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i need lisp pls help me cordinate???


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asos2000 & Tiger,


for both of u thanks alot,

Again i am faceing problem?


I use this lisp in my co-ordinate drawing, but its not comeing actule co-ordinate, I check with "UCS" allso thats in correct way, my drawing units are milimeters, table is show {xxxxxxx'-xxx"} like that,

So I think it besaue of unit problem,




This lisp file is very good

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  • 1 year later...
I think that he wants the lisp to be at this sequance


- Pick a point

- Insert a point and a sequencial number

- at end create a table has the point number and N and E for


So See this

;; local defun
(defun make-tablestyle ( name desc txtstyle h1 h2 h3 / tblstyle adoc)
 (or (vl-load-com))
   tblstyle (vla-addobject 
     (vla-item (vla-get-dictionaries 
             (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) 
 (setq acmCol (vla-getinterfaceobject
       (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor."
        (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2))))  
 (vla-put-name tblstyle name)
 (vla-put-headersuppressed tblstyle :vlax-false) 
 (vla-put-titlesuppressed tblstyle :vlax-false)
 (vla-put-description tblstyle desc) 
 (vla-put-flowdirection tblstyle 0)
 (vla-put-bitflags tblstyle 1)
 (vla-put-horzcellmargin tblstyle (/ h3 5))  
 (vla-put-vertcellmargin tblstyle (/ h3 5))
 (vla-settextstyle tblstyle 7 txtstyle)
 (vla-settextheight tblstyle 1 h3)  
 (vla-settextheight tblstyle 4 h2) 
 (vla-settextheight tblstyle 2 h1) 
 (vla-setrgb acmCol 204 102 0)
 (vla-setgridcolor tblstyle 63 7 acmCol)
 (vla-setgridvisibility tblstyle 63 7 :vlax-true) 
 (vla-setgridlineweight  tblstyle 18 7 aclnwt009) 
 (vla-setgridlineweight tblstyle 45 7 aclnwt050) 
 (vlax-release-object acmCol)
;; local defun
(defun draw_table (ins_point title     header_list
                               /         acmcol
                               acsp      adoc
                               axss      cnt
                               col       columns
                               dht       lst_count
                               objtable  row
 (if (< (atof (getvar "ACADVER")) 16.0)
 (alert "This routine will work\nfor versions A2005 and higher")
 (alert "\tBe patience\n\tWorks slowly")
 (or (vl-load-com)) 
 (or adoc
   (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
 (or acsp (setq acsp (if (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 0)
 (make-tablestyle "Point Data" "Symbol table" "Standard" 10.0 10.0 12.0)
 (setq acmCol (vla-getinterfaceobject
       (strcat "AutoCAD.AcCmColor."
        (substr (getvar "ACADVER") 1 2))))
 (setq dht (getvar "dimtxt")); text height, change by suit
 (setq lst_count nil)
(setq columns  (length (car table_data)) 
rows  (length table_data) 
(setq objtable (vlax-invoke
  (+ 2 rows)
  ;; rows height (change by suit):
  (* dht 1.667);28
  ;; columns width (change by suit):
  (* dht 8.333);50
 (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed objtable :vlax-true)
 (vla-put-layer objtable "0")
 (vla-put-titlesuppressed objtable :vlax-false)
 (vla-put-headersuppressed objtable :vlax-false)
 (vla-put-horzcellmargin objtable (* dht 0.5))
 (vla-put-vertcellmargin objtable (* dht 0.5))
 (vla-settextstyle objtable 2 "Standard")
 (vla-settextstyle objtable 4 "Standard")
 (vla-settextstyle objtable 1 "Standard")
 (vla-setrowheight objtable 2 (* dht 1.5))
 (vla-setrowheight objtable 4 (* dht 1.25))
 (vla-setrowheight objtable 1 (* dht 1.25))
 (vla-settextheight objtable 2 (* dht 1.25))
 (vla-settextheight objtable 4 dht)
 (vla-settextheight objtable 1 dht)
 (vla-put-colorindex acmcol 256)
 (vla-put-truecolor objtable acmcol)
 (vla-setcolumnwidth objtable 0 (* dht 10))
 (vla-setcolumnwidth objtable 1 (* dht 15))
 (vla-setcolumnwidth objtable 2 (* dht 15))
 (vla-setcolumnwidth objtable 3 (* dht 15))
 (vla-put-colorindex acmcol 2)
 (vla-settext objtable 0 0 title)
 (vla-setcelltextheight objtable 0 0 (* dht 1.5))
 (vla-setcellcontentcolor objtable 0 0 acmcol)
 (vla-put-colorindex acmcol 102)
 (setq col 0
row 1
 (foreach a header_list
   (vla-settext objtable row col a)
   (vla-setcelltextheight objtable row col (* dht 1.25))
   (vla-setcellcontentcolor objtable row col acmcol)
   (setq col (1+ col))
(vla-put-colorindex acmcol 40)  
(setq  row 2 col 0)
 (setq cnt 1 row 2)
 (foreach i table_data
 (setq col 0)
 (foreach a i
   (if (= col 0)
    (vla-settext objtable row col a)    
   (vla-setcellalignment objtable row col acMiddleLeft))
      (vla-settext objtable row col (rtos a 3 2))  
   (vla-setcellalignment objtable row col acMiddleCenter))
   (vla-setcellcontentcolor objtable row col acmcol)
   (setq col (1+ col)))
   (setq row (1+ row))
 (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed objtable :vlax-false)
     (lambda ()
  (vla-clear axss)
  (vla-delete axss)
  (mapcar 'vlax-release-object (list axss objtable))
 (vla-regen adoc acactiveviewport)
 (alert "Done")
;; local defun
(defun draw_textfromlist (data_list txt_height / )
   (or (vl-load-com))
   (or adoc
   (setq adoc (vla-get-activedocument
 (or acsp (setq acsp (if (= (getvar "TILEMODE") 0)
   (mapcar (function (lambda(x)
                            (vlax-invoke acsp 'AddText
                                           (car x)
                                           (list (cadr x)(+ (caddr x)(* txt_height 0.785))(last x))
;; main part
(defun C:PNT (/ ans fd fname lbl loop num pfx pt pts)
(initget "Y N") 
(setq ans (getkword "\nDo you want to add prefix? (Y/N) <Y> : ")) 
(if (not ans)(setq ans "Y"))
 (if (eq "Y" ans)
     (setq pfx (getstring T "\nEnter the prefix to add: ")))
 (setq num (getint "\n Enter the initial number <1> : "))
   (if (not num)(setq num 1))
   (setq pt (getpoint "\nDigitize the first point :")
  lbl (if pfx (strcat pfx (itoa num))(itoa num))
pts (cons (cons lbl pt) pts))
 (setq num (1+ num))
   (setq pt (getpoint "\nDigitize the next point [hit Enter to exit] :" pt))
   (if (null pt)(setq loop nil))
   (setq lbl (if pfx (strcat pfx (itoa num))(itoa num)))
   (setq  pts (cons (cons lbl pt) pts))
   (setq num (1+ num))
   (setq pts (reverse pts))
   (draw_textfromlist pts  (getvar "dimtxt"));<-- text height, change by suit
 (initget "E A") 
 (setq ans (getkword "\nDo you want to export point to Excel Or draw Acad table? (E/A) <E> : ")) 
 (if (not ans)(setq ans "E"))
 (if (eq "E" ans)
 (setq fname (getfiled "* Set Name Of New Excel File *" "" "xls" 1))
 (setq fd (open fname "w"))
 (princ "Point label\tX coord.\tY coord.\tZ coord.\n" fd)
 (foreach i pts
   (princ (strcat (car i) "\t"
    (rtos (cadr i) 3 2) "\t"
    (rtos (caddr i) 3 2) "\t"
    (rtos (last i) 3 2) "\n")
 (close fd)
         (setq ipt (getpoint "\nPick insertion point of table: "))
         (draw_table ipt "Title goes here" '("Point No." "X coord." "Y coord" "Z coord.") pts)
(princ "\n\t\t***\tType PNT to export points to Excel or to Acad table\t***")


This works fine, except I need a clue on how to get table to report as pt#, North, East, Elev. instead of Pt#, East, North, Elev.

I was able to get the data to xls file to be reversed, but not the table. Need your suggestion on what lines to revise. TIA


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