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Adaptivity Issues in Inventor 2012


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I am drawing some game boards for a personal project in Inventor 2012. Essentially it is a piece of particle board with 4 sides, each with a dato joint that the playing board fits into.


I have drawn near identical designs in earlier versions of Inventor without any issues at all. I have applied the exact same method in 2012 and am getting issues with my mates.


I essentially want the 2 end caps (named Front in the browser) to grow and shrink with the size of the the board.


The method I used in earlier versions was to make the extrusion of the length of the pieces to be adaptive, the make sure the parts adaptivity is turned on in the assembly. Is there a new feature somewhere in the assemblies environment I have to turn on, similar to Contact Setting.


Thanks in advance.


PS. Sorry for the poor image quality, i have 3 monitors set up, and had to crop with paint as I dont have Microsoft Office installed on my new computer yet.



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I would have used Multi-body solids instead, but in any case, can you zip and attach the files here? (roll up the EOP first)

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I was able to solve the issue, it requires you to create a new part in the assembly. Thanks for the quick reply though. :)

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Hi Mike,


I put together a series of posts on Inventor Assembly Modelling techniques (Top Down, Bottom up, Skeletal modelling, adaptivity e.t.c) that you might find useful.


You can read it here:

Autodesk Inventor Assembly Techniques for Woodworkers http://cadso.co/lHcvaT

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