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LOFT command help


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Can a part of a loft profile be made with a 3D polyine? I have seen profiles done using 2D ellipses, but I just want to see if at least one of the profiles can be done 3 dimensionally, or if that would mess up the command? Thanks for the help.

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Thanks for letting me know but I have got another quick question. I am having trouble offsetting my 2D loft profiles a specified distance apart. Whats the best way for me to get a 2D shape to move orthogonally from where I placed it and also allowing me to specify a distance from that surface? I know this is probably a very basic question but I have not been able to figure it out. Thanks for the help.

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Make sure your UCS in oriented correctly. Start the copy or move command, drag the cursor in the direction you want to go and type the exact distance in at the command line.

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I did what you guys told me but I am still having trouble completing this part (shown). So I got the arcs oriented how I want, then I tried using the LOFT command, but using them as a guide doesn't work, and using it as a path doesn't make it turn out the way I want to either. Is there another way I can form a solid in the shape of those arcs. I had tried it with two solids earlier today but was not getting the results I wanted so I moved on to trying a loft, but that doesn't seem to be working either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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From the picture it does look like that, but that is not the case. The two arcs are a constant distant apart from start to finish.

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Sweet. It worked. All I had to do was change the extrusion a bit to account for the angle. Thanks for the help man.fin2.jpg

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I actually had to redo it again. I still had the same problem in that last picture I showed from when I just tried doing it by combining two solids. What I ended up doing was reorienting the UCS to get the angle and do sketches on both sides and then use the LOFT command to get the correct extrusion. It finally worked out the way I wanted. Thanks for the help again.

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I don't think if done correctly you would see a line between those two faces on left side (in your image).

Attach the dwg here (preferably before you made the feature - you did save the wires on a hidden layer, right delobj=0)

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Well it doesn't have a line between the two faces on the left side anymore because I fixed the part. The arrow points to where I was having the issue. If I just had a sketch of the bottom surface of the bent side when I would extrude it it would leave a little triangle space at where the arrow is pointing. So what I had to do was sketch out the top and bottom surface and then perform a LOFT to get the results I wanted. Thanks for the help earlier.


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