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Selections Sort .... all type of order


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I would like to make a lisp that orders me the selected objects, in various ways:
I'll give an example with numbers, but they could be polylines or any other object.

   1   2   3

   4   5   6

   7   8   9


I would like to be able to select them with "Windows" and give them e.g. the Left-Right and top-down mode (as you read a text):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

but also other ways e.g. from bottom to top and from right to left:
9 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 1

or from top to bottom and from left to right:
1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9

I Attached the lisp that I did and that runs only from left to right and from top to bottom...
but I think you can find solutions faster than mine!


My lisp is not complete: LISTA1  output contains the coordinates of the element + the selection set... a I just have to do SSADD to complete the command and create selection set final.


SelSort.lsp ORDINE.lsp

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On occasion when I've needed to select objects in a particular order I'll use the fence option. 

Not as quick as what you're looking for but faster than picking each one individually.

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  1. Build a selection set with ssget
  2. use a point of some type that all entity's have. (usually #10)
  3. build a list with the entity name and point.
  4. process the list using the point
  5. after sorting process entity's
(if (setq SS (ssget "_:L")) ;#1
      (setq tlst (mapcar '(lambda (x) (list (cdr (assoc 10 (entget x))) x)) (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS))))) ;#2 & 3
      (setq tlst
            (mapcar 'cadr ;after sort strip point and only leave entity name
                    (vl-sort tlst ;#4 
                             '(lambda (a b)
                                (if (equal (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)) 1e-6) ;if y are equal
                                  (< (caar a) (caar b)) ;true sort left most first
                                  (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b))) ;false sort highest first
  (foreach ent tlst


This method has some handy caps. Entity's need to be in a grid and basically a straight line. 

example. if #2 is higher then 1 it will be first in the list.

Edited by mhupp
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Thank you all for your help, especially to MHUPP: your lisp is definitely more effective than mine!


Now on this basis, I will try to make sure that you can get the other 3 types of sorting (to the remaining 4 I follow the advice of STEVEN P... I use REVERSE!)

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2 hours ago, X11start said:

Thank you all for your help, especially to MHUPP: your lisp is definitely more effective than mine!

Now on this basis, I will try to make sure that you can get the other 3 types of sorting (to the remaining 4 I follow the advice of STEVEN P... I use REVERSE!)


or you can just switch how it sorts.



if statment for y sorts by row
if statment for x sorts by column
switch the > < signs to get the order you want

;sorts 321654987
(if (equal (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)) 2) ;if y are equal within 2 
  (> (caar a) (caar b)) 
  (< (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)))

;sorts 963852741
(if (equal (caar a) (caar b) 2) ;if x are equal within 2
  (< (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b))) 
  (> (caar a) (caar b)) 

;sorts 147258369
(if (equal (caar a) (caar b) 2) 
  (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b))) 
  (< (caar a) (caar b)) 


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;  (load "Selsort")
;  (selsort 2)
;  ... select object ...
;  Verify:
;  command -> Delete
;  (nth 0 tlst) -> delete text "1"
;  command -> Delete
;  (nth 1 tlst) -> delete text "4"
; ...
;  command -> Delete
;  (nth 8 tlst) -> delete text "9"
; If TIPO > 4 TLST is reverse.
;  1   2   3
;  4   5   6
;  7   8   9

(defun SelSort (tipo / flag)

  (setq SS (ssget))
  (setq	tlst				; Crea una lista contenente le coord. x e y + il set di selezione
	 (mapcar '(lambda (x) (list (cdr (assoc 10 (entget x))) x))
		 (vl-remove-if 'listp (mapcar 'cadr (ssnamex SS)))
  )					;#2 & 3
  (if (> tipo 4)			; se Tipo > 4 lo riporta ai primi 4 ma mette un Flag
    (setq tipo (- tipo 4) flag T)
  (if (= tipo 1)			; Sx-Dx & Up-Down -> 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
    (setq tlst
	     'cadr			;dopo aver ordinato il punto della striscia e lasciare solo il nome dell'entita'  
	     (vl-sort tlst		;#4 
		      '(lambda (a b)
			 (if (equal (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)) 1e-6)
					;se y sono uguali 
			   (< (caar a) (caar b))
					;Se true: ordina prima a sinistra 
			   (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)))
					;Se false: ordina prima il piu' alto 
  (if (= tipo 2)			; Up-Down & Sx-Dx -> 1-4-7-2-5-8-3-6-9
    (setq tlst
	     'cadr			;dopo aver ordinato il punto della striscia e lasciare solo il nome dell'entita'  
	     (vl-sort tlst		;#4 
		      '(lambda (a b)
			 (if (equal (car (car a)) (car (car b)) 1e-6)
					;se x sono uguali
			   (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)))
					;Se true: ordina prima il piu' alto 
			   (< (caar a) (caar b))
					;Se false: ordina prima a sinistra 
  (if (= tipo 3)			; Dx-Sx & Up-Down -> 3-2-1-6-5-4-9-8-7
    (setq tlst
	     'cadr			;dopo aver ordinato il punto della striscia e lasciare solo il nome dell'entita'  
	     (vl-sort tlst		;#4 
		      '(lambda (a b)
			 (if (equal (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)) 1e-6)
					;se y sono uguali 
			   (> (caar a) (caar b))
					;Se true: ordina prima a Destra
			   (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)))
					;Se false: ordina prima il piu' alto 
  (if (= tipo 4)			; Up-Down & Sx-Dx -> 3-6-9-2-5-8-1-4-7
    (setq tlst
	     'cadr			;dopo aver ordinato il punto della striscia e lasciare solo il nome dell'entita'  
	     (vl-sort tlst		;#4 
		      '(lambda (a b)
			 (if (equal (car (car a)) (car (car b)) 1e-6)
					;se x sono uguali
			   (> (cadr (car a)) (cadr (car b)))
					;Se true: ordina prima il piu' alto 
			   (> (caar a) (caar b))
					;Se false: ordina prima a Destra
  (if flag				; se Flag -> True Inverte la lista
    (setq tlst (reverse tlst))

I expanded the code of MHUPP... this is the result!


thank you very much!

Edited by X11start
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