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multiple plotting of different sheets in 1 drawing


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Here's my problem:

In my company they draw out multiple pages of construction drawings in 1 file. They do all their sketching off to the side and then bring the finish detail onto the sheet that will be plotted out later.

They then start a new sheet below it and continue onward until they have 20 plus drawings in one DWG file.

What I want to do is print each drawing individually to whatever plotter or printer I set up. I can't batch file as I understand it because there are so many pages of a print in 1 drawing.

Because all the DWG file has multiple pages I have to go thru several windows to get each page plotted out.

Is there a script or batch file that I can use that I can set up the plot and then for example highlight the page I want to send to the printer then go to the next print, highlight it and it gets sent to the printer without having to set up the plot again?

We use Autocad 2000 so I am working with a basic set up here without alot of frills the later versions have. I am trying to get them to seperate the pages but that isn't helping for the earlier drawings they have done.


Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.


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Have a look at this recent post you can change the plot device etc but it would be easy to add a stop and ask do you want to print this sheet, I also have plot all title blocks in model space if you need it their are variations on this method to use saved views as well.




Like others look into publish may be best way.

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If your office is ignoring layouts as a convenient way to plot and publish these modelspace "sheets" (aka wasting time windowing each one in modelspace), then at least create a VIEW for each "sheet" and try to automate plotting with a script.


Why not try and use layouts, use billable time for actual production and not plotting: you don't have to give up anything except plotting and publishing inefficiencies.

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Heres plot all title blocks in model space. The block name is DA1drsht just change to yours






(PROMPT ".....PRINTING DRAWING TO plotter....")
(setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)

(setq ss2 (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT")(2 . "Da1drsht")(410 . "Model"))))
(setq n (sslength ss2))
(setq index 0)
(repeat n
   (setq en (ssname ss2 index))
   (setq el (entget en))
   (setq inspt (assoc 10 el)) ; insertion pt
  (setq xmin (- (cadr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq ymin (- (caddr inspt) 6.0))
  (setq xymin (strcat (rtos xmin 2 1) "," (rtos ymin 2 1)))
  (setq xmax (+ xmin 813.0)) ; hard coded for 813 wide 6mm offset
  (setq ymax (+ ymin 566.0)) ;hard code for 566 high
  (setq xymax (strcat (rtos xmax 2 1) "," (rtos ymax 2 1)))

 (COMMAND "-PLOT"  "Y"     "" "//PRODPRN01/Design-5100"
       "A3" "M"     "LANDSCAPE"   "N"
       "W"   xymin   xymax "1=2"  "C"
       "y"   "Designlaser.ctb"      "Y"   "" "n"   "n"
 (setq index (+ index 1))
(setvar "osmode" oldsnap)

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