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Raster active path issue

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I am now using acad and raster 2011.

In the previouse versions of these two programs I worked with, If you had a old married pair (DWG+.TIFF) that had lost conectivitiy, .tiff wouldn't show up when you opened the .dwg, you could go into raster/manager, then in the manager box, you would highlight the dwg., go down to active path, browse out to the .tiff and "get them back together."


In this version when I go to browse out to the .tiff, they dont showand the "Choose a directory" box doesn't have the pull down to allow you to show different applications/.extensions.


Any idea what the change is?


I need to marry a .cal that is now a .tiff

I can import it but the chances of geting the raster to match up to the vector that way is slim and time consumming. Little help?

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Try repathing it with the Xref manager. open up the Xref manager and at the bottom should be the saved path and path found at.

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I ended up typing in image and it brought up the old style box i was use to . I was able to browse out to the little criminal. I was unemployed for over a year, I think some of my cad skills might have packed a bag and went on vacation. . . . .I sure hope they get back soon. :lol: thanks for contributing to my knowledge base. p.s. good choice in whiskey!

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Another option for when directory changes come up, look at using Reference Manager. I use it for XREFs, rasters, etc. Just be aware the RM is only going to be able to update paths, not file names. For that look into ObjectDBX.


Cheers! :beer:

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