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Plotting Traverses


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In my Penn Foster text Civil Drafting text there is mention that a bearing of N25dE and a bearing of S25dW have the same angle. While meanwhile the 1st example the text shows they are using degrees and minutes to show the angles.

I made a drawing of the example, plotting it from left to right, and after figuring out how to correctly dimension the angles as shown came up with different angles. I am trying to do it in reverse order and am unable to do so because I cannot confirm that the opposite of N101d18' is S101d18'.


Is there a calculator out there I can use?

CivilDrafting 001.dwg

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Sorry Bigmike,

I can't help at the moment, but you might want to warn people that

this drawing is from an student educational version.


If I get some free time, I'll take another look.

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the opposite of N101d18' is S101d18'.



These two angles are lacking a final direction letter (E or W).


I am glad that the UK system of angle bearings is the whole circle one where letters are not needed. :lol:

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I don't know what is in the book, nor the example, but take it from a Land Surveyor of more that 30 years the notation you cited are of two different bearings.


You START at a point, then go NE one direction, or you start at same point and go SW the direction. The resulting line may look to be 180 degrees from one another in appearances, but NOT on the ground. This is an old trick in order to confuse real estate agents and neophytes into thinking they have to then hire a land surveyor or engineer to sort things out. I have been to court and argued this out many times and they are in actuality two different bearings having same point of beginning. In northern states they tend to ike to show off bearings ahving a N in course. In SE states, they tend to like to show of on a plat the bearings having a S in the course. This changes the direction of movement and deed calls over same piece of property.


In your situation the NE and the SW have nothing to do with fineness or accuracy to direction.



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