asos2000 Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 I created a menu but i want to make it as *.exe file to add to each computer in the company (its very hard to add a menu to each PC) that file including the menus, icons, lisps ... etc. Thanx Quote
rkmcswain Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 Just put the menu somewhere on the network accessable to all workstations, then use the ._MENULOAD command to load it. Same for the icons, lisp, etc. Just add the location of these items to the support file search path on each machine. Quote
asos2000 Posted August 3, 2008 Author Posted August 3, 2008 Thanks rkmcswain I'm doing that by myself, but I want an *.exe file to send for every one and he do that by himself. Regards Quote
hendie Posted August 3, 2008 Posted August 3, 2008 you want to look into Inno Setup and AcadInstall Quote
BIGAL Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 You may be able to write a script that runs menuload then it will happen automaticaly. _menuload S:\autodesk\lisp\mymenu If you think that your going to change it often then add a shortcut to you startup lisp so it runs the script. Quote
asos2000 Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 hendie Thanx It's good idea, I'm trying to understand how it works, may u tell me in brief how to use Inno Setup and AcadInstall? BIGAL thanx but how can I load the lisps using script into Startup Suite Quote
hendie Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 AcadInstall is an AutoCAD specific installation program. In there you specify the installation parameters for your software - adding menu's, lisp loading etc. You can even target specific versions of AutoCAD if you need to. Inno Setup is a more general installation program (but very powerful) - use this to install your files, registry settings etc then use it to run the AcadInstall installer after the files are installed see and for more details Quote
rkmcswain Posted August 4, 2008 Posted August 4, 2008 I'm doing that by myself, but I want an *.exe file to send for every one and he do that by himself. Regards Why do you want users to have to mess with anything? You can push this to workstations without the users having to perform any action. Most plans that rely on end-users performing part of said plan are destined to fail. Quote
asos2000 Posted August 4, 2008 Author Posted August 4, 2008 rkmcswain 1- Because it is not the menu only but there are blocks, lisps, etc 2- we have more than one branch 3- i want IT people to do that installation not me for each PC Regards Quote
hawstom Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 I just did this using a .LSP file. It is rather simple. Why not try that? No harder than an exe for the users. Would you like to see that solution? Quote
hawstom Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 OK. I'm going to paste the code directly here and then we can about specifics. ;;HubbardCADInstall ;;Installs the custom Hubbard menus and commands to AutoCAD ;;Copyright 2008 Hubbard Engineering ;;625 N. Gilbert Road Suite 106 ;;Gilbert, Arizona 85234 ;;heaz dot us ;;Licensed to the public under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;;This is Free Software. For more info read the license at fsf dot org. (DEFUN C:HCI () (C:HUBBARDCADINSTALL)) (DEFUN C:HUBBARDCADINSTALL () ;;Add to or fix Support Files Search Path (HUBBARD-UPDATE-SUPPORTPATHS) ;;Add to or fix Printer Support File Path\Plot Style Table Search Path (HUBBARD-UPDATE-PLOTSTYLE-PATH) ;;Add or reload the Hubbard menus (HUBBARD-RELOAD-MENUS) ;;Exit quietly (PRINC) ) (DEFUN C:HCM () (C:HUBBARDCADMENUS)) (DEFUN C:HUBBARDCADMENUS () (HUBBARD-RELOAD-MENUS)) (DEFUN HUBBARD-UPDATE-SUPPORTPATHS (/ NEWUSERPATH) (SETQ NEWUSERPATH (STRCAT "R:\\AutoCADUsers\\" (HUBBARD-USERNAME))) ;;Remove paths (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\HawsEDC") (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADBlocks") (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADMenu") (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADSupport") (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH NEWUSERPATH) ;;Remove old user path (REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH (STRCAT "R:\\AutoCADUsers\\" (HUBBARD-USERNAME-2008-05)) ) ;;Add paths in reverse order at top (ADD-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\HawsEDC") (ADD-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADBlocks") (ADD-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADMenu") (ADD-SUPPORTPATH "R:\\AutoCADSupport") (ADD-SUPPORTPATH NEWUSERPATH) ) (DEFUN HUBBARD-UPDATE-PLOTSTYLE-PATH () (VLA-PUT-PRINTERSTYLESHEETPATH (VLA-GET-FILES (VLA-GET-PREFERENCES (ACAD-OBJECT))) "R:\\AutoCADSupport" ) ) (DEFUN HUBBARD-RELOAD-MENUS (/ ISALLMENUSREQUESTED ISMENUREMOVED USERINPUT NMENUS HUBBARDMENUS COUNTER GROUP ) (SETQ HUBBARDMENUS '("HawsEDC" "CNM" "FunKy" "Hubbard") ISALLMENUSREQUESTED NIL ) (FOREACH GROUP HUBBARDMENUS (SETQ COUNTER -1 ISMENUREMOVED NIL NMENUS (VLA-GET-COUNT (VLA-GET-MENUGROUPS (ACAD-OBJECT))) ) (COND ;;If user gives permission ((OR ISALLMENUSREQUESTED (PROGN (INITGET "Yes No All") (/= "No" (SETQ USERINPUT (GETKWORD (STRCAT "\nLoad " GROUP " menu? [Yes/No/All] <Yes>: " ) ) ) ) ) ) (COND ((= USERINPUT "All") (SETQ ISALLMENUSREQUESTED T))) ;;1. Unload the menu if present ;;Loop through load menus to find and unload this menu. (WHILE (AND (< (SETQ COUNTER (1+ COUNTER)) NMENUS) (NOT ISMENUREMOVED) ) (COND ((= (STRCASE (VLA-GET-NAME (VLA-ITEM (VLA-GET-MENUGROUPS (ACAD-OBJECT)) COUNTER) ) ) (STRCASE GROUP) ) (VLA-UNLOAD (VLA-ITEM (VLA-GET-MENUGROUPS (ACAD-OBJECT)) COUNTER) ) (SETQ ISMENUREMOVED T) ) ) ) ;;2. Load the menu. (VLA-LOAD (VLA-GET-MENUGROUPS (ACAD-OBJECT)) (FINDFILE (STRCAT GROUP ".mnu")) ) ) ) ) ) (DEFUN ACAD-OBJECT () (COND (*ACAD-OBJECT*) (T (SETQ *ACAD-OBJECT* (VLAX-GET-ACAD-OBJECT))) ) ) (DEFUN ADD-SUPPORTPATH (NEWSTRING / FILES) (SETQ FILES (VLA-GET-FILES (VLA-GET-PREFERENCES (ACAD-OBJECT)))) (VLA-PUT-SUPPORTPATH FILES (STRCAT NEWSTRING ";" (VLA-GET-SUPPORTPATH FILES)) ) ) (DEFUN REMOVE-SUPPORTPATH (STRING / FILES OLDSUPPORTPATH POSITION) (SETQ FILES (VLA-GET-FILES (VLA-GET-PREFERENCES (ACAD-OBJECT))) OLDSUPPORTPATH (VLA-GET-SUPPORTPATH FILES) POSITION (VL-STRING-SEARCH (STRCASE STRING) (STRCASE OLDSUPPORTPATH) ) ) (COND (POSITION (VLA-PUT-SUPPORTPATH FILES (STRCAT (SUBSTR OLDSUPPORTPATH 1 POSITION) (SUBSTR OLDSUPPORTPATH (+ POSITION (STRLEN STRING) 2)) ) ) ) ) ) (DEFUN HUBBARD-USERNAME (/ RDLIN USERLIST) (SETQ F1 (OPEN "R:\\Network\\networknames.txt" "r")) (WHILE (SETQ RDLIN (READ-LINE F1)) (SETQ USERLIST (CONS (WIKI-STRTOLST RDLIN "`," "\"" T) USERLIST)) ) (SETQ F1 (CLOSE F1)) (CADDR (ASSOC (GETVAR "loginname") USERLIST)) ) (DEFUN HUBBARD-USERNAME-2008-05 () (CDR (ASSOC (STRCASE (HAWS-GETCOMPUTERNAME)) '(("BECKY" . "Becky") ("BEN" . "Ben") ("BRIDGET" . "Bridget") ("CRAIG-D" . "Craig-D") ("CRAIG-H" . "Craig-H") ("DAVID" . "David") ("JEREMYPC" . "Jeremy") ("ADMIN-2" . "Kayle") ("KENNY" . "Kenny") ("MACK" . "Mack") ("MIKE" . "Mike") ("MICHAEL" . "Michael") ("SERVER" . "Server") ("TABATHA" . "Tabatha") ("TOM" . "Tom") ) ) ) ) ;; See next post for wiki-strtolst function from wikia dot com ;|«Visual LISP© Format Options» (72 2 40 2 nil "end of " 60 2 2 2 1 nil nil nil T) ;*** DO NOT add text below the comment! ***|; Quote
hawstom Posted August 12, 2008 Posted August 12, 2008 And here is the wiki function that wouldn't fit: ;;The following function was copied from AutoCAD Wiki at Wikia dot com ;;;WIKI-STRTOLST ;;;Parses a string into a list of fields. ;;;Usage: (wiki-strtolst ;;; [inputString containing fields] ;;; [FieldSeparatorWC field delimiter wildcard string ;;; Use "`," for comma and " ,\t" for white space ;;; ] ;;; [TextDelimiter text delimiter character.] ;;; [EmptyFieldsDoCount flag. ;;; If nil, consecutive field delimiters are ignored. ;;; Nil is good for word (white space) delimited strings. ;;; ] ;;; ) ;| Edit the source code for this function at (redacted due to anti-spam measures |; ;;;Avoid cleverness. ;;;Human readability trumps elegance and economy and cleverness here. ;;;This should be readable to a programmer familiar with any language. ;;;In this function, I'm trying to honor readability in a new (2008) way. ;;;And I am trying a new commenting style. ;;;Tests ;;;(alert (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcat "\n----\n" x)) (wiki-strtolst "1 John,\"2 2\"\" pipe,\nheated\",3 the end,,,,," "`," "\"" nil)))) ;;;(alert (apply 'strcat (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcat "\n----\n" x)) (wiki-strtolst "1 John,\"2 2\"\" pipe,\nheated\",3 the end,,,,," "`," "\"" T)))) (DEFUN WIKI-STRTOLST (INPUTSTRING FIELDSEPARATORWC TEXTDELIMITER EMPTYFIELDSDOCOUNT / CHARACTERCOUNTER CONVERSIONISDONE CURRENTCHARACTER CURRENTFIELD CURRENTFIELDISDONE FIRSTCHARACTERINDEX PREVIOUSCHARACTER RETURNLIST TEXTMODEISON ) ;;Initialize the variables for clarity's sake (SETQ FIRSTCHARACTERINDEX 1 CHARACTERCOUNTER (1- FIRSTCHARACTERINDEX) PREVIOUSCHARACTER "" CURRENTCHARACTER "" CURRENTFIELD "" CURRENTFIELDISDONE NIL TEXTMODEISON NIL CONVERSIONISDONE NIL RETURNLIST NIL ) ;;Make sure that the FieldSeparatorWC is not empty. (COND ;;If an empty string matches the FieldSeparatorWC, ((WCMATCH "" FIELDSEPARATORWC) ;;Then ;;1. Give an alert about the problem. (ALERT ;;Include princ to allow user to see and copy error ;;after dismissing alert box. (PRINC (STRCAT "\n\"" FIELDSEPARATORWC "\" is not a valid field delimiter." ) ) ) ;;2. Exit with error. (EXIT) ) ) ;;Start the main character-by-character InputString examination loop. (WHILE (NOT CONVERSIONISDONE) (SETQ ;;Save CurrentCharacter as PreviousCharacter. PREVIOUSCHARACTER CURRENTCHARACTER ;;CharacterCounter is initialized above to start 1 before first character. Increment it. CHARACTERCOUNTER (1+ CHARACTERCOUNTER) ;;Get new CurrentCharacter from InputString. CURRENTCHARACTER (SUBSTR INPUTSTRING CHARACTERCOUNTER 1) ) ;;Decide what to do with CurrentCharacter. (COND ;;If ((AND ;;there is a TextDelimiter, (/= TEXTDELIMITER "") ;;and CurrentCharacter is a TextDelimiter, (= CURRENTCHARACTER TEXTDELIMITER) ) ;;then ;;1. Toggle the TextModeIsOn flag (IF (NOT TEXTMODEISON) (SETQ TEXTMODEISON T) (SETQ TEXTMODEISON NIL) ) ;;2. If this is the second consecutive TextDelimiter character, then (IF (= PREVIOUSCHARACTER TEXTDELIMITER) ;;Output it to CurrentField. (SETQ CURRENTFIELD (STRCAT CURRENTFIELD CURRENTCHARACTER)) ) ) ;;Else if CurrentCharacter is a FieldDelimiter wildcard match, ((WCMATCH CURRENTCHARACTER FIELDSEPARATORWC) ;;Then (COND ;;If TextModeIsOn = True, then ((= TEXTMODEISON T) ;;Output CurrentCharacter to CurrentField. (SETQ CURRENTFIELD (STRCAT CURRENTFIELD CURRENTCHARACTER)) ) ;;Else if ((OR ;;EmptyFieldsDoCount, or (= EMPTYFIELDSDOCOUNT T) ;;the CurrentField isn't empty, (/= "" CURRENTFIELD) ) ;;Then ;;Set the CurrentFieldIsDone flag to true. (SETQ CURRENTFIELDISDONE T) ) (T ;;Else do nothing ;;Do not flag the CurrentFieldDone, ;;nor output the CurrentCharacter. NIL ) ) ) ;;Else if CurrentCharacter is empty, ((= CURRENTCHARACTER "") ;;Then ;;We are at the end of the string. ;;1. Flag ConversionIsDone. (SETQ CONVERSIONISDONE T) ;;2. If (IF (OR ;;EmptyFieldsDoCount, or EMPTYFIELDSDOCOUNT ;;the PreviousCharacter wasn't a FieldSeparatorWC, or (NOT (WCMATCH PREVIOUSCHARACTER FIELDSEPARATORWC)) ;;the ReturnList is still nil due to only empty non-counting fields in string, ;;(Added 2008-02-18 TGH. Bug fix.) (= RETURNLIST NIL) ) ;;Then flag the CurrentFieldIsDone to wrap up the last field. (SETQ CURRENTFIELDISDONE T) ) ) ;;Else (CurrentCharacter is something else), (T ;;Output CurrentCharacter to CurrentField. (SETQ CURRENTFIELD (STRCAT CURRENTFIELD CURRENTCHARACTER)) ) ) ;;If CurrentFieldIsDone, (IF CURRENTFIELDISDONE ;;Then ;;Output it to the front of ReturnList. (SETQ RETURNLIST (CONS CURRENTFIELD RETURNLIST) ;;Start a new CurrentField. CURRENTFIELD "" CURRENTFIELDISDONE NIL ) ) ;;End the main character-by-character InputString examination loop. ) ;;Reverse the backwards return list and we are done. (REVERSE RETURNLIST) ) Quote
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