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using an array textbox value in another form.


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Is it possible to store the values of an array to be used later.


I create an array of text boxes on one form and then do a


For I = 0 To Cnt


i use the values of the arrayed text boxes to position mlines in my drawing. I then hide the form and open up the 2nd form. this also has an array of text boxes. i use the values of them to position mlines within my drawing. the problem is now i need the values from the previous forms arrayed text boxes to use in a calculation on the 2nd(current) form. i have tried to store them in a public dim but it dosent seem to work


i think i would need to do some thing like this but not sure if it is possible


sub form1
Cnt1 = 5
For I = 0 to Cnt1
end sub

sub frm2
cnt2 = 5
For I = 0 to Cnt2
TxtBoxFrm1Tot = TxtBoxFrm1Tot + TxtBoxFrm1(I).value
point(0) = 50
point(1) = TxtBoxFrm1Tot + ...etc
point(2) = 0

end sub


what i am trying to do is use the Txtbox1(0).value the first time the sub Frm2 runs the the second time use Txtbox1(1).value then Txtbox1(2).value


Is this possible?


i hope that makes sense?






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Declaring your array(s) as "Public", in a code module, will work.

You can then reference them from each form module as if the variables were declared within each form module.


Be aware that you don't also declare them within the code module, either at the top of the module, or within a routine, because that will override the Public declare you made in the other module.


Im not sure if the code you posted was actual code, so there is no way of telling whether you actually declared public arrays, but the code I see doesnt really do anything, and Im having a hard time picturing how the following code can run without errors:


For I = 0 to Cnt1




Without being able to check, Im going to guess that you declared your public arrays correctly, and its everything else that isnt working.

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Main form code


Public LHTOL As Double
Public RHTOL As Double
Public BTMTOL As Double
Public TOPTOL As Double
Public CwWid As Double
Public MyTranYpos As Double

Public Sub constants()
Ypos = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos

LHTOL = TxtBxTolLH.Value
RHTOL = TxtBxTolRH.Value
BTMTOL = TxtBxTolBtm.Value
TOPTOL = TxtBxTolTop.Value
CwWid = TxtBxCWWid.Value

End Sub

Private Sub CmdCreateCW_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub CreateStrucOp()
'this sub reates the perimeter structural opening rectangle

   Dim plineObj_SO As AcadLWPolyline
   Dim points(0 To 9) As Double

   Dim color As AcadAcCmColor
   Set color = _
   Call color.SetRGB(255, 127, 0)

   ' Define the 2D polyline points
   points(0) = 0: points(1) = 0
   points(2) = TxtBxSOWid.Value: points(3) = 0
   points(4) = TxtBxSOWid.Value: points(5) = TxtBxSOHght.Value
   points(6) = 0: points(7) = TxtBxSOHght.Value
   points( = 0: points(9) = 0

   ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
   Set plineObj_SO = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _

   plineObj_SO.Layer = "0"
   plineObj_SO.Linetype = "HIDDEN"
   plineObj_SO.LinetypeScale = TxtBxSOWid.Value * TxtBxSOHght.Value / 2#
   plineObj_SO.TrueColor = color


End Sub

Private Sub CreateLhMull()

'this sub creates the left hand mullion

Dim StrucOpHght As Double
Dim mLineObj_LhMull As AcadMLine
Dim points(0 To 5) As Double

StrucOpHght = TxtBxSOHght.Value
StrucOpWid = TxtBxSOWid.Value

ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name

   ' Define the 2D polyline points
   points(0) = TxtBxCWWid / 2 + TxtBxTolLH: points(1) = TxtBxTolBtm: points(2) = 0
   points(3) = TxtBxCWWid / 2 + TxtBxTolLH: points(4) = StrucOpHght - TxtBxTolTop: points(5) = 0
   'points(2) = TxtBxSOWid.Value * 1000#: points(3) = 0

   ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_LhMull = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_LhMull.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_LhMull.MLineScale = TxtBxCWWid


End Sub

Private Sub CreateRhMull()

'this sub creates the Right hand mullion

Dim StrucOpHght As Double
Dim StrucOpWid As Double
Dim mLineObj_RhMull As AcadMLine
Dim points(0 To 5) As Double

StrucOpHght = TxtBxSOHght.Value
StrucOpWid = TxtBxSOWid.Value

'ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", "STANDARD" '<--style name
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name

   ' Define the 2D polyline points

   points(0) = StrucOpWid - TxtBxTolRH - TxtBxCWWid / 2:  points(1) = TxtBxTolBtm: points(2) = 0

points(3) = StrucOpWid - TxtBxTolRH - TxtBxCWWid / 2:  points(4) = StrucOpHght - TxtBxTolTop: points(5) = 0

   ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_LhMull = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_LhMull.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_LhMull.MLineScale = TxtBxCWWid


End Sub

Sub Run()

End Sub

Private Sub CmdEnd_Click()
MsgBox "Button Does Nothing"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CmdMnFrmNext_Click()
MsgBox "Button Does Nothing"
End Sub

Private Sub CmdOpenCntMullFrm_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub


1st form code


Public I As Integer
Public Cnt
Public CntMullionQty

Dim TxtbxMullionXSrtPos() As MSForms.TextBox
Dim Lbls() As MSForms.Label

Private Sub CmdClearForm_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub CmdCreate_Click()
UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.Caption = "Mullion Calculation.....       Note: End Bay is Calculated Automatically"
End Sub

Private Sub CreateMullionTextBox()
Dim numButtons As Integer: numButtons = TxtBxMullNum.Value
ReDim TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(numButtons)
'Dim I As Integer

CntMullionQty = numButtons
numButtons = numButtons - 3
Cnt = numButtons

For I = 0 To numButtons '- 2#
' create a control on the fly
Set TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1", "TxtbxMullionXSrtPos" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

' set its position and size

TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Height = 20: TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).top = 70
TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Left = 5 + (I * 40) + 5: TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Width = 35

Next I

Me.Width = 700
Me.Height = 200
Me.Left = 150

End Sub

Private Sub CreateMullionLabels()

Dim numLabels As Integer: numLabels = TxtBxMullNum.Value
ReDim Lbls(numLabels)

Dim MyStrLblBayNo

For I = 0 To numLabels - 3
' create a control on the fly
'Set Lbls(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "Lbls" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

Set Lbls(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Lbls" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

'Set Lbls(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")'works for 1No

' set its position and size
Lbls(I).Height = 20: Lbls(I).top = 40
Lbls(I).Left = 5 + (I * 40) + 5: Lbls(I).Width = 35
'Lbls(I).Caption = " Bay No." & I
Lbls(I).Caption = " Bay Width No." & I + 1
Next I

' resize the form around the text boxes
'Me.Width = 200
'Me.Height = 35 + ((numLabels + 2) * 25)

UFAutoDrwCwTranInpt.ScrollWidth = 2 + ((numLabels + 2) * 30) * 2

End Sub

Private Sub CmdCreateMullions_Click() 'this sub creates the intermediate mullion

Dim MyMullPositionVar As Variant
Dim StrucOpHght As Double
Dim mLineObj_InterMMull As AcadMLine
Dim points(0 To 5) As Double
Dim MyCWWidTot As Double
Dim MyTotBayWidths As Double
Dim CntMullion As Double
Dim MyTranXPos As Double

For I = 0 To Cnt

MyBayWidVar = TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value ''' this is the point the bay width is stored in memory
'MyCWWidTot = CntMullionQty '* 0.5
CntMullion = CntMullion + 1

If CntMullion = "1" Then CntMullion = CntMullion * 1.5
MyTotBayWidths = MyTotBayWidths + MyBayWidVar

StrucOpHght = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxSOHght.Value
StrucOpWid = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxSOWid.Value

ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name

   ' Define the 3D multiline points
points(0) = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolLH + UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid * CntMullion + MyTotBayWidths:
   points(1) = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolBtm:
       points(2) = 0
           points(3) = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolLH + UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid * CntMullion + MyTotBayWidths:
               points(4) = StrucOpHght - UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolTop:
                   points(5) = 0

   ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_InterMMull = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_InterMMull.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_InterMMull.MLineScale = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid

        MyTranXPos = TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value

End Sub

Private Sub CmdMullFrmNext_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub CmdStorValues_Click()

Dim MyMullPositionVar As Variant

For I = 0 To Cnt

MyMullPositionVar = TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value

MsgBox MyMullPositionVar


End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.Height = "50"
'UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.Width = "368"

End Sub

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2nd form code


Public I As Integer
Public Cnt
Public CntTransomQty
Dim TxtbxTransomYSrtPos() As MSForms.TextBox
Dim Lbls() As MSForms.Label

Private Sub CmdClearForm_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub CmdCreate_Click()

UFAutoDrwCwTranInpt.Caption = "Transon Calculation.....       Note: End Bay is Calculated Automatically"
End Sub

Private Sub CreateTransomTextBox()
Dim numButtons As Integer: numButtons = TxtBxTranNum.Value
ReDim TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(numButtons)
'Dim I As Integer

CntTransomQty = numButtons
numButtons = numButtons - 1
Cnt = numButtons

For I = 0 To numButtons '- 2#
' create a control on the fly
Set TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1", "TxtbxTransomYSrtPos" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

' set its position and size

TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Height = 20: TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Width = 100
TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Left = 5: TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).top = 35 + (I * 25) + 5

Next I

' resize the form around the text boxes
Me.Height = 400
Me.top = 30
Me.Left = 200

'Me.Height = 35 + ((numButtons + 2) * 25)
'Me.Width = 5 + ((numButtons + 2) * 40)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateTransomLabels()

Dim numLabels As Integer: numLabels = TxtBxTranNum.Value
ReDim Lbls(numLabels)

Dim MyStrLblBayNo

For I = 0 To numLabels - 3
' create a control on the fly

Set Lbls(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1", "Lbls" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

'Set Lbls(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.label.1")'works for 1No

' set its position and size

Lbls(I).Height = 20: Lbls(I).Width = 100
Lbls(I).Left = 105: Lbls(I).top = 35 + (I * 25) + 5

'Lbls(I).Height = 20: Lbls(I).Width = 100
'Lbls(I).Left = 105: Lbls(I).top = 35 + (I * 25) + 5
'Lbls(I).Caption = " Bay No." & I
Lbls(I).Caption = " CL Transom No." & I + 1
Next I

' resize the form around the text boxes
'Me.Width = 200
'Me.Height = 35 + ((numLabels + 2) * 25)

UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.ScrollHeight = 35 + ((numLabels + 2) * 25) * 10

End Sub

Private Sub CmdBCreateTransom1Row_Click() 'this sub creates the intermediate Transom

Dim mLineObj_Tran1stRow As AcadMLine
Dim points(0 To 5) As Double
Dim MyTranYpos As Double

LHTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolLH.Value
RHTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolRH.Value
BTMTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolBtm.Value
TOPTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolTop.Value
CwWid = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid.Value

For I = 0 To Cnt
MyTranYpos = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Value
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name

   ' Define the 3D multiline points
points(0) = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolLH + UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid * 1:
   points(1) = MyTranYpos:
      points(2) = 0:
           points(3) = 560 'LHTOL + CwWid + Ypos
               points(4) = points(1):
                   points(5) = 0:

   ' Create a light weight Polyline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_Tran1stRow = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.MLineScale = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid


End Sub

Private Sub CmdStorValues_Click()

Dim MyTranPositionVar As Variant

For I = 0 To Cnt

MyTranPositionVar = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Value

MsgBox MyTranPositionVar


End Sub

Private Sub CmdTranFrmNext_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'UFAutoDrwCwTranInpt.Height = "80"
UFAutoDrwCwTranInpt.Width = "368"
End Sub


for example the value of the first text box on the 1st form is 500, LHTOL = 10, CwWid = 50 which makes 560. so i want point(3) to be 560.


points(3) = 560 'LHTOL + CwWid + Ypos





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well, Im still a bit lost - I started editing your code after your first post - then, afterwards, I saw another post, and that there is a "main form", and a "first form", and a "second form" .. so I wont bother posting the cleaned up code for the single form I edited...


The problem I saw, is 2-fold: one, you must declare your globals from a CODE module, not a form module. Secondly, even after you are declaring your globals, you werent USING them anywhere.


However, you are doing the right thing with your "Sub Constants" routine - which is the following: have a routine, in each form, that sets the value of the text boxes to the Global variables you MOVED to your code module. But THEN, stop referencing the text boxes *anywhere else*. There should only be *one line* of code that references your text box - the one that sets the text box value into the global variable. From then on, use the global value - otherwise, you are using 2 sets of variables, that may have different values.


Also, Id *rename* your "Sub Constants" to something else - like "Sub SeedVariables" - because they arent constants, its confusing, and its too close to a real reserved VBA name.


Then move ALL routines, that no longer reference form variables, out of the form module, and into your code module.

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when you say code module what do you mean?




When in the VBA IDE, you can click the "Insert" menu, and then have a choice of "UserForm", "Module", or "Class Module". I meant "Module".

Since two of those 3 choices have the word "Module" in them, I, and others, refer to a "Module" as a "Code Module", as opposed to a "Class Module".


(and if you arent confused yet, a Userform IS a class Module)

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Rocheey, thank you for the help, i have played around with the code and when the code runs on the second form it does grab the value of the textbox but it only grabs the last value. for a basic example the first textbox ,textbox1(0 to 5) array has values of "100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600" and textbox2(0 to 5) has values of 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650" when i run the first form i use the textbox1().values in a calculation "100" the first time the code runs and then "200" the second time etc etc. then when the cnt is done the code finishes and goes to the next form. the calculation in the next code is a bit tricker what i am trying to do is use the Textbox1(0) + textbox2(0) and add them together(not exactly what i am trying to so but shown to simplify) so the first time the code runs it will be "100 + 150" then "200 + 250" etc etc etc until the cnt is complete.


The 1st form code runs fine its when the 2nd form runs instead of what I want I get “600 + 150” then “600 + 250” then “600 + 350” so it only using the last value in the textbox1 array.




the 1st forms textbox = UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value



For I = 0 To Cnt
MyTranYpos = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Value
MyBayWidVar = UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value' without this added it runs but only remembers the value of the last textbox1()

ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name
   ' Define the 3D multiline points
points(0) = LHTOL + CwWid * 1:
   points(1) = MyTranYpos:
      points(2) = 0:
      points(3) = LHTOL + CwWid + MyBayWidVar '
               points(4) = points(1):
                   points(5) = 0:

   ' Create a mline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_Tran1stRow = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.MLineScale = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid



without this added it runs but only remembers the value of the last textbox1(), when added it says method or data member not found?

MyBayWidVar = UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value' without this added it runs but only remembers the value of the last textbox1()


For I = 0 To Cnt
MyTranYpos = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Value

ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name
   ' Define the 3D multiline points
points(0) = LHTOL + CwWid * 1:
   points(1) = MyTranYpos:
      points(2) = 0:
      points(3) = LHTOL + CwWid + MyBayWidVar '
               points(4) = points(1):
                   points(5) = 0:

   ' Create a mline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_Tran1stRow = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.MLineScale = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid





i have the following two modules

Public LHTOL As Double
Public RHTOL As Double
Public BTMTOL As Double
Public TOPTOL As Double
Public CwWid As Double
Public StrucOpHght As Double
Public StrucOpWid As Double
Public MyTranYpos As Double
Public TxtbxMullionXSrtPos() As MSForms.TextBox
Public MyTotBayWidths As Double
Public MyBayWidVar As Double




Sub SeedVariables()

LHTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolLH
RHTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolRH
BTMTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolBtm
TOPTOL = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxTolTop
CwWid = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid.Value
StrucOpHght = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxSOHght.Value
StrucOpWid = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxSOWid.Value

End Sub

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god, where to start? hmmm,. you've got an a control array, dimmed as public, in a code module? that should be in the form module, and store the values as an array in a code module. Youve got 2 different code modules; you only need one. You are still referencing (many times) the values in text boxes, from outside the form(s). It appears you are referencing the values in textboxes from other forms - I see the dot qualifier, (which Im assuming means you have the form name in front of the text box) in front of a text box reference.


Theres still so much code missing from the post you cant see whats going on. This, again is why you set your code up to be modular - make each individual piece run almost on its own, to test to make sure its running right.


I have to assume you are still having a problem with variable SCOPE - you are referencing variables and objects that are not available to other procedures. Again, this is why you set the values of the variables into a public array, from the controls, and stop referencing the values of the controls.


You have to be more in depth in your error descriptions: "only remembers the value of the last textbox1()" - what does this mean? they all have the same value? it errors out? Its impossible to reproduce the bugs when only partial code is posted.


Again, you've got to make each form module stand on its own - with the only link to be the public variables (not control objects) in the code module. And start sprinkling debug.print statements into your loops - so you can see the status of your variables as they loop thru.

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Thank you for the help.



Sorry if I wasn’t clear but I added an example of the error



The 1st form code runs fine its when the 2nd form runs instead of what I want I get “600 + 150” then “600 + 250” then “600 + 350” so it only using the last value in the textbox1 array.



The reason I have a control array dimmed was I was trying to make



Available when the second form runs


For I = 0 To Cnt
MyTranYpos = TxtbxTransomYSrtPos(I).Value
MyBayWidVar = UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Value' without this added it runs but only remembers the value of the last textbox1()

ThisDrawing.SetVariable "CMLSTYLE", UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxMLineStyle.Value '<--style name
   ' Define the 3D multiline points
points(0) = LHTOL + CwWid * 1:
   points(1) = MyTranYpos:
      points(2) = 0:
      points(3) = LHTOL + CwWid + MyBayWidVar '
               points(4) = points(1):
                   points(5) = 0:

   ' Create a mline object in model space
   Set mLineObj_Tran1stRow = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace. _
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.Layer = "0"
   mLineObj_Tran1stRow.MLineScale = UFrmAutoDrawCW.TxtBxCWWid

This runs in the form


Dim numButtons As Integer: numButtons = TxtBxMullNum.Value
ReDim TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(numButtons)
'Dim I As Integer

CntMullionQty = numButtons
numButtons = numButtons - 3
Cnt = numButtons

For I = 0 To numButtons '- 2#
' create a control on the fly
Set TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I) = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.textbox.1", "TxtbxMullionXSrtPos" & LTrim$(Str$(I)), True)

' set its position and size

TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Height = 20: TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).top = 70
TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Left = 5 + (I * 40) + 5: TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).Width = 35

Next I

Me.Width = 700
Me.Height = 200
Me.Left = 150



This creates the textboxes, so you are saying I should run this in a module instead? And then add


MyBayWidVar = UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt.TxtbxMullionXSrtPos(I).value 


To the seed variables module?






PS if that isn’t correct and I am misunderstanding I have loaded my project and a drawing, if you have time to look at it. I know it is a lot and If you haven’t got time I appreciate the help you have gave me.


The drawing shows what happens when the following has happened


UFrmAutoDrawCW has been run


Button marked “CREATE SO PERIM & Jamb MULLIONS” has been clicked

Button marked “OPEN CNT MULL FORM” has been clicked


This opens form “UFAutoDrwCwMullInpt”


You click button enter


Then “create mullions”


Then “”next


This opens form “UFAutoDrwCwTranInpt”


Then enter


Then “Create 1st Row Transom”


This is where the error occurs that I described above.



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I have played about a lot tonight and have cleaned up the code a lot as you suggested. i only have the last form module to do and the problem is nearly solved.


i think i should be able to work it out now,


thank you very much for your time and help.





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