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Referencing assembly geometry in sketch


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I'm in an assembly and I want to project the footprint of a motor to the skid base that it will be mounted to. While editing the sketch for the extrusion that makes the base I found that "Convert Entities" seems to be the way to go. This was great, but now the holes that are created after exiting the sketch need to be slightly smaller AND threaded (for hole callouts in the dwg). Is it possible to add threads to existing holes? It doesn't seem like it.

I figured I'd project just the center points to use for positioning when in the hole wizard, but I can't do that either. Help anyone?

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Is it possible to add threads to existing holes? It doesn't seem like it.


yes you can add thread after creating a hole. in SWX 2009, In part mode, goto insert menu>annotations> Cosmetic thread.


If I understand you bigger issue right, you should look into using Sketched blocks or layout design. it probably be a better fit for you.



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Keep in mind when you "convert entities" it creates an external link. This can cause problems if you are not making fully constrained sketches. You may notice if you move the object you converted entities to and rebuild the drawing it will snap back.


Also when using the options mtm_cad posted, im not sure that it will work if your hole is the major diameter of your threads. For instance if your holes were .25(instead of .201 for 1/4-20) the cosmetic thread tab would ask you to enter a minor diameter for your threads but it cant be smaller than your current hole(i think). When you convert entities and you have the No External References pressed you can resize the holes in the sketch. Just make sure that you dimension your sketch

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