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Comparing coordinates of two points


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I have drawn a line, an arc, and another line which make continuous object (endpoint of first line is the startpoint of an arc and endpoint of an arc is the startpoint of the second line).


Problem occurs when I compare coordinates of an endopoint of the previous element to the startpoint of the next element. Something like this:


if line1.endpoint(0)=arc1.startpoint(0) and line1.endpoint(1)=arc1.startpoint(1) then ...

end if


The program just skips that part of the code like the coordinates do not match. I've been busting my head with this for quite a while and can't find the solution. It becomes even more awkward because rarely it works just fine, and I haven't found the cause why it sometimes works and why in most of the cases it doesn't.


And what amazes me the most is when I get him to write all the startpoints and all the endpoints of all the elements, they match perfectly, to the 11th decimal place.


If someone knows the solution to this, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance

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PocToc = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Odaberite pocetnu tocku trase")

ZadToc = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Odaberite zadnju tocku trase")


For Each SOS In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets

If SOS.Name = "MySS" Then


Exit For

End If



ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add ("MySS")

Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("MySS")



If objSS.Count

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For Each objent In objSS
       Select Case objent.ObjectName
       Case "AcDbLine"
           Set Pravac = objent
                L = L + Pravac.Length
If (Pravac.StartPoint(0) = PocToc(0)) And (Pravac.StartPoint(1) = PocToc(1)) Then
               PrvaTocka(0) = PocToc(0)
               PrvaTocka(1) = PocToc(1)
               PrvaTocka(2) = PocToc(2)
               DrugaTocka(0) = Pravac.EndPoint(0)
               DrugaTocka(1) = Pravac.EndPoint(1)
               DrugaTocka(2) = Pravac.EndPoint(2)
               PlusMinus = True
               End If
               If (Pravac.EndPoint(0) = PocToc(0)) And (Pravac.EndPoint(1) = PocToc(1)) Then
               PrvaTocka(0) = PocToc(0)
               PrvaTocka(1) = PocToc(1)
               PrvaTocka(2) = PocToc(2)
               DrugaTocka(0) = Pravac.StartPoint(0)
               DrugaTocka(1) = Pravac.StartPoint(1)
               DrugaTocka(2) = Pravac.StartPoint(2)
               PlusMinus = True
               End If

'<<<<<KRUZNI LUK>>>>>
       Case "AcDbArc"
           Set Luk = objent
           L = L + Luk.ArcLength
           Lluk = Luk.ArcLength
           Rluk = Luk.Radius
           PlusMinus = False
'Ako luk nije prvi element trase
   'Ako je startpoint luka jednak drugoj tocki
           If Luk.StartPoint(0) = DrugaTocka(0) And Luk.StartPoint(1) = DrugaTocka(1) Then
           PrvaTocka(0) = Luk.StartPoint(0)
           PrvaTocka(1) = Luk.StartPoint(1)
           PrvaTocka(2) = Luk.StartPoint(2)
           DrugaTocka(0) = Luk.EndPoint(0)
           DrugaTocka(1) = Luk.EndPoint(1)
           DrugaTocka(2) = Luk.EndPoint(2)
           PlusMinus = True
           n = 10
           End If
   'Ako je endpoint luka jednak drugoj tocki
           If Luk.EndPoint(0) = DrugaTocka(0) And Luk.EndPoint(1) = DrugaTocka(1) Then
           PrvaTocka(0) = Luk.EndPoint(0)
           PrvaTocka(1) = Luk.EndPoint(1)
           PrvaTocka(2) = Luk.EndPoint(2)
           DrugaTocka(0) = Luk.StartPoint(0)
           DrugaTocka(1) = Luk.StartPoint(1)
           DrugaTocka(2) = Luk.StartPoint(2)
           PlusMinus = True
           n = 12
           End If
           If PlusMinus = True Then
       'pocetna tocka luka
           Set linija1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PrvaTocka, Luk.Center)
           Set Krug = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PrvaTocka, SirCest / 3.5)
           sjeciste = linija1.IntersectWith(Krug, acExtendNone)
           Set PopLin = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PrvaTocka, sjeciste)
           PopLin.Move sjeciste, PrvaTocka
           Set Kruzic = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PrvaTocka, SirCest / 3.5)
       'sredisnja tocka luka
           Set linija1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(PrvaTocka, Luk.Center)
           Set linija2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(DrugaTocka, Luk.Center)
           linija1.Rotate PrvaTocka, pi / 2
           linija2.Rotate DrugaTocka, pi / 2
           sjeciste = linija1.IntersectWith(linija2, acExtendBoth)
           Set linija2 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(sjeciste, Luk.Center)
           SredisnjaTockaLuka = linija2.IntersectWith(Luk, acExtendNone)
           Set Krug = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(SredisnjaTockaLuka, SirCest / 3.5)
           Set linija1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(SredisnjaTockaLuka, Luk.Center)
           sjeciste = linija1.IntersectWith(Krug, acExtendNone)
           Set PopLin = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(SredisnjaTockaLuka, sjeciste)
           PopLin.Move sjeciste, SredisnjaTockaLuka
           Set Kruzic = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(SredisnjaTockaLuka, SirCest / 3.5)
'------>Ostali profili na luku
   'Ako je luk duzi od razmaka profila
           If Lluk > RazProf Then
               Alfa = (Lostatak * 180) / pi * Rluk
               ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt Alfa & vbCrLf
               Set linija1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(Luk.Center, PrvaTocka)
               linija1.Rotate Alfa
               sjeciste2 = linija1.IntersectWith(Luk, acExtendNone)
                   If sjeciste2(0) = 0 And sjeciste2(1) = 0 Then
                       Alfa = -1 * Alfa
                       linija1.Rotate (2 * Alfa)
                       sjeciste2 = linija1.IntersectWith(Luk, acExtendNone)
                   End If
               Set linija1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(sjeciste2, Luk.Center)
               Set Krug = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(sjeciste2, SirCest / 3.5)
               sjeciste = linija1.IntersectWith(Krug, acExtendNone)
               Set PopLin = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(sjeciste2, sjeciste)
               PopLin.Move sjeciste, sjeciste2
               Set Kruzic = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(PrvaTocka, SirCest / 3.5)
           End If
           PlusMinus = False
           End If
       End Select

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I have drawn a line, an arc, and another line which make continuous object (endpoint of first line is the startpoint of an arc and endpoint of an arc is the startpoint of the second line).


Problem occurs when I compare coordinates of an endopoint of the previous element to the startpoint of the next element using VBA code. Something like this:


if line1.endpoint(0)=arc1.startpoint(0) and line1.endpoint(1)=arc1.startpoint(1) then


end if


The program just skips that part of the code like the coordinates do not match. I've been busting my head with this for quite a while and can't find the solution. It becomes even more awkward because on some occasions it works just fine, and I haven't found the cause why it sometimes works and why in most of the cases it doesn't.


And what amazes me the most is when I get VBA to write all the startpoints and all the endpoints of all the elements, they match perfectly, to the 11th decimal place.


If someone knows the solution to this, I'd be most grateful. Thanks in advance

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The problem lies in that the coordinates do not match EXACTLY, there is a very, very small difference. The coordinates you see are to a certain precision, but when values are calculated their precision is sometimes more than that displayed. Although they look the same they are not.


Try something that introduces a fuzzy match, something like:


If Abs(line1.EndPoint(0) - arc1.StartPoint(0) < 0.00001 _
And Abs(line1.EndPoint(1) - arc1.StartPoint(0) < 0.00001 Then
    The rest of your code
end If

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