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Break overlapping lines using endpoints


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Does anyone know any routine that allows, automatically, the break function, but with the points to be defined by endpoints? I need to make the break in overlapping lines.

I know and I use the excellent routine authored by CAB, "Breakall.lsp" but only works for intersections.

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I'm afraid that I don't understand what you were looking for. Can you, please, post a sketch of this case?



Thank you for your interest.

I attached the file.

I hope that is understandable.


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So, you were looking to join contiguous line segments into single line, not to break them. Please check the built-in JOIN command.

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So, you were looking to join contiguous line segments into single line, not to break them. Please check the built-in JOIN command.



No. Just the opposite. I intend to break the line 1 from the endpoints of the other overlapping lines.

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  • 4 weeks later...

No. Just the opposite. I intend to break the line 1 from the endpoints of the other overlapping lines.



I would like to resume the request for help was requested.

I am grateful to the one who can help.


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if I understand correctly, perhaps something like this...


(defun c:test (/ ENT ENT1 ENT2 I LEN1 LEN2 LNAME LST PT SS)
 (defun remdup (inlst / outlst)
   (while inlst
     (setq outlst (cons (nth 0 inlst) outlst)
    inlst  (vl-remove (nth 0 inlst) inlst)
     );; setq
   );; while
   (reverse outlst)
 );; remdup
 (if (setq ss (ssget ":L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
     (setq i 0
    len1 0
     );; setq
     (repeat (sslength ss)
(setq ent1 (ssname ss i)
      ent2 (entget ent1)
      len2 (distance (cdr (assoc 10 ent2)) (cdr (assoc 11 ent2)))
      i    (+ i 1)
);; setq
(if (> len2 len1)
  (setq len1  len2
 lname ent1
  );; setq
);; if
     );; repeat
     (ssdel lname ss)
     (setq i 0)
     (repeat (sslength ss)
(setq ent (ssname ss i)
      i   (1+ i)
      pt  (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))
      lst (append lst (list pt))
      pt  (cdr (assoc 11 (entget ent)))
      lst (append lst (list pt))
);; setq
     );; repeat
     (command "erase" ss "")
     (setq lst (remdup lst))
     (foreach pt lst
(command "_.break" "_non" pt "_f" "_non" "@" "_non" "@")
     );; foreach
   );; progn
 );; if
);; test


hope that helps


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if I understand correctly, perhaps something like this...


(defun c:test (/ ENT ENT1 ENT2 I LEN1 LEN2 LNAME LST PT SS)
 (defun remdup (inlst / outlst)
   (while inlst
     (setq outlst (cons (nth 0 inlst) outlst)
    inlst  (vl-remove (nth 0 inlst) inlst)
     );; setq
   );; while
   (reverse outlst)
 );; remdup
 (if (setq ss (ssget ":L" '((0 . "LINE"))))
     (setq i 0
    len1 0
     );; setq
     (repeat (sslength ss)
(setq ent1 (ssname ss i)
      ent2 (entget ent1)
      len2 (distance (cdr (assoc 10 ent2)) (cdr (assoc 11 ent2)))
      i    (+ i 1)
);; setq
(if (> len2 len1)
  (setq len1  len2
 lname ent1
  );; setq
);; if
     );; repeat
     (ssdel lname ss)
     (setq i 0)
     (repeat (sslength ss)
(setq ent (ssname ss i)
      i   (1+ i)
      pt  (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))
      lst (append lst (list pt))
      pt  (cdr (assoc 11 (entget ent)))
      lst (append lst (list pt))
);; setq
     );; repeat
     (command "erase" ss "")
     (setq lst (remdup lst))
     (foreach pt lst
(command "_.break" "_non" pt "_f" "_non" "@" "_non" "@")
     );; foreach
   );; progn
 );; if
);; test


hope that helps



Dear hmsilva, appreciate the attention. Unfortunately it is not working the way you want and need.

Furthermore returns an error: Invalid point, polygon segment is zero length.

; error: Function cancelled

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tested with your dwg, and gives no error...







Yes indeed testing darwin in the specific example, it gives no error.

However, this was just an example. I attached another example in which the routine no longer works. In resume, i need to do the routine breakpoint on all endpoints of overlapping lines. The resulting lines should be kept.


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