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Please help me with this "while loop"


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Just for the learning process, I want to make a selection set of blocks, then mirror each block 'one by one". Therefore I need to count and subtract 1 with eacht loop...


How do I get the block one by one?


My code below, the red part is what is wrong!

Thanks for the help.


ps.: the routine is not special, it's just to learn / know.



(defun c:test (/)
 (setq oldfiledia (getvar "filedia"))
 (setvar "filedia" 0)
   "\t« « You should now select one ore more blocks » »"
 (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))
   (progn (setq i (sslength ss))
          (while (not (minusp (setq i (1- i))))
            [color=red](setq blst (entget (ssname ss i))[/color]
                  mpt1 (getpoint "Mirrorline point 1")
                  mpt2 (getpoint "Mirrorline point 2")
            (command "_.mirror" [color=red]blst[/color] mpt1 mpt2)
   (princ "Nothing selected!!")
 (setvar "filedia" oldfiledia)
;Code partial comes from "a lesson" LeeMac once taught me :-)
; I need to localize and make some error trap, I know...;-)

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Hey MarcoW


[color=red](setq blst (entget (ssname ss i))[/color]


Retuns an elist but mirror will only accept an ename or a selection set


(setq blst (ssname ss i))


(command "_.mirror" blst "" mpt1 mpt2 ....

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just a couple of typical newbie errors but a good attempt(keep it up)

there are several ways to use a while loop this correction i made is just one


(defun c:test (/)
 (setq oldfiledia (getvar "filedia"))
 (setvar "filedia" 0)
   "\t« « You should now select one ore more blocks » »"
 (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))
   (progn (setq i (sslength ss))
      (setq cnt 0);_counter
          (while (< cnt i)     
            (setq blst (ssname ss cnt);_did not need entget this gets the entname
                  mpt1 (getpoint "Mirrorline point 1")
                  mpt2 (getpoint "Mirrorline point 2")
     ;_added "" after blst to tell it no more abjects will be selected
     ;_added "no" to the question to delete source object
            (command "_.mirror" blst "" mpt1 mpt2 "no" "")
     (setq cnt (1+ cnt));_add 1 to the counter
   (princ "Nothing selected!!")
 (setvar "filedia" oldfiledia)`

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Just a little editing...


(defun c:Test (/ i ss mp1 mp2)
 (if (setq i  -1
           ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "INSERT")))
   (while (setq e (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
     (and (setq mp1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first mirror point: "))
          (setq mp2 (getpoint mp1 "\nSpecify next mirror point: "))
          (command "_.mirror" e "" "_non" mp1 "_non" mp2)

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Everyone thanks for helping me out! Great learning. Allthoug I will keep some questions, but of course!


First this: my routine still failed... "Points must be distinct" :x

I had no clue, but figured it had something to do with "osnap". Turning it of was not working. Just before I posted the routine my eye catched this (red part below):


Just a little editing...


(defun c:Test (/ i ss mp1 mp2)
 (if (setq i  -1
           ss (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "INSERT")))
   (while (setq e (ssname ss (setq i (1+ i))))
     (and (setq mp1 (getpoint "\nSpecify first mirror point: "))
          (setq mp2 (getpoint mp1 "\nSpecify next mirror point: "))
          (command "_.mirror" e "" [color=red][b]"_non"[/b][/color] mp1 [color=red][b]"_non"[/b][/color] mp2)


That such thing can cause that kind of trouble :huh:

Well, Alanjt, thanks for that one.


What I did is create a routine to mirror my blocks and then mirror them again. If you give this a thought, you will find it is not like nothing happened!!


Here is my routine, any critics are very welcome! I have needed some time for this to create and I know it is messy and not the way it should be. Like the variablenames, what about them? Are the too long?


I use a lot of "old school" lisp like (command "_.mirror"......).

Is this a way to avoid? Is it slow...?


As said: I am ready for some serious comment :oops:.


Thanks in advance!!


; double mirror function
; 21-10-2010 MarcoW
; great help ~ CADTutor ~
(defun c:test (/ mirrorlinepoint1 mirrorlinepoint2
              selectionset numberblocks counter
              blocklist ent entdata newinspt
              newrot newinspt2 rotdgr)

 (setq mirrorlinepoint1 (getpoint "Mirrorline point 1")
       mirrorlinepoint2 (getpoint mirrorlinepoint1 "Mirrorline point 2")
   "          « « You really should select one ore more blocks now...» »"
 (if (setq selectionset (ssget '((0 . "INSERT"))))
   (progn (setq numberblocks (sslength selectionset))
          (setq counter 0)
          (while (< counter numberblocks)
            (setq blocklist (ssname selectionset counter))
            (setq ent (entlast))
            (setq entdata (entget ent))
            (setq newinspt  (cdr (assoc 10 entdata))
                  newrot    (cdr (assoc 50 entdata))
                  newinspt2 (polar newinspt (+ newrot pi) 50)
            (setq rotdgr (/ (* newrot 180) pi))
            (command "_.mirror"
            (setq counter (1+ counter))
   (princ "Nothing selected!!")


Edit: I was wondering, now I filter for "INSERTS". Because other stuff like lines etc. will not work. HOw ould I need to approach it so my routine (test) does it's job for all selected blocks, and all that is not selected is "normally mirrored".

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Yes Alan, you did, the code is much shorter too.

But I was happy with what I had achieved allready :-)


There's nothing wrong with the way you did it. I was just showing you another route. I hope you didn't take it as me saying your code was garbage by comparison, because that's EXACTLY what I was getting at.:wink:


just kidding.

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