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Can't zoom in viewport.


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I'm in paper space and I double click in the view port, yet I can't zoom in/out or even pan.


Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I have to have this project done by today.

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How would I unlock it in AutoCAD 07? I used AutoCAD 2008 yesterday at a friends house and I locked the vp. I just can't seem to unlock it.

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  • 12 years later...

This is more-so for any other wandering travelers looking for a solution on this. 

Without detecting it, I kept switching from paper-space to model space on an additional viewport. 

So basically, just make sure you don't have an additional viewport along with the others.

Checking to see if the viewport is locked would obviously be the first thing I would check as noted by others - but if for whatever reason, double check and make sure there is

only one viewport you are altering. 

In my case, the viewport that I wanted to change was on the top so i just selected them all, held down shift, and deselected the top item and deleted whatever was remaining. 

This was driving me up the wall because i couldn't figure out why it wasn't doing anything to the viewport I had added. 

(Or, better yet, delete any existing viewports before adding a new one)

I had to add one with a specific rotation which is why I simply didn't use the one that was existing from a template. 

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12 years later wow for me move viewport 0,0 500,0 so can see overlapping can then do multiple moves of viewports with different x distance and delete unwanted then move back.

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