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Dimordinate An Arc


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An ordinate dimension only goes x,y cooridantes, what i'm looking for is to have the dimenison follow the arc. i like running a tape measure along the arc...i have a lisp routine that will copy an object along an arc so i was wondering if it was possible to run an ordinate along the arc?




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Maybe one of the chainage style lisps is what you want they can do XY, alternative is use divide or measure maybe with a block with attribute fields displaying X Y should do it.

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An ordinate dimension only goes x,y cooridantes,---- so I was wondering if it was possible to run an ordinate along the arc?


Perhaps you could post a picture of what you understand "an ordinate along an arc" to be. I am baffled by your words :?

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Is there any specific way to make those? What I mean is, are you manually placing each, or is there some sort of calculation like (equal space along length). The reason I'm asking is that it look rather randomly placed.


If it is manual, try using a DimArc then set it to not be associative. You can then copy it multiple times @0,0 and grip-drag it's point. You might need 2 dimstyles so your text can be placed over the 1st or the 2nd, in both cases turn off Dim Line 1 and 2 as well as the arrow heads to None. Play around with the other settings till your "dims" look correct.


But if it is a curve (POLYLINE / SPLINE) and you don't mind having them spaced evenly, then I'd go with one of the chainage lisps floating around. Just do a search.

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There was the other day a put a point anywhere on a pline post which is what your doing


A quick and dirty copy pline move 0,1000 pick a point original pline trim then lable end as its now pline length !


Delete pline put copy pline original back again move 0,-1000 do again.


Pretty sure there is a what is chainage of a pline at a point out there your case X,Y

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