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Pipe fittings can't be selected using right to left selection


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Hi guys!


When I try to select my fittings for sanitary, I am having some problems because I cannot select sanitary tee and some other fittings. Has anyone of you having problems like this?

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You cannot select the sanitary fittings because they are grayed out? or because you can't find them?


*I may have read your question wrong.


Are you trying to select pipe fittings that you have already drawn in the model?

Edited by Cadax
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Sorry for not clarifying my question. Yes sir the pipe & pipe fittings are already in the model. they are not grayed out. Normally, when you select the elements on the drawing area, you can select them all by using left to right (as long as all the segments are inside the box) or right to left selection box right? But there are some fittings that I cannot select using these methods. Usually when my sanitary tees are sloped. Thank you for replying in my thread sir!

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Yes the right to left selection box "should" select anything and everything that is inside the box whether or not the entire entity is inside it, but I've found that sometimes it doesn't.


Create a section view of the area with the fitting and see if you can select it there, maybe try a 3d view also. If that works check the reference level and elevation in the properties of the fitting. Make sure those are correct.


Last week with sloped sanitary pipe I noticed once in a while some fitting constraints would go funky. I couldn't select them in the floor plan view but could in a section view.

I had some horizontal sanitary pipe in the ceiling of the first floor and a few of the sanitary Y's were unselectable. The fitting constraints were showing that their reference level was level 4 even though when drawing the pipe I had the constraints set for the ceiling of first floor. In the section view I manually changed level 4 to level 1 and wah lah! they were selectable.


Sloping sanitary is a pain the the arse!


Hope this helps :)

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Thank you for your reply sir! That really helped a lot.


Yeah.. that sloping pipes.. argh.. I tried to create a a hor/ver pipes before I set the slope. Then most of the time, I'm having a hard time setting the slope using the slope editor.. So for now, I'm manually set the slopes first then create the layout..


Btw, can we change the family type of Y's into Tee's? So as I layout, I don't have to manually change the fitting.


Thank you again sir!

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One way I found to change the default fitting types:


In your project browser scroll down to "Families". Under there expand "Pipes" then expand "Pipe Types" select the pipe type you want to modify the fittings for. Left click and choose "Type Properties..." Here can you select which fittings are used when you layout systems with this pipe type.

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