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  1. In Feb fixo helped me to write aSQLCon function. I used the function tooquery SQL databases. I have tried towrite one enabling me to query an access database in the same way. But I am at a total loss. (defun SQLControl ( query_statement / adocmd ADOConn adorst data field fields n sqlQuery tmp data1 data2) ;; Fixo ;; http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?84548-LISP-to-query-MS-SQL-Server-Database-return-results-as-list-of-strings (defun tostring (received / temp ) ; Function Syntax: (tostring received) ; received: Variable to be converted to a string (cond ((= (type received) 'STR) received) ((= (type received) 'INT) (itoa received)) ((= (type received) 'REAL) (rtos received)) ((= (type received) 'LIST) (progn (setq temp "") (foreach listitem received (setq temp (strcat temp " " (datatostring listitem) ) ) ) (setq temp (substr temp 2)) (setq received temp) ) ) ) ) (setq SqlCon "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SQL\\DESIGNSQL;Initial Catalog=engineering;user id=DraftingDesign;Password=12345" ADOConn(vlax-create-object "ADODB.Connection") ADORst (vlax-create-object "ADODB.Recordset") data1 (list ) data2 (list ) ) (vlax-invoke-method ADOConn 'Open SqlCon nil "" -1) (setq sqlQuery query_statement ADOcmd (vlax-create-object "ADODB.command") ) (vlax-put-property ADOcmd "ActiveConnection" ADOConn) ; optional ; (vlax-put-property cmd2 "CommandTimeout" 30) (vlax-put-property ADOcmd "CommandText" sqlQuery) (vlax-put-property ADOcmd "CommandType" 1) (setq ADORst(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list ADOcmd 'Execute nil 2 1)));OK (setq fields (vlax-get-property ADORst 'Fields)) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list ADORst 'movefirst)) (while (not (equal :vlax-true (vlax-get-property ADORst 'eof))) (setq tmp nil n 0) (while (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-get-property (list fields 'item n)))) (setq field (vlax-variant-value (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-property fields 'item n) 'value))) (setq tmp (cons field tmp)) (setq n (1+ n)) ) (setq data (append data (list (reverse tmp)))) (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list ADORst 'movenext))) ; use garbage cleaner before of the closing connection: (gc) (vlax-invoke-method ADOConn 'Close) (vlax-release-object ADORst) (vlax-release-object ADOcmd) (vlax-release-object ADOConn) ; (alert (vl-princ-to-string data)); must use (vl-string-trim " " strvalue) for string values within the data list (foreach line data (foreach item line (setq data1 (append data1 (list (cond ((= item nil)"") ((= (type item) 'SYM)(substr (vl-symbol-name item) 7)) ((/=(type item) 'STR)(tostring item)) (T item) ) ) ) ) ) (setq data2 (append data2 (list data1)) data1 (list ) ) ) data2 )
  2. I am working with some database/programmers, but we don't quite know how to go about creating something really clever, but think it is possible. Any advice would help! We would like to be able to place autocad objects from a database reference. ie - place "circle object" at x,y coordinates on drawing "abcd.dwg". The database will determine what object type and the coordinates, go through a routine, and voila - we have a drawing that contains all the objects in the right place, and layer, with attributes. Our people have worked with Intergraph CADWorks and are manipulating data on the drawings, but do not have any idea of how to go beyond that and do what we want mentioned above. Talking to the CADWorks tech support didn't seem to help, so I don't think we can do it through their program. We would consider writing custom code to achieve our goals. Is this possible to do? I would think so... What general steps should we take, books to read, tutorials to review? Do we somehow link SQL database to a VB program and use autoLisp? I am not an AutoCAD user, but our team uses it and I am an influence to the direction of this development initiative. So whatever input you provide, I will share with them. Thanks for your help!
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