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Match linetype


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I'm working on a VBA that can match the linetype from one line to another. Ideally the program should prompt for the line to copy the linetype from, then prompt for the line to be updated. I've tried a couple routes but I'm having issues because the linetype for all the lines is "ByLayer". When lines are on different layers with different linetypes, the "ByLayer" doesn't exactly accomplish what I want it to... any thoughts?


Public Sub Chgltype()
Dim objBlock1 As AcadObject
Dim objBlock2 As AcadObject
Dim strLayer As String
Dim varPoint As Variant
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objBlock1, varPoint, vbCr & "Select line to copy linetype from: "
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objBlock2, varPoint, vbCr & "Select line to be changed: "
objBlock2.Linetype = objBlock1.Linetype
End Sub

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I'm not making the call on the danger level, I'm just coding haha. I basically just need to be able to read what linetype a certain line is. It's almost always going to be ByLayer, so I probably need to identify what the linetype for that layer is. Right now the best idea I have is to code in the default linetype for all the layers, but I'm sure there's a better way.

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