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lsp help for loading & unloading arx file from specified folder!


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hi.. need help on creating lsp that can:


> load & unload *.arx file which is located on specified folder!




[size=2](defun c:arxload()[/size]
[size=2](command "load" "[/size][size=2]c:\documents & settings\user\addons\mditab17.arx[/size][size=2]")(princ))[/size]


[size=2](defun c:arxunload()[/size]
[size=2](command "unload" "[/size][size=2]c:\documents & settings\user\addons\mditab17.arx[/size][size=2]")(princ))[/size]


thanks 8)

Edited by SLW210
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Welcome to CADTutor!


First, I'd suggest that you NOT define custom commands using the same name as that of a protected symbol (LISP function).


Second, give this a try:


(defun c:MDITAB  ()
 ((lambda (arxList mdi path)
      (strcat "\rMDITAB: "
              (cond ((member mdi arxList)
                     (arxunload mdi)
                     "UNLOADED ")
                    ((arxload (strcat path mdi))
                     "LOADED ")))))
   "c:\\documents & settings\\user\\addons\\")

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wow!!! :shock:

i can't believe that it is you (Lee Mac) who is the first one to reply my first post!!! :D it sure is my pleasure!!

i was so happy, cz i'm currently using your created lsp to help on my drafting work... and it really is very very handy/useful!

that save time & effort too.... thks a lot


Actually i got plenty of issue(post) on autolisp since i started it when i feel the power lsp routines can do so much for me in autocad.

that's why i join this forum just today to seek more understanding/experience on autolisp!


Will sure try it out asap when i go back to office! 8) thanks again!!!! hAPPy

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thanks for the welcome!

Feel really great to get another suggestion from you! :lol:

i'm new to autolisp but it sure gives me the interest to learn deeper in it...

Will sure try it out!!!

thanks a lot Mr. RenderMan 8)

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wow!!! :shock:

i can't believe that it is you (Lee Mac) who is the first one to reply my first post!!! :D it sure is my pleasure!!

i was so happy, cz i'm currently using your created lsp to help on my drafting work... and it really is very very handy/useful!

that save time & effort too.... thks a lot


Thanks - I'm flattered that my reputation precedes me. o:) Thanks for using my programs, I hope they can assist you in your work.


First, I'd suggest that you NOT define custom commands using the same name as that of a protected symbol (LISP function).


A good point to raise, however for clarification, note that the defined symbol in this case is "c:arxload", not the protected arxload symbol :thumbsup:

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A good point to raise, however for clarification, note that the defined symbol in this case is "c:arxload", not the protected arxload symbol :thumbsup:


Cheers, Lee - on both counts! LoL :beer:

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Well... I think you've long overtaken me with your .NET studies :thumbsup:


That is kind of you to say, my friend. :oops:


It's funny you mention .NET as I've just written a LispFunction Method "NETLOAD" for LISP that accepts a single argument, a valid file path to DLL, as String (just for fun). :geek: LoL

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Welcome to CADTutor!


First, I'd suggest that you NOT define custom commands using the same name as that of a protected symbol (LISP function).


Second, give this a try:




I keep both the 32-Bit, and 64-Bit MDITAB .ARX files in the same directory (I just renamed the ones for 64-Bit as noted in the code below), and use this **shell to filter for which one to load across multiple AutoCAD versions, and operating systems:


** I actually do not use this command, rather I use a System Variable Reactor to perform the same function automagically.


[/color](defun c:MdiTab  (/ 64Bit-p)
   ;; © RenderMan, 2011
   (defun 64Bit-p ()
   ;; © RenderMan, 2011
   ;; Returns T if version is 64-Bit
   ;; Example: (64bit-p)
   (if (vl-string-search "64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
   ((lambda (key sdi / mditab flag)
      (if (and
            (setq mditab
                     ((vl-string-search "17" key)                        ; 2007, 2008, 2009
                      (if (64Bit-p)
                     ((vl-string-search "18" key)                        ; 2010, 2011, 2012
                      (if (64Bit-p)
            (setq flag (findfile mditab))
            (not (vl-position mditab (arx))))
        (and (arxload mditab) (princ "\rMDITAB: LOADED "))
          (flag (and (arxunload mditab) (princ "\rMDITAB: UNLOADED ")))
           (prompt (strcat "\n** \"" mditab "\" cannot be found ** ")))
          (sdi (prompt "\n** This AutoCAD version not supported ** "))
          ((prompt "\n** Command not allowed in SDI mode ** ")))))
     (= 0 (getvar 'sdi)))



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  • 10 months later...

Hey boys, not sure how old this thread is, dates not showing up ... BUT I just ran this (32 vs 64 code) and I get the incompatable string in my face?

Im running 2010 Cad, Win7 64


am i not doing something here?

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Hey boys, not sure how old this thread is, dates not showing up ... BUT I just ran this (32 vs 64 code) and I get the incompatable string in my face?

Im running 2010 Cad, Win7 64


am i not doing something here?


Which code specifically?


Also, if you're able to determine... What line throws the error when you step through in VLIDE?

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