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Components scaling


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I'm new to ACAD Elec and am trying to draw a simple schematic drawing for a college project. I have a problem with component sizing. I believe i have set up the project and drawing sheets correctly, to A3 size IEC standard. However, when i insert components they appear TINY i.e. i have to scale them up to 50x in order to see them.


Could anybody give me any pointers on this issue, i'd be most grateful.



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not sure about scaling by 50, if you are scaling by 25ish I would suggest you have been tripped up by the UNITS problem. Make sure your base drawing has its units set to metric. Once you have inserted a symbol check what scale it has actually come in at by selecting it and checking its properties. (Properties palette or LIST).


If it is shown as 1:1 I would suggest you are looking at the wrong library and are picking up imperial symbols. Check in your project properties for library.

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It appears I am using the wrong components library as I opened up a new drawing using JIC template and the components were the correct size. I then went to check the component library location under Schematic Libraries in the Project Settings tab under Project Properties and it is indeed the jic125 lib. However, i cannot seem to change this to IEC, when browsing the only libraries i can find are jic5 and jic125.


I presume ACADE comes with this libs pre-installed?






P.S. I have included a screenshot showing path files etc.


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user0n9, i'm sure i did it the long way round but i ended up re-installing. There is an option to configure which templates you use....on the version I have the default is JIC so I changed it to IEC.

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i using acad electrical 2011, JIC is the default standard.


I have change to IEC but when I insert component, some is in scale but some is not.


where to set template to metric or imperial?


please advice.



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if you look at post #3 of this thread you will see the screen that declares where to look for symbols and libraries. Make sure they are consistantly pointing to ONE symbol set. It shouldn't make too much difference if you are pointing to the wrong menu as each symbol set has the same family name for each symbol but some menus have more symbols due to local standards variations.


I'm not sure what happens if you change "source" part way through a drawings. In theory all the symbols in the drawing should update (probably need a nudge) to the new symbol set. If they don't update they could remain in one group while the new undefined symbols would come from the other.


The one thing I have learned about electrical so far is that you need to spend A LOT OF TIME getting the basics right before using it in anger. Just playing with it trying to get a drawing out is futile.

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