrefix")) (setq f (getenv "username")))
  (cond	((and (setq f (cond ((/= "" (setq tm (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix [<" f ">]: ")))) tm)
	      (setq s (ssget ":L" (list '(-4 . "<NOT") (cons 8 (strcat f "*")) '(-4 . "NOT>"))))
	 (setenv "RJP_LayerPrefix" f)
	 (foreach e (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex s)))
	   (setq el (entget (tblobjname "layer" (setq l (cdr (assoc 8 (entget e)))))))
	   (or (tblobjname "layer" (setq nl (strcat f l)))
	       (entmakex (subst (cons 2 nl) (assoc 2 el) el))
	   (entmod (subst (cons 8 nl) (assoc 8 (entget e)) (entget e)))


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