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Is there any way to create a license key for my LISP programs


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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CODE PROTECTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BY HANDASA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;protect your main lisp function "(PROTECTED-LISP)" by a serial number and a trail period
;upon calling "test" command this lisp will generate a code like this LICESNE: 141217654405-6310 
; consisting of date "141217" as DDMMYY and the NEXT 6 "654405" are the last 6 strings of "C" hard drive ID by calling (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 
;the 4 strings "6310" after the "-" string are code you use to generate a serial number for the user where serial = (63 - factor1)*(10 - factor1) * factor2
;assuming factor1 is 4 and factor2 is 50 then the activation code for this user will be (63 - 4)*(10 - 4) * 50 = 17700 
; this serial is unique for this computer and will expire after the trail period and/or if windows reinstalled 

; you can change your own factors 4 as you like which is factor1 variable in the lisp ;;;; hint: don't use values more than 10
; you can change your own factors 50 as you like which is factor2 variable in the lisp

; you can change your own trial period which is ndays variable in the lisp code

(alert (strcat "HELLO YOU ARE NOW HAVE FULL ACCESS TO THE PROGRAM FOR " (rtos ndays 2 0) " DAYS"))




(setq ndays 30) ;;; define trail period days
(setq factor1 4);;; define factor1
(setq factor2 50);;; define factor1



(alert "This Program Created By Eng.Mustapha Abdel Baset \n Please Like ,Subscribe And Share If You Like My work \n For contact Email me \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>")


(SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) ;;; remove or comment this line to enable trail for n-days




(if (not (GETENVX "EXPIRED"))
(setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
(setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
(setq d2 (substr lock 1 )

(if (< (comparex d1 d2) -5) (alert "DATE AND TIME WERE CHANGED"))

(if (or (> (comparex d1 d2) ndays)(< (comparex d1 d2) -5))
(alert "expired")
;(alert "valid")

(PROTECTED-LISP) ;;; main function here



     (if (not (GETENVX "CODE"))
     (setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
  (setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
  (setq lock2 (substr lock 9 20))
  (setq lock3  (* (- (read (substr lock2 1 2)) factor1)(- (read (substr lock2 3 factor1)) 4) factor2) )

  (setq pcid (rtos (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 2 0))
  (setq pcid (substr pcid (max 1 (- (strlen pcid) 5)) 20))
  (setq first (vl-string-subst "" "/" (vl-string-subst "" "/" d1)))
  (SETENVX "LOCK3" (rtos (+ (* lock3 13) 1300) 2 0))
  (SETENVX "CODE" (strcat "LICESNE: " first pcid  "-" lock2))
  (alert (strcat (GETENVX "CODE") "\n contact me to get your new activation code \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>"))
  (inputbox  (GETENVX "CODE") "LISP EXPIRED" "")
  (if (and inputvalue (or (= (strcase inputvalue) "MUX")(= (read inputvalue) (/ (- (read (GETENVX "LOCK3")) 1300) 13))))
	(delenvx "EXPIRED")
	(delenvx "CODE")
	;;; main function here
    (progn (alert "NOT VALID KEY"))


(defun delenvx (var)
(vl-registry-delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun setenvx (var val)
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var val)

(defun Getenvx (var)
(vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun comparex (d1 d2 / ALLDAYS DAY1 DAY2 DAY3 MO1 MO2 MO3 YR1 YR2 YR3)

        yr1 (read (substr d1 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo1 (read (substr d1 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day1 (read (substr d1 1 2))
 ;extract the day


        yr2 (read (substr d2 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo2 (read (substr d2 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day2 (read (substr d2 1 2))
 ;extract the day


(if (> day1 day2)
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(setq day1 (+ day1 30))
(setq mo1 (- mo1 1))
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(if (> mo1 mo2)
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq mo1 (+ mo1 12))
(setq yr1 (- yr1 1))
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq yr3 (- yr1 yr2))

(setq alldays (+ (* yr3 365) (* mo3 30) day3))


(defun rnd (/ modulus multiplier increment random)
 (if (not seed)
   (setq seed (getvar "DATE"))
 (setq modulus    65536
       multiplier 25173
       increment  13849
       seed  (rem (+ (* multiplier seed) increment) modulus)
       random     (/ seed modulus)

(defun getlock ()

(setq rand "123")
(while (or (not (equal 4 (strlen rand))) (not (read (substr rand 3 2)))(< (read (substr rand 3 2)) (1+ factor1)))
(setq rand (rtos (fix(* 10000 (rnd))) 2 0))
(SETENVX "LOCK_TOFF" (strcat (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)") rand))

;;; **** PC Hardware Functions ******
;;; *********************************

;;;                                                  				*
;;; Retrieves Hard Drive serial number                         		        *
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Arguments:                                       				*
;;; 		Path - Path of Hard Drive, for example "C:" (string)		*
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Output:                                          				*
;;;		Hard Drive serial number (integer) or NIL in case of error. 	*
;;;                                                  				*

(defun #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial(Path / fsObj hSn abPth cDrv)
     (setq fsObj(vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
  (setq abPth(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method
	       (list fsObj 'GetAbsolutePathName Path))
	       ); end setq
	   ); end vl-catch-all-error-p
	); end not
  ); end and
     (setq cDrv(vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDrive
       (vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDriveName abPth
       ); end vlax-invoke-method
     );end vlax-invoke-method
    ); end setq
  (setq hSn(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-get-property
    (list cDrv 'SerialNumber))))
      (vlax-release-object cDrv)
      (setq hSn nil)
    ); end progn
      ); end if
   (vlax-release-object fsObj)
   ); end progn
  ); end if
 ); end of #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial


(defun inputbox (prompt title default)

 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "inputbox.dcl"))
 (if (not (new_dialog "inputbox" dcl_id))

 (set_tile "prompt" prompt)
 (set_tile "title" title)
 (set_tile "eb1" default)
 (mode_tile "eb1" 2)

    (setq result nil)"
   "(setq inputvalue (get_tile \"eb1\"))
    (setq result T)"
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of coding ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;



Edited by handasa
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  • 2 weeks later...
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CODE PROTECTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BY HANDASA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;protect your main lisp function "(PROTECTED-LISP)" by a serial number and a trail period
;upon calling "test" command this lisp will generate a code like this LICESNE: 141217654405-6310 
; consisting of date "141217" as DDMMYY and the NEXT 6 "654405" are the last 6 strings of "C" hard drive ID by calling (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 
;the 4 strings "6310" after the "-" string are code you use to generate a serial number for the user where serial = (63 - factor1)*(10 - factor1) * factor2
;assuming factor1 is 4 and factor2 is 50 then the activation code for this user will be (63 - 4)*(10 - 4) * 50 = 17700 
; this serial is unique for this computer and will expire after the trail period and/or if windows reinstalled 

; you can change your own factors 4 as you like which is factor1 variable in the lisp ;;;; hint: don't use values more than 10
; you can change your own factors 50 as you like which is factor2 variable in the lisp

; you can change your own trial period which is ndays variable in the lisp code

(alert (strcat "HELLO YOU ARE NOW HAVE FULL ACCESS TO THE PROGRAM FOR " (rtos ndays 2 0) " DAYS"))




(setq ndays 30) ;;; define trail period days
(setq factor1 4);;; define factor1
(setq factor2 50);;; define factor1



(alert "This Program Created By Eng.Mustapha Abdel Baset \n Please Like ,Subscribe And Share If You Like My work \n For contact Email me \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>")


(SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) ;;; remove or comment this line to enable trail for n-days




(if (not (GETENVX "EXPIRED"))
(setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
(setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
(setq d2 (substr lock 1 )

(if (< (comparex d1 d2) -5) (alert "DATE AND TIME WERE CHANGED"))

(if (or (> (comparex d1 d2) ndays)(< (comparex d1 d2) -5))
(alert "expired")
;(alert "valid")

(PROTECTED-LISP) ;;; main function here



     (if (not (GETENVX "CODE"))
     (setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
  (setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
  (setq lock2 (substr lock 9 20))
  (setq lock3  (* (- (read (substr lock2 1 2)) factor1)(- (read (substr lock2 3 factor1)) 4) factor2) )

  (setq pcid (rtos (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 2 0))
  (setq pcid (substr pcid (max 1 (- (strlen pcid) 5)) 20))
  (setq first (vl-string-subst "" "/" (vl-string-subst "" "/" d1)))
  (SETENVX "LOCK3" (rtos (+ (* lock3 13) 1300) 2 0))
  (SETENVX "CODE" (strcat "LICESNE: " first pcid  "-" lock2))
  (alert (strcat (GETENVX "CODE") "\n contact me to get your new activation code \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>"))
  (inputbox  (GETENVX "CODE") "LISP EXPIRED" "")
  (if (and inputvalue (or (= (strcase inputvalue) "MUX")(= (read inputvalue) (/ (- (read (GETENVX "LOCK3")) 1300) 13))))
	(delenvx "EXPIRED")
	(delenvx "CODE")
	;;; main function here
    (progn (alert "NOT VALID KEY"))


(defun delenvx (var)
(vl-registry-delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun setenvx (var val)
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var val)

(defun Getenvx (var)
(vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun comparex (d1 d2 / ALLDAYS DAY1 DAY2 DAY3 MO1 MO2 MO3 YR1 YR2 YR3)

        yr1 (read (substr d1 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo1 (read (substr d1 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day1 (read (substr d1 1 2))
 ;extract the day


        yr2 (read (substr d2 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo2 (read (substr d2 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day2 (read (substr d2 1 2))
 ;extract the day


(if (> day1 day2)
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(setq day1 (+ day1 30))
(setq mo1 (- mo1 1))
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(if (> mo1 mo2)
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq mo1 (+ mo1 12))
(setq yr1 (- yr1 1))
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq yr3 (- yr1 yr2))

(setq alldays (+ (* yr3 365) (* mo3 30) day3))


(defun rnd (/ modulus multiplier increment random)
 (if (not seed)
   (setq seed (getvar "DATE"))
 (setq modulus    65536
       multiplier 25173
       increment  13849
       seed  (rem (+ (* multiplier seed) increment) modulus)
       random     (/ seed modulus)

(defun getlock ()

(setq rand "123")
(while (or (not (equal 4 (strlen rand))) (not (read (substr rand 3 2)))(< (read (substr rand 3 2)) (1+ factor1)))
(setq rand (rtos (fix(* 10000 (rnd))) 2 0))
(SETENVX "LOCK_TOFF" (strcat (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)") rand))

;;; **** PC Hardware Functions ******
;;; *********************************

;;;                                                  				*
;;; Retrieves Hard Drive serial number                         		        *
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Arguments:                                       				*
;;; 		Path - Path of Hard Drive, for example "C:" (string)		*
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Output:                                          				*
;;;		Hard Drive serial number (integer) or NIL in case of error. 	*
;;;                                                  				*

(defun #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial(Path / fsObj hSn abPth cDrv)
     (setq fsObj(vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
  (setq abPth(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method
	       (list fsObj 'GetAbsolutePathName Path))
	       ); end setq
	   ); end vl-catch-all-error-p
	); end not
  ); end and
     (setq cDrv(vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDrive
       (vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDriveName abPth
       ); end vlax-invoke-method
     );end vlax-invoke-method
    ); end setq
  (setq hSn(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-get-property
    (list cDrv 'SerialNumber))))
      (vlax-release-object cDrv)
      (setq hSn nil)
    ); end progn
      ); end if
   (vlax-release-object fsObj)
   ); end progn
  ); end if
 ); end of #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial


(defun inputbox (prompt title default)

 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "inputbox.dcl"))
 (if (not (new_dialog "inputbox" dcl_id))

 (set_tile "prompt" prompt)
 (set_tile "title" title)
 (set_tile "eb1" default)
 (mode_tile "eb1" 2)

    (setq result nil)"
   "(setq inputvalue (get_tile \"eb1\"))
    (setq result T)"
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of coding ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;



Hello, Handsa.

how do i comment on this line (SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) to enable trail for n-days???

Because now it does not work.

I define 1 day for trail period, then I start the program after 2 days and it works.

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Hello, Handsa.

how do i comment on this line (SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) to enable trail for n-days???

Because now it does not work.

I define 1 day for trail period, then I start the program after 2 days and it works.


i think the minimum trail period is 5 days .. if i remember .... just change date and time on your pc to 5 days forward and check the program again

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Hello, Handsa.

how do i comment on this line (SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) to enable trail for n-days???

Because now it does not work.

I define 1 day for trail period, then I start the program after 2 days and it works.


comment = put ";" before this line in the lisp code

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i think the minimum trail period is 5 days .. if i remember .... just change date and time on your pc to 5 days forward and check the program again


Thanks, works stably.

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  • 2 years later...
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CODE PROTECTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BY HANDASA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;protect your main lisp function "(PROTECTED-LISP)" by a serial number and a trail period
;upon calling "test" command this lisp will generate a code like this LICESNE: 141217654405-6310 
; consisting of date "141217" as DDMMYY and the NEXT 6 "654405" are the last 6 strings of "C" hard drive ID by calling (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 
;the 4 strings "6310" after the "-" string are code you use to generate a serial number for the user where serial = (63 - factor1)*(10 - factor1) * factor2
;assuming factor1 is 4 and factor2 is 50 then the activation code for this user will be (63 - 4)*(10 - 4) * 50 = 17700 
; this serial is unique for this computer and will expire after the trail period and/or if windows reinstalled 

; you can change your own factors 4 as you like which is factor1 variable in the lisp ;;;; hint: don't use values more than 10
; you can change your own factors 50 as you like which is factor2 variable in the lisp

; you can change your own trial period which is ndays variable in the lisp code

(alert (strcat "HELLO YOU ARE NOW HAVE FULL ACCESS TO THE PROGRAM FOR " (rtos ndays 2 0) " DAYS"))

(defun c:BND (/ pt)
 (while (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick internal point: "))
   (command "_.-boundary" "_a" "_i" "_n" "" "" "_non" pt "")


(setq ndays 30) ;;; define trail period days
(setq factor1 4);;; define factor1
(setq factor2 50);;; define factor1



(alert "This Program Created By Eng.Mustapha Abdel Baset \n Please Like ,Subscribe And Share If You Like My work \n For contact Email me \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>")


(SETENVX "EXPIRED" 1) ;;; remove or comment this line to enable trail for n-days




(if (not (GETENVX "EXPIRED"))
(setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
(setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
(setq d2 (substr lock 1 )

(if (< (comparex d1 d2) -5) (alert "DATE AND TIME WERE CHANGED"))

(if (or (> (comparex d1 d2) ndays)(< (comparex d1 d2) -5))
(alert "expired")
;(alert "valid")

(PROTECTED-LISP) ;;; main function here



     (if (not (GETENVX "CODE"))
     (setq d1 (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)"))
  (setq lock (GETENVX "LOCK_TOFF"))
  (setq lock2 (substr lock 9 20))
  (setq lock3  (* (- (read (substr lock2 1 2)) factor1)(- (read (substr lock2 3 factor1)) 4) factor2) )

  (setq pcid (rtos (#Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial  "C:") 2 0))
  (setq pcid (substr pcid (max 1 (- (strlen pcid) 5)) 20))
  (setq first (vl-string-subst "" "/" (vl-string-subst "" "/" d1)))
  (SETENVX "LOCK3" (rtos (+ (* lock3 13) 1300) 2 0))
  (SETENVX "CODE" (strcat "LICESNE: " first pcid  "-" lock2))
  (alert (strcat (GETENVX "CODE") "\n contact me to get your new activation code \n <Eng.Mustafa1288@gmail.com>"))
  (inputbox  (GETENVX "CODE") "LISP EXPIRED" "")
  (if (and inputvalue (or (= (strcase inputvalue) "MUX")(= (read inputvalue) (/ (- (read (GETENVX "LOCK3")) 1300) 13))))
	(delenvx "EXPIRED")
	(delenvx "CODE")
	;;; main function here
    (progn (alert "NOT VALID KEY"))


(defun delenvx (var)
(vl-registry-delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun setenvx (var val)
(vl-registry-write "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var val)

(defun Getenvx (var)
(vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\TAKEOFF" var)

(defun comparex (d1 d2 / ALLDAYS DAY1 DAY2 DAY3 MO1 MO2 MO3 YR1 YR2 YR3)

        yr1 (read (substr d1 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo1 (read (substr d1 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day1 (read (substr d1 1 2))
 ;extract the day


        yr2 (read (substr d2 7 2))
  ;extract the year

         mo2 (read (substr d2 4 2))
  ;extract the month

        day2 (read (substr d2 1 2))
 ;extract the day


(if (> day1 day2)
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(setq day1 (+ day1 30))
(setq mo1 (- mo1 1))
(setq day3 (- day1 day2))

(if (> mo1 mo2)
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq mo1 (+ mo1 12))
(setq yr1 (- yr1 1))
(setq mo3 (- mo1 mo2))

(setq yr3 (- yr1 yr2))

(setq alldays (+ (* yr3 365) (* mo3 30) day3))


(defun rnd (/ modulus multiplier increment random)
 (if (not seed)
   (setq seed (getvar "DATE"))
 (setq modulus    65536
       multiplier 25173
       increment  13849
       seed  (rem (+ (* multiplier seed) increment) modulus)
       random     (/ seed modulus)

(defun getlock ()

(setq rand "123")
(while (or (not (equal 4 (strlen rand))) (not (read (substr rand 3 2)))(< (read (substr rand 3 2)) (1+ factor1)))
(setq rand (rtos (fix(* 10000 (rnd))) 2 0))
(SETENVX "LOCK_TOFF" (strcat (menucmd "M=$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DD/MO/YY)") rand))

;;; **** PC Hardware Functions ******
;;; *********************************

;;;                                                  				*
;;; Retrieves Hard Drive serial number                         		        *
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Arguments:                                       				*
;;; 		Path - Path of Hard Drive, for example "C:" (string)		*
;;;                                                  				*
;;; Output:                                          				*
;;;		Hard Drive serial number (integer) or NIL in case of error. 	*
;;;                                                  				*

(defun #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial(Path / fsObj hSn abPth cDrv)
     (setq fsObj(vlax-create-object "Scripting.FileSystemObject"))
  (setq abPth(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method
	       (list fsObj 'GetAbsolutePathName Path))
	       ); end setq
	   ); end vl-catch-all-error-p
	); end not
  ); end and
     (setq cDrv(vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDrive
       (vlax-invoke-method fsObj 'GetDriveName abPth
       ); end vlax-invoke-method
     );end vlax-invoke-method
    ); end setq
  (setq hSn(vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-get-property
    (list cDrv 'SerialNumber))))
      (vlax-release-object cDrv)
      (setq hSn nil)
    ); end progn
      ); end if
   (vlax-release-object fsObj)
   ); end progn
  ); end if
 ); end of #Asmi_Get_Drive_Serial


(defun inputbox (prompt title default)

 (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "inputbox.dcl"))
 (if (not (new_dialog "inputbox" dcl_id))

 (set_tile "prompt" prompt)
 (set_tile "title" title)
 (set_tile "eb1" default)
 (mode_tile "eb1" 2)

    (setq result nil)"
   "(setq inputvalue (get_tile \"eb1\"))
    (setq result T)"
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end of coding ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


Why this is not working ???

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