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HATCH Angle is not getting selected until I run the -hatchedit command


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Hi all,


Here's a LISP that I'm having a problem with.


Everything's working OK apart from getting the angle of the HATCH working.


It doesn't work until I run it through a -hatchedit command.


Is this a UCS problem?



Hatch Rotation Selection Issue.dwg




(defun c:QSHLPASCB nil (c:QSHATCH_SAME_Layer_PatName_Rotation_PatScale_Color&BkgColor))
(defun c:QSHATCH_SAME_Layer_PatName_Rotation_PatScale_Color&BkgColor (/

			ent_1 (car (entsel "\nSelect Hatch to get same Hatch entities as:\n\n- LAYER\n- PATTERN NAME\n- PATTERN ANGLE\n- PATTERN SCALE\n- COLOUR\n- BACKGROUND COLOUR\n-------------------------------------------------------------"))
			ssdata (if ent_1 (entget ent_1))

		(= (cdr (assoc 0 ssdata)) "HATCH")
		(sssetfirst nil)
		(setq ss_1 (vlax-ename->vla-object ent_1))
				bkgcol (vla-get-backgroundcolor ss_1)
				bkgcol (vla-get-ColorIndex (vla-get-BackgroundColor ss_1))
				laycolor (vla-get-color ss_1)
				layer (vla-get-Layer ss_1)
				patname (vla-get-PatternName ss_1)
				patangle (vla-get-PatternAngle ss_1)
				patscale (vla-get-PatternScale ss_1)
				ss_1 (ssget "X"
					(vl-remove 'nil
						(list	(cons 8 layer)
							'(0 . "HATCH")
							(cons 2 patname)
							(cons 52 patangle)
							(cons 62 laycolor)
							(cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))
							(if (/= "SOLID" patname)
								(cons 41 patscale)
				nss (ssadd)
			(repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1))
					(setq e (ssname ss_1 (setq i (1- i))))
					(= bkgcol (vla-get-ColorIndex (vla-get-BackgroundColor (vlax-ename->vla-object e))))
					(ssadd e nss)
			(princ (strcat "\n: ------------------------------\n   <<<   "(itoa (sslength ss_1)) (if (> (sslength ss_1) 1) "   >>>   similar HATCHES" "   >>>   similar HATCH") " selected.\n: ------------------------------\n"))
			(sssetfirst nil nss)

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The problem seems to be related to the negative (which is atypical) gc 52 value of the hatch in question. Copies of the hatch will have a positive gc 52 value. And probably _-HatchEdit also corrects the value.


One way to solve this:


(cons 52 patangle)


'(-4 . "<OR") (cons 52 patangle) (cons 52 ((if (minusp patangle) + -) patangle pi pi)) '(-4 . "OR>")

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This 2nd issue is clearly related to the 1st. Again the gc 52 value is atypical: 7.06858 (larger than 2pi).

The only solution I see is to remove this part of the ssget filter and compare gc 52 values after applying such a function:

; Change an angle to fit in the range: 0 <= angle < 2pi.
; (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange 8.3) => 2.01681
(defun KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange (ang)
 (rem (+ (rem ang (+ pi pi)) pi pi) (+ pi pi))

(equal (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange ang1) (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange ang2) 1e-

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It (does) work. But failing on some.


I've replaced.

(cons 52 patangle)



(cons 52 (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange patangle))


Maybe that's not that right way to use it?

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What I meant was:

Create a selection set without filtering for the gc 52 value.

And in the (repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1)) ...) loop also check gc 52 using the (equal) function with a fuzz.

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What I meant was:

Create a selection set without filtering for the gc 52 value.

And in the (repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1)) ...) loop also check gc 52 using the (equal) function with a fuzz.


I cannot get that to work as I think the issue is the angle of the hatch is not reading true.


The problem hatch read 180 degrees in the properties. So I ran a script to get its props. The gc 52 value read -1.5708.

I clicked on the hatch and typed in the properties dialog 180 degrees as it was. The gc 52 value now is 4.71239.


I wonder how this translates.

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Any of the hatches that I'm having a problem with.


I was trying to run the dialog of hatchedit and use a press key function by LeeMac to press my L to highlight the OK btn, then ENTER to close the UI and to fix the hatch patternangle as the (command "_.hatchedit" "" "" "" "") trick doesn't work but the UI method does.


yip, ANGBASE is set to '0'.

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Maybe this helps:

(defun KGA_Conv_Pickset_To_ObjectList (ss / i ret)
 (if ss
   (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
     (setq ret (cons (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))) ret))

(defun KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange (ang)
 (rem (+ (rem ang (+ pi pi)) pi pi) (+ pi pi))

; (ResetHatchPatAngle (ssget '((0 . "HATCH"))))
; Argument: ss - Selection [pickset]. Selection should contain hatch objects.
; Return:   Number of changed objects [int].
(defun ResetHatchPatAngle (ss / ang)
     '(lambda (obj / ang)
           (vlax-property-available-p obj 'patternangle)
             (< (setq ang (vla-get-patternangle obj)) 0.0)
             (>= ang (+ pi pi))
           (vla-put-patternangle obj (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange ang))
     (KGA_Conv_Pickset_To_ObjectList ss)

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Hi Roy,

I got it working. I just set it to reset the picked HATCH.

Still don't know how to translate those angles, but this seems like a good enough solution.

;; Select HATCH by: Layer, Pattern Name, Pattern Angle, Pattern Scale, Colour & Background Colour

;; by 3dwannab, last modified on the 17.08.18
;; Help from Roy_043 - http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?104909-HATCH-Angle-is-not-getting-selected-until-I-run-the-hatchedit-command&goto=newpost
;; FNs required:
;;   - KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange
;;   - KGA_Conv_Pickset_To_ObjectList
;;   - ResetHatchPatAngle

(defun c:QSHLPASCB nil (c:QSHATCH_SAME_Layer_PatName_PatScale_Color&BkgColor))
(defun c:QSHATCH_SAME_Layer_PatName_PatScale_Color&BkgColor (/

				ent_1 (car (entsel "\nSelect Hatch to get same Hatch entities as:\n\n- LAYER\n- PATTERN NAME\n- PATTERN ANGLE\n- PATTERN SCALE\n- COLOUR\n- BACKGROUND COLOUR\n-------------------------------------------------------------"))
				ss_data (if ent_1 (entget ent_1))

			(= (cdr (assoc 0 ss_data)) "HATCH")
			(sssetfirst nil)
			(setq ss_1 (vlax-ename->vla-object ent_1))
			(setq ss_temp (ssadd))


				(ssadd ent_1 ss_temp)
				(ResetHatchPatAngle ss_temp)

					bkgcol (vla-get-backgroundcolor ss_1)
					bkgcol (vla-get-ColorIndex (vla-get-BackgroundColor ss_1))
					laycolor (vla-get-color ss_1)
					layer (vla-get-Layer ss_1)
					patname (vla-get-PatternName ss_1)
					patscale (vla-get-PatternScale ss_1)
					patangle (vla-get-PatternAngle ss_1)
					ss_1 (ssget "X"
						(vl-remove 'nil
							(list	(cons 8 layer)
								'(0 . "HATCH")
								(cons 2 patname)
								(if (/= "SOLID" patname)
									(cons 41 patscale)
								(if (/= "SOLID" patname)
									(cons 52 patangle)
								(cons 62 laycolor)
								(cons 410 (getvar 'ctab))
					nss (ssadd)
				(repeat (setq i (sslength ss_1))
						(setq e (ssname ss_1 (setq i (1- i))))
						(= bkgcol (vla-get-ColorIndex (vla-get-BackgroundColor (vlax-ename->vla-object e))))
						(ssadd e nss)
				(princ (strcat "\n\t\t<<< "(itoa (sslength ss_1)) (if (> (sslength ss_1) 1) " <<< similar HATCHES" " <<< similar HATCH") " selected\n: ------------------------------\n"))
				(sssetfirst nil nss)


; Change an angle to fit in the range: 0 <= angle < 2pi.
; (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange 8.3) => 2.01681
(defun KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange (ang)
	(rem (+ (rem ang (+ pi pi)) pi pi) (+ pi pi))

(defun KGA_Conv_Pickset_To_ObjectList (ss / i ret)
	(if ss
		(repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
			(setq ret (cons (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))) ret))

; (ResetHatchPatAngle (ssget '((0 . "HATCH"))))
; Argument: ss - Selection [pickset]. Selection should contain hatch objects.
; Return:   Number of changed objects [int].
(defun ResetHatchPatAngle ( ss / ang)
			'(lambda (obj / ang)
						(vlax-property-available-p obj 'patternangle)
							(< (setq ang (vla-get-patternangle obj)) 0.0)
							(>= ang (+ pi pi))
						(vla-put-patternangle obj (KGA_Math_LimitAngleRange ang))
			(KGA_Conv_Pickset_To_ObjectList ss)

;;                             End of File                              ;;


Edited by 3dwannab
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