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Setting Polyline Elevations Quickly


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1st Post, woot woot.

I searched through many of the existing forums but couldn't find one that addressed this issue...


I work a lot with polylines, to create design contours. I usually have a contour at the bottom or top of a hill, then I use the 'offset' command to offset the line to conform to a 3:1 slope as far as I need, to tie into the existing topo.


My problem is, after offsetting all these plines, they are all at the same elevation as the original line.


Is there a faster way to change the elevation than clicking on a line, entering the elevation in the properties window, clicking on a new line, wash-rinse-repeat? This is very tedious, especially with 20+ offset lines each time.

Or is there a way to offset with increasing/decreasing elevations each time?



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I've done this by mistake, but it may work for you. Draw your first contour. Set its elevation. Offset it by your slope amount. Move the second one down by a foot. Now copy the second one by using one end of the first contour as your base point and the corresponding end of the second contour as your destination. You've made a copy that's three feet over and one foot down. Repeat as needed.


Or, since you have Civil 3D, you could use a grading object. Set the style of the resulting surface to show contours. Done.

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Thanks guys,


Ill probably use dumfatnhappy's suggestion for most of my contours as it seems like it would be faster than my current method.

The copy command would only work with straight contours, if curves were involved, the resulting offsets would be skewed.


Any further suggestions, ideas, or methods would be much appreicated!

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You could make a very simple macro or lisp to move the selected contour up 1', another to move down 1'.




Change, ,


Make another one for -12

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Checked into some ideas spurred by eldon and squirltech, there is a feature line command called stepped offset. It has an extra prompt in the offset sequence that asks for the elevation difference!!


Home > Create Design > Feature Line > Create Feature Line from Stepped Offset.

Works like a charm


Thanks all.

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  • 4 years later...

Here's a program I just wrote in AutoLISP to elevate and label polylines.


;;; Contour Elevations at Intervals with Labels
;;; Copyleft 2017 Thomas Gail Haws licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL
;;; http://www.hawsedc.com tom.haws@gmail.com
;;; Version: 1.0.0
;;; Official Repository: http://autocad.wikia.com/wiki/Contour_Elevations_at_Intervals_with_Labels_(AutoLISP_application
;;; Haws is a registered reserved symbol with Autodesk that will never conflict with other apps.
;;; Features:
;;; -Uses an exploded block for labeling so you can customize label as needed.
;;; -Saves to (setcfg) to remember settings between sessions.  Saves to a single global variable during a session.
;;; -Lets you ignore Interval, Label Precision, Label Spacing, Temporary Color, LabelBlockName, and Elevation or change them on the fly.
;;; -For programmers, demonstrates small functions with self-documenting names and variable names.  Also demonstrates settings management.

;; Customizable out-of-the-box defaults
  haws-cei:define-settings (/ luprec)
 (setq luprec (itoa (getvar "LUPREC")))
   (list "CurrentElevation" "" 'real)
   (list "ContourInterval" "1.0" 'real)
   (list "LabelSpacing" "500.0" 'real)
   (list "TemporaryColor" "." 'str)
   (list "LabelPrecision" luprec 'int)
   (list "LabelBlockName" "cei-contour-label" 'str)
   (list "LUPREC" luprec 'int)
   (list "ElevationPrompt" "Yes" 'str) ;"Yes" or "No"

(defun c:cei () (haws-cei:main))

  haws-cei:main (/ input-main)
 (command "._undo" "_group")
 (while (setq input-main (haws-cei:get-input-main))
   (haws-cei:do-input-main input-main)
 (command "._undo" "_end")

;; Start with default settings and supplement with stored settings.
  haws-cei:initialize-settings (/ luprec setting)
 (cond ((not *haws-cei:settings*) (haws-cei:get-default-settings)))
 ;; If drawing LUPREC changed, use it.
   ((/= (setq luprec (getvar "LUPREC"))
        (haws-cei:getvar "LUPREC")
    (haws-cei:setvar "LUPREC" luprec)
    (haws-cei:setvar "LabelPrecision" luprec)

;; Define-Settings is at top of file for customization convenience.
  haws-cei:get-default-settings ()
 (setq *haws-cei:settings* (haws-cei:define-settings))

;; Get settings from AutoCAD's AutoLISP permananent storage system
;; The setcfg/getcfg functions might be removed in a future release.
  haws-cei:get-stored-settings (/ settings-definition)
 (setq settings-definition (haws-cei:define-settings))
   ;; If stored settings location exists
   ((getcfg (strcat (haws-cei:storage-location) "Dummy"))
       setting settings-definition
        ;; If setting exists (even missing settings return "")
        ((/= ""
                  (strcat (haws-cei:storage-location) (car setting))
           (car setting)

(defun haws-cei:storage-location () "Appdata/Haws/CEI/")

  haws-cei:save-to-settings-list (var val)
      (list var val (haws-cei:getvar-type var))
      (assoc var *haws-cei:settings*)

  haws-cei:getvar (var / val-string)
    (cadr (assoc var *haws-cei:settings*))
    (caddr (assoc var *haws-cei:settings*))
      ((= var-type 'real) (distof val-string)) ; Returns nil for ""
      ((= var-type 'int) (atoi val-string))
      ((= var-type 'str) val-string)

  haws-cei:getvar-type (var / val-string)
 (caddr (assoc var *haws-cei:settings*))

  haws-cei:setvar (var val / var-type)
 (setq var-type (haws-cei:getvar-type var))
   ((/= (type val) var-type)
        "Warning in haws-cei:SETVAR.\n\nVariable: "
        "\nType expected: "
        (vl-prin1-to-string var-type)
        "\nType provided: "
        (vl-prin1-to-string (type val))
 (cond ((/= (type val) 'STR) (setq val (vl-prin1-to-string val))))
 (haws-cei:save-to-settings-list var val)
 (haws-cei:save-to-storage var val)

  haws-cei:save-to-storage (var val)
 (setcfg (strcat (haws-cei:storage-location) var) val)

  haws-cei:initialize-elevation ()
   ((or(not (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation"))(= (haws-cei:getvar "ElevationPrompt") "Yes"))

  haws-cei:get-input-main (/ input-main current-elevation)
 (initget "Elevation Interval Spacing Color Precision")
   "\nSelect contour to elevate and label or [new Elevation/contour Interval/label Spacing/temporary Color/Precision]: "

  haws-cei:print-settings (/ setting)
 (princ "\nCurrent settings: ")
    setting *haws-cei:settings*
        (/= (car setting) "LUPREC")
        (/= (car setting) "LabelBlockName")
      (princ (car setting))
      (princ "=")
      (princ (cadr setting))
      (princ " ")

  haws-cei:do-input-main (input-main /)
   ((or (= input-main "Elevation") (= input-main ""))
   ((= input-main "Interval") (haws-cei:get-contour-interval))
   ((= input-main "Spacing") (haws-cei:get-label-spacing))
   ((= input-main "Color") (haws-cei:get-temporary-color))
   ((= input-main "Precision") (haws-cei:get-precision))
   (t (haws-cei:do-next-contour input-main))

  haws-cei:get-elevation (/ elevation-point)
 (initget "Text Prompt")
      "\nSpecify point at starting elevation or [enter Text/elevation Prompt mode] <Text>: "
   ((or (= elevation-point "Text") (not elevation-point))
   ((= elevation-point "Prompt")
   (t (haws-cei:get-elevation-from-point elevation-point))

  haws-cei:get-elevation-from-point (elevation-point)
 (haws-cei:setvar "CurrentElevation" (caddr elevation-point))

  haws-cei:get-elevation-text ()
   (getreal "\nNew current elevation: ")

  haws-cei:get-elevation-prompt ()
 (initget "Yes No")
   "Always prompt for elevation before selecting contours? [Yes/No]"

  haws-cei:get-contour-interval ()
   "Contour interval"

  haws-cei:get-label-spacing ()
   "Spacing for labels along contours"

  haws-cei:get-temporary-color ()
   "Temporary color to distinguish elevated contours or . for none"

  haws-cei:get-precision ()
   "Decimal places of label precision"
  haws-cei:get-input-generic (var function-symbol prompt1 / input1)
          " <"
          (haws-cei:getvar var)
          ">: "
 (cond ((and input1 (/= input1 "")) (haws-cei:setvar var input1)))
  haws-cei:do-next-contour (entsel1 /)
 (haws-cei:elevate-contour entsel1)
 (haws-cei:color-contour entsel1)
 (haws-cei:label-contour entsel1)
   (+ (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation")
      (haws-cei:getvar "ContourInterval")

  (entsel1 / current-elevation pline1 pline1data)
    (car entsel1)
    (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation")
    (entget pline1)
      ((= (cdr (assoc 0 pline1data)) "POLYLINE")
             (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation")
             (cdr (reverse (assoc 10 pline1data)))
         (assoc 10 pline1data)
      ((= (cdr (assoc 0 pline1data)) "LWPOLYLINE")
         ((not (assoc 38 pline1data))
              (cons 38 (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation"))
              (reverse pline1data)
            (cons 38 (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation"))
            (assoc 38 pline1data)
 (entmod pline1data)

  haws-cei:color-contour (entsel1 / color)
   ((/= "." (setq color (haws-cei:getvar "TemporaryColor")))
    (command "._chprop" entsel1 "" "_color" color "")

  haws-cei:label-contour (entsel1 /)
 (haws-cei:add-labels entsel1)

  haws-cei:initialize-measure-block (/ ds ts)
      (not (tblsearch "BLOCK" "cei-contour-label"))
      (not (findfile "cei-contour-label.dwg"))
        (strcase (haws-cei:getvar "LabelBlockName"))
        " block not found in drawing or on disk.\nCreating vanilla label based on dimscale and dimtxt.\n\nMake your own mtext block if you need to."
      ds (getvar "dimscale")
      ts (* ds (getvar "dimtxt"))
    (haws-cei:make-masked-mtext "0,0,0" "_mc" ts "0" "cei-temp")
      (haws-cei:getvar "LabelBlockName")

  haws-cei:make-masked-mtext (i j h w s / ename-mtext)
 (command "._mtext" i "_j" j "_h" h "_w" w s "")
 (setq ename-mtext (entlast))
     (entget ename-mtext)
     '((90 . 3) (63 . 256) (45 . 1.1) (441 . 0))

  haws-cei:add-labels (entsel1 / eg1 enext entsel1-length)
 (setq enext (entlast))
 (command "._area" "_object" entsel1)
 (setq entsel1-length (getvar "perimeter"))
   (haws-cei:getvar "LabelBlockName")
     (+ (fix (/ entsel1-length (haws-cei:getvar "LabelSpacing")))
 (while (setq enext (entnext enext))
   (if (= (cdr (assoc 2 (entget enext)))
          (haws-cei:getvar "LabelBlockName")
     (command "._explode" enext)
   (setq eg1 (entget (entlast)))
     ((= (cdr (assoc 0 eg1)) "MTEXT")
              (haws-cei:getvar "CurrentElevation")
              (haws-cei:getvar "LabelPrecision")
          (assoc 1 eg1)

;; Reset settings on load

;|«Visual LISP© Format Options»
(72 2 40 2 nil "end of " 60 2 1 1 1 nil nil nil T)
;*** DO NOT add text below the comment! ***|;

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