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Edit a Block via C#


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Hi community,


my job is to make an editor for blocks in C#. There should be a WPF-window were the user can see a list of blocks. He selects one and than he should see an overview about block attributes like insertionpoint, basepoint, rotation and scaling and he should be able to edit these attributes in this form.


I know how i can populate a list of block names, but I fail at finding an opportunity to edit these attributes.

I get the blocktablerecords, but then?


I am very, very new to Autocad, and I've googled the last five hours unsuccessfully for a solution which is suitable for my problem.


Please help me, it is very urgent!


Kind regards,


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Welcome to CADTutor!


Can I just say that you've taken on quite the challenge for your (first?) development project. :thumbsup:


Without seeing your code, it *sounds* like you need to use a Transaction to Open the Block Object ForRead... More information here. From there, you should be able to query any information you need.




Edit - Corrected linked text; now goes to 'Open and Close Objects without the Transaction Manager'

Edited by BlackBox
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