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Orthogonal polyline lisp....a little help here


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I started developing a lisp that will check all the polylines in a drawing for either the x or the y coordinate to be equal and change the color of each polyline that does not meet the criteria to red from "bylayer".


I am having trouble with looping through each object sequentially and also the loop comparison of each vertex within the current object.


Where I am trying to get to again is to check that all polylines within an architectural type of drawing are square and to alert which ones are not.


I'm not a lisp expert so bear with me. If you want to correct my syntax great, or tutor me on what I'm doing so dreadfully wrong--even better.


Randy (first post)


The code so far:


(defun C:perp()


(defun A1()


(setq eFilter(list (cons 0 "polyline"))); entity names into a list

(ssget "X" eFilter)

); ends defun A1

(defun B1()

(setq eLen(length eList)); gets length of list

); ends defun b1

(defun D1()

(setq Lwn 0); variable initial definition

(setq e 0); ditto

(repeat eLen ; repeat for length of entity list

(setq e1(car (nth n e)))


(= e1 10)



(princ (cdr(nth n e)))

); closes progn


); closes if

(setq Lwn (+ 1 Lwn))

(setq a (cdr (nth n e)))

); closes repeat

); closes D1

(defun Esub()

(trace Esub)

(setq coordLen(length e1))

); closes Esub

(repeat coordLen; repeat for length of coordinate list

(defun G1() ;parse coordinates into xa ya xb yb

(setq a (cdr (nth coordLen e)))

(setq b (cdr (nth (+ coordLen 1) (+ e 1))))

) ; ends G1

;---------------BEGIN SUBROUTINE H1----------------------

(defun H1()

(setq xa(car a))

(setq ya(cadr a))

(setq xb(car b))

(setq yb(cadr b))

); closes H1

(defun H2()

(= 0 (- xa xb))

(= 0 (- ya yb))

(T (Command "chprop" "p" "" "c" "red" ""))

); closes h2

); closes repeat


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Are you sure all of the entities are old style heavy weight polyines, not LWPolylines? They have to be handled in 2 distinct manners. Also, you will need to determine a tolerance for the comparisons. The (=) is too stringent for most of these type calculations. -David

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If you are sure the points are snapped to fairly high tolerences, this could be the basic test for a point list:


[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]setq pl '[b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b][b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0 1 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b] [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0 4 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b] [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0 6 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun ortholst [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]pl / xvals yvals xeq yeq[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]setq xvals [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]mapcar 'car pl[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       yvals [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]mapcar 'cadr pl[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       xeq [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]apply '= xvals[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       yeq [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]apply '= yvals[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]or xeq yeq[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]prin1 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]ortho_lst pl[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]



Returns T if either all X or Y values are equal. -David

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Thanks David. They do need to be snapped or upon importing to an ESRI GIS platform, a sliver 'parcel' will be created in any void areas. I think I can probably navigate testing either LWPOLYLINES or POLYLINE objects separately. Do you have a sense of where my loop is breaking down? I may have objects to evaluate with 30 or so vertices. Also, I may need to duplicate the first coordinate for the first test as n+1=0 is a clumsy first comparison if that makes any sense.

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I think I grasp what you are trying to do.


This could be a starting point LWPOLYINES:

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun massoc [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]key alist / x nlist[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]foreach x alist
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]if [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]eq key [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]car x[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
       [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq nlist [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]cons [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cdr x[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b] nlist[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]reverse nlist[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun ortholst [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]pl / xvals yvals xeq yeq[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]setq xvals [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]mapcar 'car pl[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       yvals [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]mapcar 'cadr pl[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       xeq [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]apply '= xvals[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
       yeq [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]apply '= yvals[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]or xeq yeq[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]

[color=#8b4513];[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]setq pl '[b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b][b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0 1 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b] [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0. 4 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b] [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]0. 6 0[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b][/color]

[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]and [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]setq i -1
         cs [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]ssadd[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
         ss [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]ssget [color=#2f4f4f]"X"[/color] '[b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b][b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]0 . [color=#2f4f4f]"LWPOLYLINE"[/color][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
    [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]while [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq en [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssname ss [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]setq i [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]1+ i[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
           [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq ed [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]entget en[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
                 pl [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]massoc 10 ed[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
           [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]cond [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b][b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]ortholst pl[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
                 [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]T [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]ssadd en cs[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]
    [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]if cs [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]command [color=#2f4f4f]"_.CHPROP"[/color] cs [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color] [color=#2f4f4f]"_C"[/color] 1 [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b][b][color=BLACK])[/color][/b]


Again this would be for plines that are created with 3 maybe 4 decimal precision. -David

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David, thank you. This looks like a nice clean solution. I hope I can bother you for some additional troubleshooting. I took the most recent code you posted and pasted it into the Visual Lisp console, drew a number of orhto and non ortho closed polylines in the current drawing and ran the code. It turned all of the polylines red regardless of ortho or non-ortho status.


I changed the last stanza of code to (to no effect):


(if cs (command "_.CHPROP" cs "" "_C" 2 "")

(command "_.CHPROP" cs "" "_C" 1 "")


The next lines are experimental to see if I can embed the formatting etc. but I have added some questions ;in the form of commented out statements to see if I am understanding the steps


[b]([/b]defun ortholst [b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b]pl / xvals yvals xeq yeq[color=fuchsia][b])[/b] [/color][u][color=black];defines the subroutine ortholst, defines variables pl and temporarily xvals yvals xeq and yeq[/color]
[/u]  [b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b]setq xvals [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]mapcar 'car pl[b][color=navy]) [/color][/b];[u]sets the variable xvals as a real number extracted from the first entry of the list pl[/u]        yvals [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]mapcar 'cadr pl[b][color=navy]) [/color][/b][u]; sets the variable yvals as a real number extracted from the second entry of the list pl[/u]
       xeq [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]apply '= xvals[b][color=navy])[/color][/b]
       yeq [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]apply '= yvals[b][color=navy])[/color][/b][b][color=fuchsia]) [/color][/b][u]; tests xvals and yvals for any equivalency to the other ordered pairs, thus xeq and yeq become a T/F or 1/0 value?
[/u]  [color=fuchsia][b]([/color][/b]or xeq yeq[b][color=fuchsia])[/color][/b][b][color=black]) [/color][/b][u];if either the x or y coordinate is equal then true else false[/u]

[color=#8b4513];[b][color=black]([/color][/b]setq pl '[b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b][b][color=navy]([/color][/b]0 1 0[b][color=navy])[/color][/b] [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]0. 4 0[b][color=navy])[/color][/b] [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]0. 6 0[b][color=navy])[/color][/b][b][color=fuchsia])[/color][/b][b][color=black])[/color][/b][/color]

[b][color=black]([/color][/b]and [b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b]setq i -1  [u];and, returns true if all conditions are true, else false, what are all the 'and' comparisons, and we are still under the 'or' xeq yeq comparison for true condition aren't we?
[/u]          cs [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]ssadd[b][color=navy]) [/color][/b][u];not sure what cs is as a variable or first operator under the 'and' function[/u]
         ss [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]ssget [color=#2f4f4f]"X"[/color] '[b][color=maroon]([/color][/b][b][color=green]([/color][/b]0 . [color=#2f4f4f]"LWPOLYLINE"[/color][b][color=green])[/color][/b][b][color=maroon])[/color][/b][b][color=navy])[/color][/b][b][color=fuchsia]) [/color][/b][u];also not sure what the ss argument does[/u]
    [b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b]while [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]setq en [b][color=maroon]([/color][/b]ssname ss [b][color=green]([/color][/b]setq i [b][color=blue]([/color][/b]1+ i[b][color=blue])[/color][/b][b][color=green])[/color][/b][b][color=maroon])[/color][/b][b][color=navy]) [/color][/b][u];looping through coordinate pairs?[/u]
           [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]setq ed [b][color=maroon]([/color][/b]entget en[b][color=maroon])  [/color][/b]
                 pl [b][color=maroon]([/color][/b]massoc 10 ed[b][color=maroon])[/color][/b][b][color=navy]) [/color][/b][u];runs the subroutine massoc for each of the number 'ed' coordinate pairs?[/u]
           [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]cond [b][color=maroon]([/color][/b][b][color=green]([/color][/b]ortholst pl[b][color=green])[/color][/b][b][color=maroon]) [/color][/b][u];condition test of 'and' comparison?[/u]
                 [b][color=maroon]([/color][/b]T [b][color=green]([/color][/b]ssadd en cs[b][color=green])[/color][/b][b][color=maroon])[/color][/b][b][color=navy])[/color][/b][b][color=fuchsia]) [/color][/b][u];not sure what the effect of this code is, explanation would help me
[/u]     [b][color=fuchsia]([/color][/b]if cs [b][color=navy]([/color][/b]command [color=#2f4f4f]"_.CHPROP"[/color] cs [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color] [color=#2f4f4f]"_C"[/color] 1 [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color][b][color=navy])[/color][/b][b][color=fuchsia])[/color][/b][b][color=black]) [/color][/b][u];I understand the basics of an if argument, but I am guessing that the syntax "(if cs (command..." means that "cs" is a test comparison? such as (setq cs(= 1 0))[/u]


I can't thank you enough. You are most gracious for taking this on.


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1st off, Kudos to you for your interest and obvious effort to understanding the code!


Some comments on your comments:


; [color="red"]I added a command line call c:orth-lwp in the updated version[/color]

(defun ortholst (pl / xvals yvals xeq yeq) ;defines the subroutine ortholst, 
     ; [color="red"]declares the aurgment pl[/color]
     ; d[color="red"]efines variables xvals yvals xeq and yeq as local to this function only[/color]
 (setq xvals (mapcar 'car pl) ; sets the variable xvals as a [color="red"]list of [/color]real numbers extracted from the first [color="red"]atom[/color] of the list pl 
         yvals (mapcar 'cadr pl) ; sets the variable yvals as a [color="red"]list of[/color] real numbers extracted from the second [color="red"]atom[/color] of the list pl
       xeq (apply '= xvals)
       yeq (apply '= yvals)) 
; tests xvals and yvals atoms for all equivalency, thus xeq and yeq [color="red"]are bound to T / nil[/color]
; [color="red"]here is where the problem may be   The = call returns T ONLY if all of the atom are exactly equal.  
; Point values are stored as REAL numbers and autocad uses 15 significant digits.
; If all of the the points are not exactly equal, then it will reurn nil  [/color]
 (or xeq yeq)) ;[color="red"]if either the x or y coordinates are equal then return T else nil[/color]
(and (setq i -1  ;and, [color="red"]evaluate all expressions until a nil return is encountered[/color]
; what are all the 'and' comparisons
[color="red"]; the color helps here. All of the magenta tests in the original ( blue in the updated ) post are evaluated
; the last call will return nil either way, but it dosen't matter as it is the last espression [/color]
, and we are still under the 'or' xeq yeq comparison for true condition aren't we? [color="red"]No[/color]
         cs (ssadd) ;[color="red"]create an empty PICKSET named cs ( ChangeSet )[/color]
         ss (ssget '((0 . "X" LWPOLYLINE")))) ; [color="red"]Create a PICKSET named ss of all LWPOLYLINEs in the drawing [/color]
    (while (setq en (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i)))) ;looping through a PICKESET
           (setq ed (entget en)  ; [color="red"]Get the entity definition[/color]
                 pl (massoc 10 ed)) ; [color="red"]extract all group 10 point values from the entity definition[/color]
           (cond ((ortholst pl)) ; [color="red"]Conditional test : If the subroutine othro_test returns T, Then do nothing [/color]
                 (T (ssadd en cs)))) ; [color="red"]Elseif, then add the entity to the change set cs[/color]
    (if cs (command "_.CHPROP" cs "" "_C" 1 ""))) ; [color="red"]if the changes set is bound to a value, then issue the CHPROP command[/color]
 ; [color="red"]I changed this test to test if the length of  set is greater than 0 for clarity[/color]


The updated routine:



[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun c:orth-lwp [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]/ i cs ss en ed pl[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]defun massoc [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]key alist / nlist[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]foreach x alist
     [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]if [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]eq key [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]car x[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
         [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]setq nlist [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cons [b][color=RED]([/color][/b]cdr x[b][color=RED])[/color][/b] nlist[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]reverse nlist[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]defun ortholst [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]pl / xvals yvals xeq yeq[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq xvals [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]mapcar 'car pl[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
         yvals [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]mapcar 'cadr pl[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
         xeq [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]apply '= xvals[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
         yeq [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]apply '= yvals[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]or xeq yeq[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]and [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq i -1
           cs [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssadd[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
           ss [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssget [color=#2f4f4f]"X"[/color] '[b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]0 . [color=#2f4f4f]"LWPOLYLINE"[/color][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]while [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq en [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]ssname ss [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]setq i [b][color=RED]([/color][/b]1+ i[b][color=RED])[/color][/b][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq ed [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]entget en[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   pl [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]massoc 10 ed[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]cond [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]ortholst pl[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]T [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]ssadd en cs[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]if [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]> [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]sslength cs[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b] 0[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
          [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]command [color=#2f4f4f]"_.CHPROP"[/color] cs [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color] [color=#2f4f4f]"_C"[/color] 1 [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]



My test bed dwg file attached.


I hope this helps. Feel free to come back to the trough anytime. -David


By the way, you are testing for a single vector pline, not a rectangular shape??? Major difference:shock:


PS PS It looks like you are proficient in a computer language, As a side note, in Autolisp, we don't have a FALSE. In most languages, FALSE is NOT TRUE. We have nil, which is an empty list.

All of these return T:

(equal nil '())
(eq nil '())
(= nil '())
(not nil)
(null nil)
(listp nil)


Edited by David Bethel
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After rereading post #6, I'm now guessing that you are in fact trying to test for closed rectangular shapes.


To test for orthogonal closed LWPOLYLINEs:


[b][color=BLACK]([/color][/b]defun c:orth-lwr [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]/ i cs ss en ed pl[b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]defun massoc [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]key alist / nlist[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]foreach x alist
     [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]if [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]eq key [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]car x[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
         [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]setq nlist [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]cons [b][color=RED]([/color][/b]cdr x[b][color=RED])[/color][/b] nlist[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]reverse nlist[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]defun orthorct [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]pl / tmp tst[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq tmp [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]cons [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]last pl[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b] pl[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
         tst T[b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
   [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]repeat [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]length pl[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
           [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]if [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]not
                  [b][color=PURPLE]([/color][/b]angle [b][color=TEAL]([/color][/b]car tmp[b][color=TEAL])[/color][/b] [b][color=TEAL]([/color][/b]cadr tmp[b][color=TEAL])[/color][/b][b][color=PURPLE])[/color][/b]
                  [b][color=PURPLE]([/color][/b]* pi 0.5[b][color=PURPLE])[/color][/b][b][color=RED])[/color][/b] 0 1e-8[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
               [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]setq tst nil[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
           [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq tmp [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]cdr tmp[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]

 [b][color=FUCHSIA]([/color][/b]and [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]setq i -1
           cs [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssadd[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
           ss [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]ssget [color=#2f4f4f]"X"[/color] '[b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]0 . [color=#2f4f4f]"LWPOLYLINE"[/color][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]-4 . [color=#2f4f4f]"<="[/color][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]70 . 1[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]while [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq en [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]ssname ss [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]setq i [b][color=RED]([/color][/b]1+ i[b][color=RED])[/color][/b][b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]setq ed [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]entget en[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   pl [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]massoc 10 ed[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
             [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]cond [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b][b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]orthorct pl[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b]
                   [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]T [b][color=BLUE]([/color][/b]ssadd en cs[b][color=BLUE])[/color][/b][b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b]
      [b][color=NAVY]([/color][/b]if [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]> [b][color=GREEN]([/color][/b]sslength cs[b][color=GREEN])[/color][/b] 0[b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b]
          [b][color=MAROON]([/color][/b]command [color=#2f4f4f]"_.CHPROP"[/color] cs [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color] [color=#2f4f4f]"_C"[/color] 1 [color=#2f4f4f]""[/color][b][color=MAROON])[/color][/b][b][color=NAVY])[/color][/b][b][color=FUCHSIA])[/color][/b]



The shape may have a unlimited number of vertices as long as the angle formed by adjacent line segments is a multiple of 90 degrees. Have fun! -David


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