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White square in layout


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one of my coworkers here is having some sort of white rectangle in his layout pages and cannot select it to erase it or whatsoever. If he make a zoom extend the rectangle is considered and when making a print preview, the rectangle again is considered in order to make the drawing not centered properly. Printing with window does it but something unexplainable gets annoying over the time. Also an other of my coworkers have experienced it but never told before...


Ever happened to you? How did you managed it? What is it? My coworker is s**t scared because he thinks it's Casper ;)


Thank you.

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Are you talking about the white' shadow box' on the bottom and right aside of the page layout or the white rectangle around the 'page' itself? You can turn it off through the OPTIONS-->DISPLAY-->LAYOUT ELEMENTS-->DISPLAY PAPER SHADOW.


The above I doubt is an issue, but it's one thing that is 'white' on the screen. Also, is the paper 'color' set to white, cause that's the paper itself (ie: selected through the Plot Setup). Again doubtful that is what your talking about but can be 'white' by default.


Can you see this on every single layout? Are you use it isn't some 'frame' or something, possibly on the template or whatever he uses to start all his drawings?


Can you post up a photo of it? That would be of great help.

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Cadologist: It's not the shadow of my layout page as you say. It is something that appeared out of the blue on one of my coworkers' computer in all of the layouts he had in his drawing. As I said already, it is some kind of object that is somewhere in the grey area that is considered as an object when you Zoom Extend because the page layout is not centered as it would be if you configure your Plot area to Extents. So I think that it's probably some kind of AECC object or whatever that you can't select to delete or anything. I know there is a command that you can toggle to a 0 or 1 value and when set to 0 those objects turn off and then don't interfere in your drawing when you make a Zoom extend.

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ReMark: Hmm, couldn't tell, BTW, how many posts to become quantum mechanics??;)


Another thing I forgot to tell, that might help, is that when you try to zoom on it, it disappears, then when zooming out or zoom extending, it reappears and as I told before the rectangle is like 1% of the size of letter format page, so not really big but a hell of a ******.

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Sounds like the equivalent of a geomarker to me. Someone posted something similar once (even provided a dwg file) and it drove a couple of us batty before another forum member told us what it was. With all the zooming in and zooming out I thought I was going to get sick!

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So now must I try to find how to get rid of this by myself or with the previous post you guys finally got it solved? Anyway, I'll just try to learn what it is all about.



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