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Att block renumbering

mostafa badran

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I'm stuck in this lisp the result give 3 digit how can i resolve it to work with 2 digit see attached file.
any help appreciated.

(defun c:natt(/ snum enum ip ats blist)
  (setq snum 1)
  (if (setq ssBlks(ssget '((0 . "insert") (66 . 1))))
      (vlax-for	n
	(setq ip (vlax-get n 'insertionpoint))
	(setq ats (vlax-invoke n 'getattributes))
	;;make list of elements (insertion point . first attribute object)
	(setq blist (cons (cons ip (car ats)) blist))
      ;;sort into rows and columns left to right and top down
      (setq blist (vl-sort blist
			   '(lambda (a b)
				(equal (cadar a) (cadar b) 0.001)
				 (< (caar a) (caar b))
				 (> (cadar a) (cadar b))
      (setq enum (sslength ssBlks))
      (setq i snum)
      (foreach n blist
	(vla-put-textstring (cdr n) (strcat "0" (itoa i)))
	(setq i (1+ i))
	(if (> i enum)
	  (setq i snum)



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(defun c:natt(/ snum enum ip ats blist)
  (setq snum 1)
  (if (setq ssBlks(ssget '((0 . "insert") (66 . 1))))
      (vlax-for	n
	(setq ip (vlax-get n 'insertionpoint))
	(setq ats (vlax-invoke n 'getattributes))
	;;make list of elements (insertion point . first attribute object)
	(setq blist (cons (cons ip (car ats)) blist))
      ;;sort into rows and columns left to right and top down
      (setq blist (vl-sort blist
			   '(lambda (a b)
				(equal (cadar a) (cadar b) 0.001)
				 (< (caar a) (caar b))
				 (> (cadar a) (cadar b))
      (setq enum (sslength ssBlks))
      (setq i snum)
      (foreach n blist
	;(vla-put-textstring (cdr n) (strcat "0" (itoa i)))
        (vla-put-textstring (cdr n) (ApplyZeros (itoa i) 2))
	(setq i (1+ i))
	(if (> i enum)
	  (setq i snum)

;from https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/copy-first-layout-multiple-times-and-number-incrementally/td-p/7030955
(defun ApplyZeros (StrInt NDigit)
 (if (< (strlen StrInt) NDigit)
  (repeat (- NDigit (strlen StrInt))(setq StrInt (strcat "0" StrInt)))


Edited by rog1n
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2 hours ago, rlx said:


(vla-put-textstring (cdr n) (if (< i 10) (strcat "0" (itoa i))(itoa i)))

I appreciate your help thank you so much rx.


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2 hours ago, rlx said:

you're welcome mostafa , for what its worth , solution provided by rog1n is just as good

Oops sorry, 🤭I inadvertently didn't mean that, but it really is a good solution💪 thanks rog1n. 

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